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  1. I know it's a detail but ladder in model of new Firestorm APC "Bison" shoud be little shorter in my opinion because it almost hit groud and penetrate texture every time when tires work and in my opinion it spoils realism(I know this game is not realistic but still).
  2. Theres no aiming animation in Renegade X when we play for example: Sakura or Havoc. I was introducing the game to two friends who hadn't played before and they said it was very weird and spoiled the immersion. Why, for example, an ordinary soldier has aiming animations and does not stand like a log and Havoc only when he shoots. Is this a bug?
  3. and my nick is PedroBalboa! i played from a different account
  4. 3-4pm in GMT+1 time zone
  5. next time i will try to record
  6. i used repair gun. iam sure nobody was there. I died 4 time because of this c4. it was still in same place. did not disappear after the explosion
  7. I played on Allnoobs server on Under map and in the Nod tunnel i met strange indestructable Remote C4 which works like proximity c4 and explode every time when iam trying to disarm it. When i tried to kick owner cause cheating or another using bugs, others flamed me "lol". idk whats that. did anybody can tell me?
  8. Welcome to the forums.    I hope you enjoy the game.   :)

    1. Neffaris


      Thanks, I've been playing for a long time. First C&C Renegade and now Renegade X:)


  9. thank you:) my english is not on high level so I thought its important warning. Can i just turn off my firewall?
  10. can I just turn off my firewall?
  11. thank you:) my english is not on high level so I thought its important warning
  12. I want to create private server and i see this errors. I see server on list but i cant join
  13. It is possible to show only big map(key M) on one screen and the rest of game on another?
  14. Poszukujemy ludzi z Polski do wspólnej gry. Dołącz do grupy na facebook'u https://www.facebook.com/groups/287863138530450/ która zrzesza polskich graczy Renegade X i C&C Renegade. Czekamy na ciebie !
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