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I think it should be nerfed the same way as the Rocket Soldier's. MRLS completely shut down apaches from a huge distance and are almost in every way better than Artys.

  • Totem Arts Staff

.... Was with you till the end. Arts completely rape MRLS on everything that isn't AA. Arts can kill things right beside them, can kill off tanks faster, and have an actual fire-rate so missing once or twice isn't a big deal.

MRLS getting the rocket soldier treatments isn't a bad idea though, as lock-on in general seems a bit better than it probably should have been.


Not sure about the part against vehicles. Artys are definitely better at close range, I agree with that. But anything from medium to long, MRLS are just simply way better because you don't need to aim (lock on does everything for you) and the max damage output is almost identical assuming all shots are hit.

The Arty projectile speed nerf made it really hard to hit moving targets at longer ranges. You need to adjust how high or low you need to aim in your first couple of shots, and then you need to start predicting how a vehicle moves around. You don't need to do that with an MRLS as of right now. (Artys will often miss a lot.)


If the apache is sneaky or gets close enough the MRLS is totally screwed?

Next people will be crying that Orca's & Apaches need a nerf.

This game is looking at the situation and going well we need these set of chars. Yes i know alot of people do the whole Call Of Duty Solo'n but i dont think we should be nerfing all the things!



Apaches are loud, so I can't see how it can sneak up without the MRLS knowing its presence. And no, its not screwed if it has friendlies around (which in most cases, it does).

Orcas and Apaches actually do need a nerf in fact, and I thought its the most prominent one. They're way to versatile: unstoppable rushes, map control, covering beacons, infantry transport, they can do everything very well except sneaking.


The most game ending thing about them, especially on lakeside, is it's missile damage. Lower it to require at least one more air vehicle to take down a building, and they become less powerful versus each other and at least give vehicles a chance.

Beside that, the map size, air speed, and speed and range of projectiles, seem to be the worst problem. It is quite difficult to do anything against them without select weapons, some of them which were nerfed. I am not sure if that is such a good thing, it could be if it's counters were balanced right. The Mrls staying the same is one. The stealth tank gaining at least the range of volt rifles and lcg is another. Heck, maybe it could even have its old health back if more stuff could hit it.

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