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@axesor: post a list of reasonable stuff that you think needs changing in feedback section. Don't derail the thread.

@Bananas: I get it I get it :P This was rather a call for activity from devs side than being all negative. I rly didn't want to look like someone who is trying to thwart your effors and I am sorry for that. Please accept my apologise in form of few peoples added into the list :D

The most passionate discussed feedbacks with the most possitive replys wasn't listened: still no ingame log-in/registration screen so we could registrate our names. Still no any noob-friendly changes for mine usage so we dont need remine or ban ppl from mining. Still no changes about a sniper characters (their ttk is still 0s) -I feel very embarrassed when I have to meantion snipers again. And vehicles still act like a magnets to each other. There is no need to create more threads about it.

-hey you basically forced me to write this since it is forbiden to discuss in discussion thread about walls, trumps and AGTs shooting ion cannons https://goo.gl/ucMGLw

Yes, this is a discussion.

asf8 sfa86sf4as8 f48a 4f5as4f15asf45asf redline need's to get spanked (☉д⊙) 5saf4as6 45as 4d65as4 5as45da 45ad4s54asda s56d4as 45asd as das54asd6 5 f456 sad5a 4sd a5s4 das das45as 4d464 a5 4sada sda sda45s das 5sa46 das das d5as d 8sf45a6s 46548as

Edited by Guest

A discussion in the wrong forum section.

A thread name that copies and helps to derail my efforts to actually get more players.

An apology laced with insults.

A duplicate thread complaining about dev's not doing stuff you want done.

Dev's come and go. You want stuff done, become one. Thats how it works here.


^ well it's just how you want to feel it. That apology absolutely wasn't laced with insult :)

-hey you basically forced me to write this since it is forbiden to discuss in discussion thread about walls, trumps and AGTs shooting ion cannons https://goo.gl/ucMGLw

^ And this was just an allusion to the double standard

General discussion-not wrong section. Disscussion is about why we didnt get this generally necessary things yet.

Maybe I should think more about thread name a bit :)

I wansn't able to answer in your thread becouse of OT so I created another one which goes it's own way that started in response to bananas reaction on me.


Tutorial mode would help greatly with the overmining issue. It's really just a lack of fully understanding that a limit exists and what that means.

Snipers seem fine to me. They are supposed to have infinite velocity.

Obviously vehicle physics could be improved, but the devs have explained how difficult that is to do in this engine.


Tutorial, noob-friendly change.. basically anything that would help

regarding to snipers: gameplay is made in rock-paper-scissors style and you must admit that sniper is damn big fiery rock in the hands of skilled player. Argument about that snipers are limited to be op only againts infantry is sheer mockery.


I've also already warned Axesor to not derail other threads. Just keep it cool Axesor. "still no..." personally usually doesn't trigger me. A well proposed idea/solution however sometimes does. As for snipers for instance: community is devided about them, so nobody really knows what to/if to change.

Then again changes come when people have time and motivation. For me trying to keep up with my friends in the devision currently eats all my free time. Rocket league etc also seem to suck up some dev time. Yosh also takes a break currently after he spend a lot of time on the game in the last months. So currently dev activity is low but that might change again but nobody knows when.


I don't think snipers are op at all...they serve their purpose. If you miss your shot, the enemy unit has 2 whole seconds to spray you down or close down on you. They're in a decent place. Raveshaw/PIC are far more productive now, yet we are still complaining about snipers being op? Doesn't seem to make sense to me.


This stuff has been answered many times. Log in has been looked at but really low priority. Snipers have been nerfed a ton, community divided on them. Mines I've yet to hear a great solution. Vehicles is the engine mostly. Devs have limited time and motivation. Why don't you step up and do stuff?


^ What's the 1st priority then?

Snipers: I didn't noticed any nerf.

You don't know what I do. Even throught I complain a lot and cant play, I do advertise and am trying to do mutators as a complete newb to the programming so that's just very slow and frustrating process, but that's not just that visible stuff so it's not counting as an relevant argument, right??

@HaTe sure they serve their purpose. They do even more than what supposed to be their purpose. Every character is very limited to fit in rock-paper-scissors (strong RTS element) style. The problem is that if sniper was a scissor, he beats both scissor and paper and that just makes him CoD character that doesnt fit in RTS FPS game.

(sniper character's includes Sydney and Rave too)

Notice me senpai!! viewtopic.php?f=136&p=161799#p161799


It's much more complicated than rock, paper, scissors. There are so many factors that go into it that comparing it to a concept as simple as that is silly. Even most RTS elements are advanced beyond that, and adding in the god element makes it even more complicated. If you do indeed see it as that simple, then do explain what factors are which.

Snipers got a pretty gigantic nerf in their fire rate. Meaning time it takes to fire a shot after firing a previous shot.

Snipers also do not include railgun and PIC, for the record. Railgun and PIC right now are just as/even more so effective vs infantry as snipers (minus the scope and range). I'd like to see a slight fire rate nerf and slight damage increase vs tanks for them for balance purposes, but it is not something major at all.


I feel like you catch every my word. Ofc it's more complicated than that. It was just a metaphore

I do include sydney and rave in sniper characters that needs to be fixed.

If you are interested in PIC, Rail change, please help. We may also discuss this:

I already did some changes to this PIC, Rail so it's dealing 170 dmg with 1.25 headshot multiplier (213 dmg+bleeding), so it is able to kill any free character with 1hs, and marksman and engi with 1 body shot, and also deals slightly more damage to the vehicles (1-2% more damage), so it's not that universal character.

If anybody is interested, please help viewtopic.php?f=136&p=161799#p161799

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