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Posted (edited)

I was playing a game of Grassy-knoll earlier, planted an Ion Cannon beacon next to the side of the Nod refinery and re-treated back into cover. A tech predictably showed up to disarm it, so I let loose with my Chaingunner - and it did 0 damage to him. No head-shot damage, no body damage, nothing. I even closed the distance down to point blank range and got through an entire clip. Now I think someone else mentioned something similar about Techs but I can't find the thread. The animation was working fine but the weapon wasn't killing the enemy player.

[edit]Renamed thread to more accurately describe issue[/edit]

Edited by Guest

I once had the idea that I bumped into a person which couldn't aim, cause I didn't get any damage, but this could explain it... I really didn't pay attention to it, cause I was too busy to place C4 and since I can't aim myself... I tried to evade them. I think we can test this easily?

Guest Gliven

i'm glad i'm not the only one that this happens to


I think this is an issue with guns, and not with the tech, if I'm not mistaken? Or has it only happened with techs? I had it once with the chaingun myself and assumed I was being dropped from the server, but wasn't. It seemed like client-side and server-side weren't agreeing with something


Happened to me today with automatic rifle. Shooting a rocket soldier who was standing still. Gun just stopped doing damage. Had to switch to pistol to finish him off. Switched back to auto rifle and continued doing no damage to a different enemy


This isn't specific to this bug, but I was playing a Marathon game a few days ago and two of us tried to sync placing our nuke beacons at the same time. I thought the other guy placed early, but it turns out his timer was something like 10 seconds faster than mine; so client and server don't always perfectly sync stuff.

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