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Weird, well, after enabling the show-decal thing, first restart your SDK. If the problem still occurs:

1. Check if the decals are enabled by selecting them, hitting F4 and see if the checkbox is ticked

2. Check for the decal projection distance, is it infinite or does the projection stop after "n' amount of meters?

3. Is there a material loaded in the decal?

3.1 Does the material that is loaded have a correct referenced path to the texture?

4. Check the bump offset

  • Totem Arts Staff

Also check your GameSettings you need to set the TextureSettings on the highest setting i mean it will be Ultra or something.

Edit: Texture Details - Ultra

Thats the one!

Weird, well, after enabling the show-decal thing, first restart your SDK. If the problem still occurs:

1. Check if the decals are enabled by selecting them, hitting F4 and see if the checkbox is ticked

2. Check for the decal projection distance, is it infinite or does the projection stop after "n' amount of meters?

3. Is there a material loaded in the decal?

3.1 Does the material that is loaded have a correct referenced path to the texture?

4. Check the bump offset

Also when I look at official maps, I cant see them either, just the decal object : (

For example volcano, i can see the decal symbol but no mudtracks, and I've also tried copying the decal over to hourglass and it still doesn't show

1) Project onto terrain is ticked, Hidden Game/Editor is unticked

2) Cant see that option in properties

3) Yes

3.1) Yes

4) Where would that be, thx

5) My settings are maxed out for the actual game, not sure about the SDK though (is it the same thing?)

Also my weather kismet is still screwed after 1 completion, when it loops round only 1 strike occurs with no sound

My Celling turret doesnt rotate, I copied the GDI placement tower and replaced all the PT stuff with CT stuff but it doesnt rotate (Anim, Mesh, Physics)

Same for Nod but at PT shots nod I switched the basic mesh for Nod Turret

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