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About SonnyX

  • Birthday 06/08/1994

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    The Netherlands

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  1. To make clear what the intentions are as previously iterated by my fellow developers: - Any donations for RenX/FS will go towards either: the development of RenX/FS, game distribution infrastructure, game hosting infrastructure, and hosting of other critical server infrastructure like websites, our CI/CD systems, etc. - No volunteer of RenX/FS receives, nor will ever receive, monetary compensation for their work on RenX/FS; as it always has been, and always will be. - Certain technical/artistic skills are not available within our volunteer team, we may use part of the donations towards financing the assets created using that route. - In case we ever decide to stray away from EA IP, these donations will never go towards the development of the new IP, and a separate donation pool and button will be setup in that scenario. Sonny.
  2. SonnyX


    Moderators of `Constructive Tyranny` have let me know that this was an event that happened on their server, which falls under their jurisdiction. Each server sets its own rules and they are free to kick/ban players if the player disobeys those rules. If you want to appeal your kick/ban then I'd suggest going over to their discord at: http://discord.tyrant.gg/ Locked since this is unrelated to the base game of RenegadeX
  3. Hey there! It indeed downloads and installs a RenegadeX Installer, however instead of installing RenegadeX, it installs the SDK to your machine! Thus any messages regarding downloading in the launcher are about downloading the SDK. If you require more specific help, then let me know and provide me with more information so that we know what your specific issue is! Greetings, Sonny
  4. We're all fans of C&C Renegade, no worries in sharing some knowledge, maybe interrest them in RenegadeX a bit
  5. As the main developer of the TotemArts launchers, I can say that we are currently very near releasing a new launcher which should mitigate most issues had by the current launcher. Although the new launcher will still have cases where it gets stuck at a certain percentage, this is not as common anymore as before and even these issues are now combat-able as even the network code has been written from scratch. Unlike the previous launcher, the new launcher makes sure that after a shutdown of the program, the maximum data that has to be redownloaded can be 1MB per in-progress file. Expect this new launcher to come out in the coming week(s).
  6. SonnyX

    QA Framework

    Interresting read, I definitely like most of the suggested QA procedures. I have been thinking of making a personalized QA framework for Totem Arts recently as Jira and the likes do not actually provide the necessary management required for an volunteer based team such as ours. Currently I'm working out what and how things should work and be implemented in such a QA framework, as an example: - Automated distributed testing tasks among the testers or an "contract" system, for accepting the contract of testing a task. - Based on what files were changed in version control since the last major release: require certain testing tasks. - Full integration in our CI/CD system. - More?
  7. Can you try with Windows Vista compatibility mode instead?
  8. Problem was resolved by reinstalling the operating system, most likely it was caused by corrupted or missing system libraries. Launch.log included for future references. Launch.log
  9. Cough, Intel Core i7-8565U @ 1.80GHz has a single thread performance of 2339 on CPUbenchmark.net I'd say 1900 is the minimum viable to play this game, 2500 is recommended and the absolute best on the market is about 2900 at the moment. AMD FX cpu's score way below 1900 for reference and thus are horrible for this game. Blue screens are very hard to get nowadays and should not be caused by thermals generally as cpu's and gpu's are programmed to lower their clock-speeds when they get hot, thus self-limiting themselves, unless your cooling is totally broken and your cpu or gpu temperatures exceed 90 degrees celsius, it shouldn't be an issue. Stability due to overclocking, undervolting or overvolting can be an issue, and can result in blue screens.
  10. Confirmed to be fixed in the next patch! Thanks for reporting!
  11. Have you tried the "Reset Game" in the launcher yet? Also what graphics card is in your laptop? And did you set RenegadeX to use your dedicated graphics card?
  12. I cannot say for RenegadeForums.com; however, no matter the case, you will still have our forums to enjoy for a long time to last
  13. Send me a message on discord tomorrow, I'll help u out further there.
  14. Can you show me the output of the following? cd "$( ls -1tqd ~/.cargo/git/checkouts/xdelta-*/*/ | head -n 1 )" || exit ls -1tq ./lzma-sys/xz/
  15. Is it since the latest patch or did you only recently start playing again?
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