Moderator Killah Posted February 3, 2023 Moderator Posted February 3, 2023 Hello all, I would like to suggest some alterations to spotting. Also, everything included in doing so i.e on screen notification behavior and possible tweaks for the amount of time the target appears on your map. Perhaps the current state of things is for good reason. I apologize if this has been covered somewhere in the past. My opinion is based off of my experience in PUG as I do not play public games very often. How I see things is also impacted by my play style, typically I am a frontline tanker or Anti-Tank but I do dabble into infantry depending on the map. It’s embarrassing to admit but it’s 50/50 whether I’m even contributing as a spotter. I have ADHD and get so wrapped up in everything that I forget it’s bound to my side mouse button. Fast forward. We’re on Toxicity this last PUG as Nod. There is a ton of GDI tanks holding position on the hilly terrain just a little South of their Western Tiberium Field exit. Darkfish has requested targets to be spotted for a possible Fishstrike. That sounds like a good idea. Why haven’t I already been spotting like I should….I feel dumb. Alright so I’m determined to keep all the targets on the map for Fishy and to continue to support this effort to improve team awareness. Checking the map apparently GDI has no presence. I try my best to only spot each tank or infantry I see once. As to not clutter the radio commands. In the heat of things maneuvering and firing I may duplicate a few spots because the box marker hadn’t left the last tank I moused over and even though I’m not looking directly at the target anymore the spot action continues to repeat that target. I’m trying to spot the one tank hull down in the little dip over there. But missed him barely because he maneuvered back and out of sight. But in doing so I’ve sent duplicate spots causing the feed to get cluttered blocking other commands that could possibly be more important. I suggest only one command can be sent for each spotted enemy per player until it disappears from the map. A follow up spot quick enough usually adds the >> and “focus that vehicle” instead of just a regular spot or adding a new line. Another level should be added to this not taking up another line of the radio feed but emphasizes this target again in some interesting way. Also pesky infantry in the distance are hard to track perfectly. Spamming spot to be sure to get them marked is the best way to be sure they are being tracked on the map. Implementing only one radio slot with 3 different phases could reduce this clutter and retain the emphasis if it’s needed or not. As for buildings multiple spots is meant to make something very important stand out. This should remain. They are big and unmoving if someone is spamming it’s hopefully for a good reason. The next change I’d like to suggest is to the time vehicles remain spotted on the map. The timer seems very very short. I’ve heard someone say it’s 30 seconds. It’s no where near that. I spotted all of those tanks and continue checking the map to see when they have disappeared so that I can spot them again when they do. I’m not exactly sure on the limit set but it seems to be in the range of 5-10 seconds. I spotted 7 or more tanks plus infantry and the feed is still full. To keep them on the map I’m forced to flood the feed. Increasing the time spotted on the map would clear up the feed. As it is I can’t keep everyone spotted any other way but locking out the feed. It’s not even my new spot commands popping up yet and they have disappeared off the map and need to be spotted again. I have the big map bound to tab so that I can easily switch between. But with the way things are I’m left feeling torn between being forced to spam so that the enemy is on the map or just forget about it because I know my team needs to use the radio feed as well. Soon enough I choose to forget spotting again because yes it’s useful but I can’t use it effectively without blowing up the feed. Some tweaks would be appreciated. If that’s a ton of work to change then that’s probably why we just keep it the way it is. But if it’s not consider some of these ideas. Or someone expand with their input! If you know an easier way by all means I’d love to hear! Infantry time spotted on the map should remain the same. Longer spot times for them may not have desirable outcomes. Thank you, Killah 2 Quote
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