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There should be a choice for server owners to enable "Suggested starting credits." and each map would have a set amound that it would start with VS always the same amount to start with on each map.



Start Credits: $1000

the map has base defenses, is large and pointless for everyone to buy a free character and kill 3 minutes waiting for the harvester to get back well trying to defend their own.


Start Credits $400

The harvester moves fast when it gets to the refinery as the tiberium is a short drive away. Also no base defenses.


Start Credits: 500

Tiberium is a good distance away, but there are no base defenses.


Refinery's are more efficient on one map VS another because maybe...

The people operating it are more experienced?

The refinery is new and all the machinery is working at max capacity?


Multiple harvesters?

I just always hate how money is the same on every map nomatter the size or anything, especially on large maps where 1 team ALWAYS ends up trapped in their base and they can't do crap because the harvy keeps dieing and they have no money.



Start Credits: $6/Sec Fast rate: Slow map with slow harvisting. (Sereously why would you put the refinary in the back of the base farthest away from the tib?)


Start Credits $2/Sec Normal rate, small fast harvester'd map.


Start Credits: $4/Sec Med rate, large map with fairly speedy harvester.


I am going to go be bored somewhere else now, later.


Nobody ever needed starting credits or higher ref-credit-rates. I know it is common on marathon-servers but marathon servers suck!

Too much camping, to high playercounts and too less teamplay as a reason of that two facts before.

I think there should be no option to deactivate the timelimit and a maximum for timelimits to prevent this BIG marathon shit! It destroys Renegade.


Its all server-configuration, it will be possible, so dont worry! But we never will force this kind of settings!

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