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About This File

Nod and GDI control opposite sides of a tropical island. Each teams buildings are separated by a cliff; Infantry and Auto Defence Structures on the outer beach and Vehicle and Refinery Structures on the inner beach. The separating cliff hosts a short tunnel which has access to additional purchase terminals and a security office. The office contains an alarm system and it powers automated ceiling turrets. The tunnel system is also home the teams power plant; with no external structure exposed, the power plants are only vulnerable to direct infiltration.

The most direct route to across the Island leaves players vulnerable to attack from various sniper perches situated within the cliff and tunnel systems. An adjacent volcano provides an alternate route for infantry and vehicles, providing cover and the possibility to flank enemy defences.

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Away from the beaches and surrounding the volcano is a dense jungle, providing plenty of cover which can be utilised to ambush or sneak past opponents. The jungle is rich in tiberium, team harvesters will drive a short distance into the jungle to gather resources. There are 2 capturable tiberium silos at either end of the jungle, a team which controls both silos simultaneously will unlock tiberium weaponry for use with any character, to be collected from the refinery.

On the edge of the volcano, a communications centre sits atop a pool of lava, successfully capturing the site will improve the teams radar capabilities as well activate 2 additional purchase terminals within the main base tunnel systems, greatly aiding with defence.

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There are 2 download versions avaliable:

  • 5.0 - Latest build
  • 4.0 - Old build (no water blocking volumes, no volcano path)


Trailer (Version_2.0)


Change-log Archive


** Paradise Version 4.2 - 12/06/2017 - Change-log **

*Security Office*
- Fixed security office console spam
- Building notifications draw distance increased
- Fixed Nod ventilation shaft alarm trigger
- Added texture for Nod ceiling turrets
- Lowered MCT health
- Added additional camera (PP entrance)

*Volcano and Jungle*
- Added more rocks to lava pools
- Bubbling lava edited
- Added lava emitters
- Lava sound is now a sound spline
- Dimmed tiberium lighting effects
- Fixed cave kill volume bug
- Added more emitters to waterfall
- Jungle heavily optimised

- Added more containers to GDI Base
- GDI end game pedestal code fixed
- Removed collision from trees inside Barracks
- Cosmetic changes to GDI beach
- Added reflection effect to weapons Factory floor
- Added more crates inside of WF
- Additional walls in WF now display as damaged when building is destroyed
- Changes around Nod Air tower beach
- Adjusted positioning of Nod turret to increase its effectiveness
- Added blocking volumes to stop pirates bombarding buildings so much
- Fixed refinery roof exploits
- Added static lights to both bases
- Added actual door to end game pedestal rooms
- Added lights to end game pedestal doors

- Added grassy side paths to centre infantry route
- Added additional entrance to base via volcano path on both sides
- Updated minimap
- 1 in 5 chance of "Midnight Paradise"
- Number of active crates changed to 6 from 5
- Sea sound is now a sound spline
- Added tiberium decals
- Fog and global lighting slightly changed
- Cliffs edited
- Spotting volumes adjusted
- Fixed some shadow errors
- Fixed water materials
- Various "stuck spots" fixed
- Various texture changes
- Package size reduction
- Further optimisations


** Paradise Version 4.2.1 Quick-fix - Change-log **

- Blocked access to barracks roof
- Corrected landscape in various locations
- Removed waterfall underwater post-process due to bugs
- Removed accidentally placed mesh behind Nod Refinery
- Fixed floating grass
- Fixed floating rock
- Fixed Nod turret stand
- Added knocked over coffee to GDI security office...


** Paradise Version 4.1 - 01/05/2017 - Change-log **

*Security Office*
- Disabled security office controllable camera system due to bugs
- Added more static cameras
- Added button to change additional cameras
- Added ceiling turret status display
- Adjusted Auto-turret respawn times (3-minutes)
- Collision on MCT fixed
- Added coffee, doughnuts and bitches

*Volcano and Jungle*
- Slightly adjusted temple ruins to make them climbable without the aid of vehicles
- Grass and tree render distance adjusted
- Added a lot of jungle rocks
- Added lava rocks to side of bridges
- Small adjustments to volcano

- Fixed AGT Lag (This was caused by setting range multiplier really high)
- Added rocks to back of Infantry Barracks
- Extended rear of Weapons Factory
- Changed HON floor texture
- Added lights to HON and Obelisk
- Opened side path around Nod base cliff
- Added side path to GDI base cliffs
- Fixed GDI club lights
- Very slightly increased base entrance size, to help bot’s navigation
- Added purchasable shots of rum at McFarland’s Tiki Bar
- GDI Nightclub becomes "Club Bendoza"
- End game pedestal is now functioning (accessible after 60 minutes)

- Fixed communications centre additional purchase terminals
- Added Mini-map!
- Added Load-screen
- Added Pirates!
- Slight adjustments to cliffs
- Removed collision on every out-of-bounds object (assuming this will increase performance)
- Various other optimisations


** Paradise Version 3.0 - 14/11/2016 - Changelog **

*Volcano and Jungle*
- Lava lake now bubbles
- Removed Lava collisions
- Fixed lava kill volumes
- Rock textures changed
- Added Temple Ruins
- Added Jungle Waterfall
- New Jungle sounds
- Updated Mammoth MKII
- Placed new bushes in jungle
- Added official communications centre

*Security Office*
- Fixed camera issues
- Added second entrance to security office with additional PT and Spawn point
- Added more base security cameras
- Added Communications Centre camera (when captured)
- Removed ability to hack into other teams CCTV
- Added respawning ceiling turrets and flame turrets
- Ceiling turrets are disabled when security office is destroyed
- Added alarm system and indicators for building infiltration

- Repositioned Obelisk and AGT
- Added more rocks to beach
- Terrain Adjustments
- Removed Kane Hologram collision
- Fixed light source texture in GDI Club
- Set mine and vehicle limits
- 4 additional crate locations
- Vehicle Theater camo added
- Added more spotting volumes
- Collecting tiberium weapon sound fixed
- Various Optimisation


** Paradise Version 2.0 - 09/08/2016 - Changelog **


- Terrain Adjustments

- Middle 'Island' adjusted to block exploits

- Sorted side rope bridge collisions

- Included more spotting volumes

- Team specific endgame cam fixed

- Added collision to palm trees

- Found those missing textures

- Adjusted tiberium in cave

- Moved some volcano rocks

- Changed volcano Smoke

- Added occasional volcano rumble

- Added various vehicle blocking volumes

- Improved Mammoth MK. II Ladders

- Raised Nod Towers

- Fixed lighting on lockers

- Repositioned tiberium weapon centers

- Removed broken purchase terminals

- Communications Center now correctly activates tunnel terminals

- Added Door to Security Offices

- Installed Security Office Alarm System

- Improved CCTV Camera controls

- Layout of maintenance tunnels changed so it's much easier to defend

- Added Kane Hologram to Temple of Nod

- Added Light inside Weapons Factory

- Added Auto Defense Flame Thrower Tower in Maintenance

- Fixed ceiling turrets

- Ceiling turrets removed until a fix is found

- Various Optimizations

What's New in Version 5.0


** Paradise Version 5.0 - 09/04/2019 - Change-log **

- Added interior of Volcano
- Fixed missing sounds, models and textures
- Added new bird sounds
- Reduced amount of sound nodes in the Jungle
- Disabled hidden areas
- Removed some trees and rocks to increase mobility of tanks in Jungle
- Removed ceiling turret mini-map icons
- Moved a CCTV camera to inside the volcano
- Slightly reworked surrounding islands
- Updated mini-map
- Added precomputed visibility volumes
- Various other optimisations and improvements 

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   8 of 8 members found this review helpful 8 / 8 members

The largest and most detailed map in the game.

Most of the buildings are slightly modified with additional walls or ladders. Map features Security Room with MCT for both teams, with cameras situated in various locations around the base. There are ceiling turrets that will re-spawn as long as the Security Room is active.

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