Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted June 12, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 12, 2015 I have discovered that while using Enable Cheats command allow you to summon things in multiplayer, it only summons client-side, and no one else would be able to see or be affected by it, and not even you btw. So I invented this thing that replicate the Summon and GiveWeapons command, EXCEPT NOW IT WORKS IN SERVER ... sp=sharing Summon is replaced into SandboxSpawn, while GiveWeapons is replaced by Gimme. The syntax is the same. This little gametype will turn your Renegade X server into a sandbox mode, all you need to do is put the file into this directory [your Renx directory]/UDKGame/CookedPC/ Then put these parameters in the server Target box in the properties ?game=Rx_Sandbox_Game.Rx_Sandbox In my test, the server manages to spawn in the actors server and client-side. The server gives collision and damages and allows you to drive the summoned vehicles. Weapons also works well. They're actually summoned to your inventory Warning : Your buildings can still be destroyed. The internal modifier is still WIP and the included mutator doesn't work as of now. There is also no way to delete your summoned objects. Do not overdo it Quote
odiepoes Posted August 26, 2015 Posted August 26, 2015 maybe you could post a list of all avaible spawns for the people who dont have sdk installed ? Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted August 26, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted August 26, 2015 Do I have to? Ok SANDBOX SPAWN SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn renx_game." Renegade X Vanilla vehicle Prefix : "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130 Hovercraft_GDI Tiberian Sun Vehicles Prefix : "TS_Vehicle_" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank Misc APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank Deployables Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_Deployed" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon ALSO (not following Prefix) Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) Defence Rx_Defence_ GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Projectiles (not all of them is useful) Rx_Projectile_ Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT and much more.... WEAPON ACQUIRING SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "gimme renx_game.Rx_Weapon_" AutoRifle_GDI AutoRifle_Nod Airstrike_GDI Airstrike_Nod ATMine Carbine ChemicalThrower VoltAutoRifle_GDI VoltAutoRifle_Nod FlameThrower PersonalIonCannon Railgun RamjetRifle SniperRifle_GDI SniperRifle_Nod LaserRifle LaserChaingun RepairTool RepairGun RepairGunAdvanced ProxyC4 TiberiumAutoRifle TiberiumFlechetteRifle NukeBeacon IonCannonBeacon MarksmanRifle_GDI MarksmanRifle_Nod SMG_GDI SMG_Nod Chaingun_GDI Chaingun_Nod and much more.... There are a lot more class you can get/summon. There are too many to mention however Quote
Wrench Posted June 18, 2016 Posted June 18, 2016 Then put these parameters in the server Target box in the properties?game=Rx_Sandbox_Game.Rx_Sandbox where is the server target box exactly? when i start the server per launcher Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted June 22, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted June 22, 2016 You can run this via launcher. You need to make a shortcut that runs the server and edit its' Properties Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 Do you mind to update this? It's currently telling us that the version is out of date if I run the server with this mutator. Edit: nvm, edited the config file and updated the version that way. Edit2: Nope can't get the server to show on serverlist. Please come online so we can look at this @Handepsilon Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 20, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted September 20, 2016 You mean this line? Quote GameVersion=Open Beta 5.003 GameVersionNumber=5003 Try to delete those lines, or better yet, try removing UDKRxSandbox.ini altogether. It was my attempt to limit the items able to be spawned so it's not going to crash the server by spammed items Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 20, 2016 Posted September 20, 2016 Yes those. But the server does not show up on the list at all when booting with this mutator. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 20, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted September 20, 2016 Odd, I didn't override much from the base code... Let's see if removing the custom config part fixes it. Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 22, 2016 Posted September 22, 2016 Nope does not work Does not connect to the dev bot.. your code somehow prevents that. Could you investigate further? Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 22, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted September 22, 2016 I'm pretty sure there should be nothing in the game info that will prevent it unless there's some structural class changes that I am not aware of. These should be the only relevant classes in the mod Rx_Sandbox.uc Spoiler /** * Rx_Sandbox * * */ class Rx_Sandbox extends Rx_Game config(RxSandbox); var config int ActorSpawnLimit; var bool bSandbox; function ToggleSandboxMode() { bSandbox = !bSandbox; } DefaultProperties { PlayerControllerClass = class'Rx_Controller_Sandbox' } Rx_Controller_Sandbox Spoiler class Rx_Controller_Sandbox extends Rx_Controller; var array<Actor> SpawnedActors; var bool bSpawnDisabled; var int HelpedTier; exec function SandboxHelp() { if(HelpedTier == 0) { HelpUpSandbox(); } } simulated function HelpUpSandbox() { switch (HelpedTier) { case 0: ClientMessage("The Sandbox command occurs if you open the console, and type 'SandboxSpawn' or 'Gimme' and input the class of the object"); ClientMessage("Gimme will give you weapons. SandboxSpawn summons an object of your choice"); ClientMessage("Before you do so, however, please turn on sandbox mode with vote system"); break; case 1: ClientMessage("Normal Vehicle is spawned by following SandboxSpawn with 'Renx_Game.Rx_Vehicle_' and type the vehicle name"); ClientMessage("List : Humvee, Buggy, APC_GDI. APC_Nod, MediumTank, LightTank, FlameTank, StealthTank, MammothTank, MRLS, Artillery"); ClientMessage("List : Chinook_GDI, Chinook_Nod, Orca, Apache, Hovercraft_GDI, A10, C130"); break; case 2: ClientMessage("TibSun Vehicle is spawned by following SandboxSpawn with 'Renx_Game.TS_Vehicle_' and type the vehicle name with no space"); ClientMessage("List : HoverMRLS, Buggy, Wolverine, Titan, ReconBike, TickTank"); break; case 3: ClientMessage("Tesla tank is spawned by following SandboxSpawn with 'Renx_Game.APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank'"); break; case 4: ClientMessage("Weapon is given by following 'Gimme' with 'Renx_Game.Rx_Weapon_' and type the weapon name"); ClientMessage("Example : RepairGunAdvanced, LaserGun, RamjetRifle, SniperRifle_GDI, AutoRifle_GDI, VoltAutoRifle_Nod, MarksmanRifle_Nod"); break; case 5: ClientMessage("Beacon, C4 and other deployables can be placed by typing 'Renx_Game.Rx_Weapon_Deployable_' with the following"); ClientMessage("List : ProxyC4, TimedC4, NukeBeacon, IonCannonBeacon"); ClientMessage("Frag Grenades can also be spawned by typing 'Renx_Game.Rx_Projectile_Grenade'. Other types are available as well"); break; case 6: ClientMessage("Example : To spawn A10, type 'sandboxspawn Renx_Game.Rx_vehicle_A10"); break; case 7: ClientMessage("More info can be obtained from other player or Handepsilon himself. Thank you for using Sandbox Mod"); break; } HelpedTier = HelpedTier + 1; if(HelpedTier <= 7) settimer(5,false,'HelpUpSandbox'); else HelpedTier = 0; } exec function SandboxSpawn ( string ClassName ) { /* local int i; for(i = 0; i<SpawnedActors.length; i++) { if(SpawnedActors[i] == None) SpawnedActors.remove(i, 1); } */ if (!Rx_Sandbox(WorldInfo.Game).bSandbox) { ClientMessage("Game is not currently in Sandbox mode. Please activate it with the voting system"); } else if (bSpawnDisabled) { ClientMessage("You need to wait 2 seconds between spawning"); } else { bSpawnDisabled = true; SetTimer(2.0, false, 'ReEnableSpawn'); ServerSandboxSpawn(ClassName); } } simulated function ReEnableSpawn() { bSpawnDisabled = false; } exec function SandboxKillOwned(optional string ClassName) { ServerSandboxKillOwned(ClassName); } reliable server function ServerSandboxKillOwned(optional string ClassName) { local Actor A; foreach SpawnedActors(A) { if(ClassName == "") A.Destroy(); else if(A.IsA(name(ClassName))) A.Destroy(); } } reliable server function ServerSandboxSpawn (string ClassName) { local class<actor> NewClass; local vector SpawnLoc; local Actor A; local bool bBeaconExist; local int i; NewClass = class<actor>( DynamicLoadObject( ClassName, class'Class' ) ); if( NewClass!=None ) { if(NewClass == class'Renx_Game.Rx_weapon_DeployedBeacon') { for(i = 0;i < SpawnedActors.Length;i++) { if(SpawnedActors[i].IsA('Rx_Weapon_DeployedBeacon')) bBeaconExist = true; } if(bBeaconExist) { ClientMessage("Spawning Beacon Failed! You already have a beacon spawned"); return; } } if ( Pawn != None ) SpawnLoc = Pawn.Location; else SpawnLoc = Location; A = Spawn( NewClass,self,,SpawnLoc + 72 * Vector(Rotation) + vect(0,0,1) * 15 ); SpawnedActors.additem(A); if(A.IsA('Rx_Weapon_DeployedActor')) { Rx_Weapon_DeployedActor(A).InstigatorController = self; Rx_Weapon_DeployedActor(A).TeamNum = GetTeamNum(); } else if(A.IsA('UTVehicle')) { UTVehicle(A).SetTeamNum(GetTeamNum()); } } } exec function Feign() { UTPawn(Pawn).FeignDeath(); } exec function Gimme(string Weapon) { ServerGimme(Weapon); } reliable server function Weapon ServerGimme( String WeaponClassStr ) { local Weapon Weap; local class<Weapon> WeaponClass; WeaponClass = class<Weapon>(DynamicLoadObject(WeaponClassStr, class'Class')); Weap = Weapon(Pawn.FindInventoryType(WeaponClass)); if( Weap != None ) { return Weap; } return Weapon(Pawn.CreateInventory( WeaponClass )); } And that's it. That's all there is to it Quote
Ruud033 Posted September 29, 2016 Posted September 29, 2016 Still cripples the connection to the bot somehow Quote
Ska-Ara Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 would be cool if you guys can fix this mode (or make it new) i have something really cool to play around with and would be love to share it with others Quote
Ruud033 Posted November 8, 2016 Posted November 8, 2016 @Handepsilon can you please bug-hunt this mutator? I can't find the issue on this. When ever I boot a server it will not connect to the bot. Could you setup your own server running with this mutator and then make it appear on the server list? Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted November 9, 2016 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted November 9, 2016 13 hours ago, Ruud033 said: @Handepsilon can you please bug-hunt this mutator? I can't find the issue on this. When ever I boot a server it will not connect to the bot. Could you setup your own server running with this mutator and then make it appear on the server list? I can't even update the game AND the SDK yet, let alone host a server Are you sure this is my mutator and not the bot's problem? If it helps, I can use a sample of a custom game mode extended from original game mode that still allows the bot to connect to the game. EDIT : Actually, since I'm not in access of my laptop atm, try copy pasting my script, and remove from the Rx_Sandbox.uc : config(RxSandbox); var config int ActorSpawnLimit; These lines currently does nothing. The Spawn command is in 2 seconds interval so it should be ok. Quote
Ukill Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 If i run this mutator on my server, then i get the following message displayed "Game is not currently in Sandbox mode. Please activate it with the voting system". Can someone tell me how activate the sandbox mutator with the voting system? Quote
Ukill Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 (edited) I've moved some of the code In the file Rx_Controller_Sandbox. Now the server is listed in the RenX game launcher list, and the SandboxSpawn is working. Files (Download section) Code before : Spoiler if (!RenX_Sandbox(WorldInfo.Game).bSandbox) { bSpawnDisabled = true; SetTimer(2.0, false, 'ReEnableSpawn'); ServerSandboxSpawn(ClassName); } else if (bSpawnDisabled) { ClientMessage("You need to wait 2 seconds between spawning"); } else { ClientMessage("Game is not currently in Sandbox mode. Please activate it with the voting system"); } } Code after : Spoiler if (!RenX_Sandbox(WorldInfo.Game).bSandbox) { ClientMessage("Game is not currently in Sandbox mode. Please activate it with the voting system"); } else if (bSpawnDisabled) { ClientMessage("You need to wait 2 seconds between spawning"); } else { bSpawnDisabled = true; SetTimer(2.0, false, 'ReEnableSpawn'); ServerSandboxSpawn(ClassName); } } Edited January 5, 2017 by ukilleddanny Quote
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