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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hey guys. I'm here to advertise a Game Jam for game developers of all skill sets: from newb to experienced. Right now, we're reddit-based (/r/GameDev1). Below is an 'flyer' of sorts for the game jam.

/r/GameDev1 n00bDev GameJam Round 1 begins Sat. Aug 29, and ends Mon, Sept 21, 2015!

Hello everyone! We are now going to get the ball rolling on our first n00bDev Game Jam! A 30-day game jam designed for novices, and people that want to meet/learn with other aspiring gamedevs! You do NOT need to be a novice in gamedev to participate. We ask those with more experience to go around and help out groups with little experience.

This is the intermission phase where we let people find groups and plan/design their games for the jam! We have an IRC channel everyone can use.

You can find more information about the Game Jam and the subreddit here and here.

Anyone that is interested in participating (solo and in a group), please fill out the skill sheet form

It should only take 1-2 minutes if not less to fill out the form.

This lets us re-organize groups that lost/need members. And lets project managers review the skillset of their group.

If you wish to participate you can either:

  • If you have a game idea: Create a project proposal post/thread (here is the template)
  • If you want to just work with others: Look for project posts on the subreddit (or the masterlist) and join an existing group
  • If you want to enter solo: You don't have to do anything special. Just submit the game on or before the final date (details on submissions will be available soon)
  • If you have a closed/private group (like entering with just friends): You'll be treated the same as a solo. You do not have to report in, or make a project post. Just submit the game on or before the final date.

You can find the template for making a project proposal post here

Once you make a project post, please message the mods with the link or comment in the stickied master list thread! You can also flair your post for better visibility.

edit: for clarification, If you do not make a group or go solo, you must FIND a group to join. The skill sheet is for mods to re-organize groups later on down the road in the event of a loss member. It also lets us ensure that all groups at least have at least a basic skill level, rather than everyone starting from scratch. If your group has at least 2 members that know how to program, then you should be fine.

Popular forms of communication are:


Google Hangouts


Group organization tools:



Your final submission should be a playable build, doesn't matter how long or finished. If your group could not make a playable build you can always just post screenshots or a video of what you have.

Source: reddit.com/r/GameDev1

Master List of projects (link)

PM /u/Ace0fspad3s on Reddit for access to post.

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