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Snow (patch 5.282 version)


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@Henk Update time...


could trigger the beacon, but couldnt find and point of view to disarm it [already reported that one, but you didnt fix it :(]

Next thing is a collision related issue with the new destructable rocks in the vehicle tunnel.

You can get this:


and that:


[yes, I'm trapped inside the rock]



if you drive with any vehicle [at least most of them] close to the destructable rock & the steel wall / barrier, you lift your vehicle on different collisions. If you leave your vehicle at this point the server can't handle the data and you get a client sided graphic bug, because - I guess - the server can't exactly decide where the vehicle actually is.

You can only enter & repair the vehicle where you left it.

But each player got a visual vehicle hitbox somewhere the client programm decides to place it.

Then you get this - enjoy it ;)


Whereever you see the vehicle, just shoot it and it will teleport around the map [visual hitbox only]. An invisible vehicle that you can enter is still next to the rock...

it's not a real game disturbing bug, but we had a lot of fun testing it ;) just a collision issue as Henk had on Tunnels [breakdance]

and you damage the vehicle if you shoot at the "visible" vehicle. Even if its somewhere else :P



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3 minutes ago, Ruud033 said:

Haha that looks awesome and very funny. Will look into that though 

oh forgot to mention: there are no server logs for that issue.

and we also tested the destructable rock on Canyon. You can partly drive into the rock and get trapped with infantry (everything but chem will die anyway..)

But you won't get the graphic issue which you get on Snow. The Steel barrier collision is needed for that [or a any similar collision]

Edited by DarkSn4ke
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  • 2 months later...

I want to keep it this way. stealing the other team's silo is fun a fun thing to do in my opinion, even though you probably won't have it for a long time.

Being able to destroy it and deny the enemy of all automated income is a building loss that's too harsh.

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