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You've probably seen me say "Todayyyyyyy's Tom Sawwwyyyyerrrrr!" in some RenX matches, and then you probably thought "who the fudge is this guy?!" Well, it's an inside joke between me and Lukas G (probably better not to give out the full real life name on forums). It's derived from Rush's song lyrics as you likely already heard, and I say that when I use SBH spy for GDI in an awesome moment or when I'm Nod SBH when GDI has zero usage of automated base defenses. As the lyrics say, "Today's Tom Sawyer he gets high on you in the space he invades he gets by on you." Well, a wisely used SBH can be very devastating to individual enemies, a localized squad, or an entire team.

I've had some amusing moments as SBH, such as successfully pulling off a nuke and hijacking enemy vehicles. Heck, I've done TTS antics as uncloaked characters, such as using a simple Nod Engineer to hijack a Mammoth a GDI Engineer was repairing and hijacking a Flame Tank two Nod Engineers were repairing as Grenadier. So yeah, when I get a break from the action after doing something awesome like that you may see me write "Todays Tom Sawyer dudes! :D" or something else like that.

I guess I could make a deviation of the lyrics "Today's Tom Sawyer he gets high on you in the space I invade I get by on you. I got you GDI (or Nod). :D" Yeah, I've done some in-game jokes like that, and now that I've explained it I hope you got some amusement out of it. Ever since I started joking about this in-game, I thought people were more and more likely to ask about it, especially after I continued the joke for a while. It was only inevitable that people would eventually inquire me about this and so I believe you deserve an explanation.

Tom Sawyer is a character in Mark Twain's book right? I forgot

It is. That is where Rush references Tom Sawyer from, in their song "Tom Sawyer". It is about a little southern boy in the 1820-40s ish era. Written by Mark Twain around 1850-1880. No clue exact dates or details or such.


Well, think of it as me using sneaky tactics to get a jump (high) on the enemy and I hijack their tank, or bypassing their defenses and planting a beacon or C4 behind the lines. Heck, skilled Technicians/Hotwires that an enemy did not see can invade a building and spam all C4 on a MCT to do sneaky destruction to an entire building. It's in the invaded space I get by on the enemy force. It's like boo. :D

Now then, I might joke a little bit with a deviation of the lyrics, switching from third person narrative to first person perspective in the middle of the quote, watch this:

"Today's Tom Sawyer he gets high on you and the space I invade I get by on you. I got you. :D"

It's similar to what this creepy story does, from third person to first person:


See? Words are powerful and can creep you out if done correctly. I can even relate TTS antics to real life, where I hid behind a bathroom door with a scary thing and when my stepmother opened the door, I shoved the scary thing right into her face while screaming loudly "YEAAAAAAHHH!". Funny stuff mates. xD

Oh, and here's the scary thing in question: EisPemE.jpg

That's a ghostly wizard looking person (or whatever that thing is) a person made for one of those screamer pranks on the Internet. I screenshotted it, then printed out a hard copy of it.

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