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I'm not sure which subject this is called (I dont think it's the Launcher EXE issue), please direct me if there's an existing thread.

Win 10, using full screen mode for the game, I have the recent version, I changed no settings before this error occurred:

  1. I started the game using the launcher.
  2. Game loaded (new window) - splash banner showed until the new window went full screen.
  3. I briefly saw the Hovercraft menu screen,
  4. then I got kicked back to Win10 desktop view (the game window minimized, but was still loaded).
  5. I clicked the existing Game Icon (in taskbar) > to maximize its window.
  6. Briefly saw the Hovercraft screen,
  7. Got kicked back to Win 10 desktop again.


  1. I closed the Game window. Loaded the game manually without the launcher > used UDK.exe > same problem (game loads then kicks to Win10).


  1. I restarted Win10 > Loaded game without the Launcher again (used UDK.exe).
  2. Now it worked (no kick back > was able to load a map), but my INIs reset. (My prior keybinds worked for 20 games prior to this error, so I don't think it was a keybind error.)

The only thing I can think of is the last time I played, I used Task Manager to force quit the game (after it already loaded). But i've done this 30 times before since it's the fastest way to quit, and it never glitched my INIs.

1) What is the issue?

2) Why did the INIs reset? (If this was a built-in precaution for game errors, then GG, but it should auto backup the prior INI, so we can at least reference.)

3) Any way to auto backup Keybinds? (I made copies of INIs, but not the last change.)

Also FYI posting if someone else has this issue, backup your recent INIs before restarting the com. Ty

2 hours ago, yosh56 said:

Inis reset due to Daylight savings time.


..... you read that correctly

Lol. Time hax if true. I'll backup more often then. What is the [character] to comment out lines in the INIs? It used to be ;

; comment


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