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you probably all noticed that I like playing Nod and do not like playing GDI. I play this game to enjoy and I enjoy playing Nod.

Why I don't like playing GDI, I think it is OP, but this is an another topic.

So forcing somebody to play something he doesn't like, is not a good approach to increase the community.

This opinion YOSH doesn't share and he forced me to play GDI by switching me over and saying:

...every time I press a button this will happen.

He made an impression to be an arrogant person and now, in this case, he proved it.

I ask you, as community, is this OK, that some admins can do what they want and act if this game is a private property?

PS: I struggle with my internet connection for 3 months, playing with lag and kept playing because I like this game. But such behaviour from admin is unacceptable.


You will be forced to play whatever team the balancing requires, if you intentionally stack a team, you are subject to that server's moderation policy about Team stacking.

If you are on a team by default there is no reason for him to single you out as a player and force you to play a particular faction.

Yosh is capable of doing that as a Server Administrator of Constructive Tyranny and a Developer of Renegade X. All he did was enforce the policy. I see no reason why Yosh would take action otherwise. If you need me to review the actions he took, let me know the match (time and date) and I will review our logs.



I dont think it was team stacking, because there was an equal number of players on each team. I twas not one of those situations were you have 21:19 or similar.

It was just about forcing me to play GDI, because I sometimes leave the server if I am at GDI.

The time: it was today, just before I wrote this post.

Can you take a look at logs ?


After viewing the demo file and the IRC logs of the time in question,

Teams were actively balanced at the time of the change, and that no Team swapping was warranted.

However you also need to be aware that just because you may not always get to be on Nod, and you should not just leave a match or complain/team stack when you cannot get your way, since other players are affected by your actions (in the past this has been an issue), you will be subject to Team swapping where stacking occurs.

However in the case presented before me, both you and Yosh had both been in since the pre-game and both of you swapped team,

You moved from GDI to Nod and Yosh moved from Nod to GDI straight after each other, more people joined after you, which in turn balanced the team automatically.


Hi freak,


thank you for sorting this out.

I will not comment (complain) in the future if I am not able to switch but leaving the game should not be a problem, because somebody else can take my place and play.

If I understood you correctly, there was no reason for YOSH to FORCE me to play GDI ?

What if he does this again ?


PS: he should actually apologize, but I assume he is not one of who do that.


At the time in question, there was in-deed no need to be forced to GDI.

If you encounter actions you believe unfair, then a ModRequest at the time of the issue will normally solve the issue, or at least set a point of reference for me to check.

The act of rage quitting is a concern since if you mention anything which can be seen negatively will also shine a negative attitude on the server, since players will assume that a Moderator took the action to remove you, normally wait a minute or so and then leave, or state that you are taking the action to leave of your own will. Even though we the moderators know what happens, the regular players do not, and while the players may still return, their opinion of the server could be damaged because of hastily chosen actions. Also a friendly message to all saying "I'm out" or anything like that will also help players have a more positive attitude towards you.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Simple answer: YES, I made the whole thing, mod the whole thing and maintain it all single handedly. 


Long answer: 


I like how you ignore the one thing a demo doesn't capture, which is the entire chat-log leading up to you being team switched ONCE. There was literally a 10-20 minute ordeal that didn't even involve me for a great deal of it. Other people told you you shouldn't stack, and you said and I semi-quote

"I do not care about team stacking, that's not my problem"

Then there was a survey put up about whether you should be forced to play GDI which had an instantaneous 12+ yesses, and then you told me I 'couldn't switch your team, so then.... I team switched you once and you RQ.  Full story. Don't throw things randomly out of context. 


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