ShrewdTactician Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 Moved the list to the wiki. See ======================================= ========== WORK IN PROGRESS ========== ======================================= The format describes how the setting is written.(I) is a number. (B) is a True or False (S) is text. Settings List Admins Steam Auto LoginLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControlParameter: bSteamAuthAdminsFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bSteamAuthAdmins=FalseExplanation: Automatic granting of administration privilages (from the server (as per adminlogin)) based on the user's Steam ID. If I remember correctly. (from Fffreak9999)Verified: FALSE Allow BotsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bBotsDisabledFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bBotsDisabled=FalseExplanation: Are bots allowed on the server.Verified: TRUE Allow PowerUp DropsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bAllowPowerUpDropFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bAllowPowerUpDrop=trueExplanation: When a player dies, should there be a such as random drop such as Health, Armour and Ammo (from Fffreak9999)Verified: FALSE Allow private messagingLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bAllowPrivateMessagingFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bAllowPrivateMessaging=TrueExplanation: Can players private message each other.Verified: FALSE Allow private messaging with team onlyLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bPrivateMessageTeamOnlyFormat: (B)Default:Examples: bPrivateMessageTeamOnly=FalseExplanation: Can players private message only their team mates.Verified: FALSE Balance TeamsLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: UTGame.UTTeamGameParameter: bPlayersBalanceTeamsFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bPlayersBalanceTeams=TRUEExplanation: Should the server balance the teams at match start.Verified: FALSE Bot attack %Location: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: (NOD/GDI)AttackingValueFormat: (I)Default: BLANKExamples: GDIAttackingValue=75Explanation: How much the bots will try to attack, vs defend.Verified: TRUE Bot CountLocation: CommandlineSection: N/AParameter: (NOD/GDI)BotCountFormat: (I)Default: BLANKExamples: udk.exe server CNC-Field?NODBotCount=8?GDIBotCount=8Explanation: How many bots to put into the server.Verified: TRUE Bot SkillLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: [NOD/GDI]DifficultyFormat: (I)Default: BLANKExamples: NodDifficulty=60Explanation: Skill level of the bots.Verified: FALSE Broadcast adminsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControlParameter: bBroadcastAdminIdentityFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bBroadcastAdminIdentity=FalseExplanation: Should the server announce when admins login.Verified: FALSE Can admin pause gameLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: bAdminCanPauseFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bAdminCanPause=falseExplanation: Can the server admins pause the game.Verified: FALSE Can Change LevelsLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: bChangeLevelsFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bChangeLevels=FalseExplanation: Can mods change the map.Verified: FALSE Client processing timeLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: ClientProcessingTimeoutFormat: (I)Default: 30Examples: ClientProcessingTimeout=300Explanation: How long player’s computers have to load a map before being dropped.Verified: FALSE Crate respawn timeLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: CrateRespawnAfterPickupFormat: (I)Default: 30Examples: CrateRespawnAfterPickup=30.000000Explanation: How long after being picked up should the create respawn.Verified: FALSE Disable Demo RequestsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bDisableDemoRequestsFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bDisableDemoRequests=FalseExplanation: Should players be able to start a demo recording on the server. See Demos in info section.Verified: FALSE Donations disable timeLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: DonationsDisabledTimeFormat: (I)Default: 180Examples: DonationsDisabledTime=180Explanation: How long until donations can be made.Verified: FALSE Dynamic Bandwidth (!) Currently ignored.Location: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: (Max/Min)DynamicBandwidthFormat: (I)Default: 7000/4000Examples: MaxDynamicBandwidth=7000Explanation: How much bandwidth to user per player. Is an older feature used for changing player maxclientrate based on their ping.Verified: FALSE Fixed match rotationLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bFixedMapRotationFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bFixedMapRotation=FalseExplanation: Should the map list rotation be enforced. No vote for map selection, etc.Verified: TRUE Force player readyLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: UTGame.UTGameParameter: bPlayersMustBeReadyFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bPlayersMustBeReady=falseExplanation: Should the game wait for the players to mark themselves ready before starting the match.Verified: FALSE Force respawnLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: UTGame.UTGameParameter: bForceRespawnFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bForceRespawn=trueExplanation: Force player to respawn after spawn timer, or allow player to sit on class selection after spawn timer.Verified: TRUE Game PasswordLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.AccessControlParameter: GamePasswordFormat: (S)Default: BLANKExamples: GamePassword=secretpasswordExplanation: The server password for players to use to get into the server.Verified: FALSE Gore LevelLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: GoreLevelFormat: (I)Default: 6Examples: GoreLevel=6Explanation: How gory the deaths are.Verified: FALSE HTTP Download CompressedLocation: UDKEngine.iniSection: IpDrv.HTTPDownloadParameter: UseCompressionFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: UseCompression=FalseExplanation: Are the files in the http download location compressed?Verified: TRUE HTTP Download URLLocation: UDKEngine.iniSection: IpDrv.HTTPDownloadParameter: RedirectToURLFormat: (S)Default: RedirectToURL= The URL location of the files for players to download. All files must be in the root. Must include ending slash. Cannot be an alternate port (Must be port 80). The default is a dev hosted repo for maps.Verified: TRUE Ingame admin IP'sLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.AccessControlParameter: IPPoliciesFormat: ACCEPT;[IP's]Default: ACCEPT;*Examples: IPPolicies=ACCEPT;*Explanation: The IP's that are allowed for admins to login to the game. Supports wildcardsVerified: FALSE Log RCONLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bLogRconFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bLogRcon=trueExplanation: Should RCON events be logged.Verified: FALSE Map ListLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: UTGame.UTGameParameter: GameSpecificMapCyclesFormat: ((GameClassName="Rx_Game",Maps=("[map1]","[map2]"))Default: GameSpecificMapCycles=(GameClassName="Rx_Game",Maps=("CNC-Field","CNC-Walls_Flying","CNC-GoldRush","CNC-Whiteout","CNC-Islands","CNC-LakeSide","CNC-Mesa","CNC-Volcano","CNC-Xmountain","CNC-Canyon","CNC-Complex","CNC-Under"))Examples:Explanation: List of maps to have in the server rotation. Doesn’t need the extension on the map name.Verified: TRUE Match time limitLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: CnCModeTimeLimitFormat: (I)Default: 30Examples: CnCModeTimeLimit=45Explanation: How long does a match go for.Verified: TRUE Max Client RateLocation: UDKEngine.iniSection: IpDrv.TcpNetDriverParameter: MaxClientRate & MaxInternetClientRateFormat: (I)Default: 15000Examples: MaxClientRate=40000Explanation: How much bandwidth is sent to each player.Verified: TRUE Max Idle TimeLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: MaxIdleTimeFormat: (I)Default: 300Examples: MaxIdleTime=300Explanation: How long in seconds a player can be idle before being kicked.Verified: FALSE Max map voting sizeLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: MaxMapVoteSizeFormat: (I)Default: 5Examples: MaxMapVoteSize=5Explanation: How many maps should be in the vote list.Verified: FALSE Max PlayersLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: MaxPlayersFormat: (I)Default: 40Examples: MaxPlayers=40Explanation: How many players are supported on the server. Can be raised with mutators.Verified: TRUE Message of the Day (!) Currently bugged.Location: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameReplicationInfoParameter: MessageOfTheDayFormat: (S)Default:Examples: MessageOfTheDay=Play Nice, Play Hard!Explanation: Message the servers sends as host in game when player joins.Verified: FALSE Moderator PasswordLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControlParameter: ModPasswordFormat: (S)Default: BLANKExamples: ModPassword=secretpasswordExplanation: The moderator password for ingame moderators.Verified: TRUE Player Load Wait TimeLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: NetWaitFormat: (I)Default: 15Examples: NetWait=1Explanation: How long to wait for other players to load at the start of a match.Verified: TRUE RCON EnabledLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_RconParameter: bEnableRconFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bEnableRcon=TrueExplanation: Can programs/mods remotely connect to server. Needed for admin bots like Jupiter.Verified: FALSE RCON Max ClientsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_RconParameter: SubscriberLimitFormat: (I)Default: 5Examples: SubscriberLimit=5Explanation: How many connections to the server RCON can handle.Verified: FALSE RCON PortLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_RconParameter: RconPortFormat: (I)Default: -1Examples: RconPort=-1Explanation: What port should rcon run on. -1 means to run on game port.Verified: FALSE RCON/Admin Password Location: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.AccessControlParameter: AdminPasswordFormat: (S)Default: BLANKExamples: AdminPassword=secretpasswordExplanation: The RCON/Admin PasswordVerified: TRUE How many recent maps to excludeLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: RecentMapsToExcludeFormat: (I)Default: 3Examples: RecentMapsToExclude=3Explanation: How many of the most recent maps should be removed from the voting options at the end of match.Verified: FALSE Require StreamLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControlParameter: bRequireSteamFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bRequireSteam=FalseExplanation: Do players need to have steam running.Verified: FALSE Reserve vehiclesLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bReserveVehiclesToBuyerFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bReserveVehiclesToBuyer=TrueExplanation: Should a vehicle be locked to the player when they buy it, for a limited time?Verified: FASLE Restart WaitLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: UTGame.UTGameParameter: RestartWaitFormat: (I)Default: 30Examples: How long the server should wait before moving onto the new map (after map voting has finished)Explanation: RestartWait=15Verified: FALSE Server IPLocation: CommandlineSection: N/AParameter: -MULTIHOMEFormat: (I)Default: BLANK (this runs on all ips)Examples: udk.exe server CNC-Field -MULTIHOME= The IP of the local interface the server will run on.Verified: TRUE Server NameLocation: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameReplicationInfoParameter: ServerNameFormat: (S)Default: Renegade X ServerExamples: Shrewd Gaming ServerExplanation: The name of the server. Shown in server browser/launcher.Verified: TRUE Server PortLocation: UDKEngine.iniSection: URLParameter: PortFormat: (I)Default: 7777Examples: Port=7777Explanation: The server port the game will run on.Verified: FALSE Server Tick RateLocation: UDKEngine.iniSection: IpDrv.TcpNetDriverParameter: NetServerMaxTickRateFormat: (I)Default: 30Examples: NetServerMaxTickRate=90Explanation: The server tick/refresh rate. Think FPS but server side. Will increase bandwidth as it is increased.Verified: FALSE Starting MapLocation: UDKEngine.iniSection: URLParameter: LocalMapFormat: (S)Default: RenX-FrontEndMap.udkExamples: LocalMap=CNC-Islands.udkExplanation: The map the server starts on.Verified: TRUE Wait for player loadLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bWaitForNetPlayersFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bWaitForNetPlayers=falseExplanation: Should the server wait some time for players to load the map.Verified: FALSE Spawn cratesLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: SpawnCratesFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: SpawnCrates=TrueExplanation: Should there be creates on the mapsVerified: FALSE Spawn creditsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: InitialCreditsFormat: (I)Default: 150Examples: InitialCredits=150Explanation: How much money does a player get when they enter the match.Verified: FALSE TotalNetBandwidth (!) Currently ignored.Location: UDKGame.iniSection: Engine.GameInfoParameter: TotalNetBandwidthFormat: (I)Default: 32000Examples: TotalNetBandwidth=32000Explanation: The total amount of bandwidth allowed to be sent by the server. (currently ignored)Verified: FALSE Quote
Fffreak9999 Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 31 minutes ago, ShrewdTactician said: Allow PowerUp DropsLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_GameParameter: bAllowPowerUpDropFormat: (B)Default: TRUEExamples: bAllowPowerUpDrop=trueExplanation: When a player dies, should their weapons dropVerified: FALSE I don't believe this is correct PowerUpDrop I believe is for the random drops that occur on death (such as Health, Armour and Ammo) If I recall correctly, there is another variable which does Weapon Drops. 1 Quote
Fffreak9999 Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 31 minutes ago, ShrewdTactician said: Admins Require SteamLocation: UDKRenegade.iniSection: RenX_Game.Rx_AccessControlParameter: bSteamAuthAdminsFormat: (B)Default: FALSEExamples: bSteamAuthAdmins=FalseExplanation: Do admins need steam to login.Verified: FALSE This variable is for Automatic granting of administration privilages (from the server (as per adminlogin)) based on the user's Steam ID. If I remember correctly. 1 Quote
ShrewdTactician Posted February 23, 2017 Author Posted February 23, 2017 Nice, thanks for the feedback. I've marked options as verified to mark if they have actually been tested or not. Any extra info you have would be great. Quote
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