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TS Buggy?


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Here is the TSVehicle crate.

class Rx_CrateType_TSVehicle extends Rx_CrateType;

var transient Rx_Vehicle GivenVehicle;
var config float ProbabilityIncreaseWhenVehicleProductionDestroyed;
var array > Vehicles;

function string GetPickupMessage()
return Repl(PickupMessage, "`vehname`", GivenVehicle.GetHumanReadableName(), false);

function string GetGameLogMessage(Rx_PRI RecipientPRI, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup)
return "GAME" `s "Crate;" `s "tsvehicle" `s GivenVehicle.class.name `s "by" `s `PlayerLog(RecipientPRI);

function float GetProbabilityWeight(Rx_Pawn Recipient, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup)
local Rx_Building building;
local float Probability;

if (CratePickup.bNoVehicleSpawn || Vehicles.Length == 0)
	return 0;
	Probability = Super.GetProbabilityWeight(Recipient,CratePickup);

	ForEach CratePickup.AllActors(class'Rx_Building',building)
		if((Recipient.GetTeamNum() == TEAM_GDI && Rx_Building_WeaponsFactory(building) != none  && Rx_Building_WeaponsFactory(building).IsDestroyed()) || 
			(Recipient.GetTeamNum() == TEAM_NOD && Rx_Building_AirStrip(building) != none  && Rx_Building_AirStrip(building).IsDestroyed()))
			Probability += ProbabilityIncreaseWhenVehicleProductionDestroyed;

	return Probability;

function ExecuteCrateBehaviour(Rx_Pawn Recipient, Rx_PRI RecipientPRI, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup)
local Vector tmpSpawnPoint;

tmpSpawnPoint = CratePickup.Location + vector(CratePickup.Rotation)*450;
tmpSpawnPoint.Z += 200;

GivenVehicle = CratePickup.Spawn(Vehicles[Rand(Vehicles.Length)],,, tmpSpawnPoint, CratePickup.Rotation,,true);

if (GivenVehicle.Mesh != none)

BroadcastMessageIndex = 14
PickupSound = SoundCue'Rx_Pickups.Sounds.SC_Crate_VehicleDrop'


Yosh previously suggested that there's an off-by-one error, but there's not, and here's why. Rand() generates a "random" number number between 0, and the input - 1; in this instance, Vehicles.Length == 6, so Rand(Vehicles.Length) would generate a number between 0 (Titan) and 5 (Buggy). Adding a one to this wouldn't fix the problem -- it would just add a bug, instead.

From a theoretical standpoint, I don't see anything wrong with this crate. From a practice standpoint, I have no idea why TS Buggys are so rare. Resolving this would likely involve using or writing some other sort of Rand()-type function.

Tl;dr: The crate's code isn't broken, but it's broken.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Here is the TSVehicle crate.

class Rx_CrateType_TSVehicle extends Rx_CrateType;

var transient Rx_Vehicle GivenVehicle;
var config float ProbabilityIncreaseWhenVehicleProductionDestroyed;
var array > Vehicles;

function string GetPickupMessage()
return Repl(PickupMessage, "`vehname`", GivenVehicle.GetHumanReadableName(), false);

function string GetGameLogMessage(Rx_PRI RecipientPRI, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup)
return "GAME" `s "Crate;" `s "tsvehicle" `s GivenVehicle.class.name `s "by" `s `PlayerLog(RecipientPRI);

function float GetProbabilityWeight(Rx_Pawn Recipient, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup)
local Rx_Building building;
local float Probability;

if (CratePickup.bNoVehicleSpawn || Vehicles.Length == 0)
	return 0;
	Probability = Super.GetProbabilityWeight(Recipient,CratePickup);

	ForEach CratePickup.AllActors(class'Rx_Building',building)
		if((Recipient.GetTeamNum() == TEAM_GDI && Rx_Building_WeaponsFactory(building) != none  && Rx_Building_WeaponsFactory(building).IsDestroyed()) || 
			(Recipient.GetTeamNum() == TEAM_NOD && Rx_Building_AirStrip(building) != none  && Rx_Building_AirStrip(building).IsDestroyed()))
			Probability += ProbabilityIncreaseWhenVehicleProductionDestroyed;

	return Probability;

function ExecuteCrateBehaviour(Rx_Pawn Recipient, Rx_PRI RecipientPRI, Rx_CratePickup CratePickup)
local Vector tmpSpawnPoint;

tmpSpawnPoint = CratePickup.Location + vector(CratePickup.Rotation)*450;
tmpSpawnPoint.Z += 200;

GivenVehicle = CratePickup.Spawn(Vehicles[Rand(Vehicles.Length)],,, tmpSpawnPoint, CratePickup.Rotation,,true);

if (GivenVehicle.Mesh != none)

BroadcastMessageIndex = 14
PickupSound = SoundCue'Rx_Pickups.Sounds.SC_Crate_VehicleDrop'


Yosh previously suggested that there's an off-by-one error, but there's not, and here's why. Rand() generates a "random" number number between 0, and the input - 1; in this instance, Vehicles.Length == 6, so Rand(Vehicles.Length) would generate a number between 0 (Titan) and 5 (Buggy). Adding a one to this wouldn't fix the problem -- it would just add a bug, instead.

From a theoretical standpoint, I don't see anything wrong with this crate. From a practice standpoint, I have no idea why TS Buggys are so rare. Resolving this would likely involve using or writing some other sort of Rand()-type function.

Tl;dr: The crate's code isn't broken, but it's broken.

lol, I know it isn't broken 'logically', we've already been over this. But still... it's broken.

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Did you change anything in B5.02 Yosh? I just got a TS Buggy in EKT 1, 8:46 pm USCentral, XMountain, and it died to some retard (who is also a friend) who got out for a crate, gave them a MRLS in the process, and it dumped a clip into my buggy, which was then finished off by sbh lasers...

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