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RoF is added onto the ramjet before reload for some reason. Tested it with sniper rifle and doesn't seem to be the case there. Also noticed sniper rifle has a yellow reticle while between shots but ramjet doesn't and wasn't sure if it was always that way or not

Only played a couple hours (for the first time in half a year) and those were the only things really aggravating me (along with the long RoF attached to snipers in general now too, but oh well lol)


The slower RoF I can live with as that seems to have been a balance decision. The extra reload time because of the added fire rate time before the ramjet reload (and not the sniper rifle) seems like a glitch though. That's fixed, you're saying?

(Also, my apologies for posting it in the vehicle section; truly thought I had pressed the weapons-related bugs forums).


Not fixed, but comphensated. Basically, ROF in the weapon configs, is faster for ramjet and slower for bolt, as so they fire around the same time. by like .1/.2 .

To fix it requires removing the animation, and isn't really necessary.

Could take a video, and compare firing 4 shots, side by side, to firing 4 shots of a bolt.


It's after the fourth shot that the ramjet doesn't behave like the sniper rifle. After firing the fourth shot, the ramjet then takes the fire rate time plus the reload time to reload. Whilst the sniper rifle fires the fourth shot and only has the reload time (how it should be). I'm not sure as to the consistency throughout all weapons on this, but to me it is most noticeable with the ramjet.

Put simply:

Reload for sniper rifle = reload time

Reload time for ramjet = fire rate + reload time.

At least that's how it appears throughout the whole animation

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