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  1. Maybe Nod except Christmas tree could have Kane's posters etc. ? Nod has different religon.
  2. So I will learn how to make things with SDK.
  3. It may sound stupid but it'd be nice if there was a 'Convoy' gamemode. E.g. Nod needs to transport a harvester or APC from point A to B and GDI must destroy it. My idea is based on C&C Renegade beginning cutscene.
  4. Blue :')
  5. When I select in main menu skirmish, then select map and then set number of bots to 16 and play the game, 8 bots appear only in GDI. I've tried with console, vote menu. Nothing worked.
  6. Ok thanks!
  7. Hello. I have played some time with the console and binded god mode to 0. How I can clear this bind or how to set it to defaults?
  8. Everything works properly . Thank you for trying to help me.
  9. The game saw that something is wrong and now it's finishing update to 5.271
  10. Then how do I update the game? Verify game integrity doesn't work.
  11. Some days ago I have downloaded Renegade X. Everything was OK. Yesterday I saw an pop-up with update from 5.27 to 5.27 then I clicked update button. Next time I ran the launcher there again was update from 5.27 to 5.27. After selecting options in launcher and Verify Game Integrity an error appeared: Renegade X could not be verified. The following exception occurred: Value cannot be zero. Parameter name: source. (I am from Poland so i've got this to translate to english.) The same happened to Reset Game button. And please check the log I have attached to this post. My game version shown at the bottom of launcher window is Open Beta 5.27-dev. Is it an unstable version? Thank you! Launch.log
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