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Just came up with this 'idea' since I noticed I am not the only one anymore :P complaining about (a lot off ) teamhampering lately, today a whole truckload of frequent players ragequit cause of this.

I know it's a good thing new players show up, but it's also making a decent game impossible sometimes. i wonder how many people would go for a 'pro server.'

Imagine there would be one extra step to join the server (donating? checking a forum?) The pass would change every now or than, but people have to do a bit off effort to join. Everyone can still play on the normal servers, but with enough people you can get the 'more decent' players together more often and we aren't shutting anyone out, cause if you have the skill to 'read' and 'think 'can also come over there by checking the topic on howto join with the pass in it (for example)

It would just shift the people who really don't realize what they are doing from the ones who are aware of this. I think the playerbase is too small atm for this, but I am setting up this thread to see what people think about it as a first step. Maybe a good moment to do further steps if people like it and when AOW and Marathon get merged...?

Too bad I can't do a poll. I know I would be willing to pay for this cause it would boost the feeling I am actually playing a game above 'opposite russian roulette' where I just have to be lucky that I catch that one time there is a nice game going on...


I don't like the idea with the playerbase the way it is. However, it would be optimal to make the PUG server into this when not in use for the PUG, so veterans can freely use it when 1-2 PUB servers are already full anyway. Just leave the password the same as it is during the PUG, and veteran players can know it and communicate it to other veteran players. No additional moderation except the complexity of a really easy password, as Ryz said. "If you don't know, then you don't go." All you have to do, is be at least a little bit of the way in the loop, to figure out how to get in.


Glad some people took the time to react in depth on my post. I am not saying: we need to make this now! I am checking what people think about it in the near future when AOW and marathon might be merged together.

Right now I see a group of dedicated Ren-X players ragequit almost every day cause there is so much teamhampering, on the other hand I see a group of newcomers who has no clue there is even chat or anything to communicate, I wonder if they would realize it when they are playing against bots..

for me it's a matter about quality above quantity, although I agree the game needs the last to survive....

Define what a pro player is. Good luck.

Allready did. The only 'skill' these people need is that they should read the topic where the pass is and return there frequently (they might even pick up other information). This way people who want to make a small effort to join these games are able to join, while other gamers who aren't even aware they aren't in Skirmish are not...

I got the feeling that every time I talk about the game experience most people are like 'who the hell cares,' but eventually it also has a big impact on the game. Since we can't force people to watch a tutorial or read (team)chat or use common sense I think this might be a good alternative in the future.

I still can't figure why people get kicked from pub's multiple times while team hampering, only to return to the game continuing their behavior without asking about the kick or even noticing they got kicked (wtf)

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