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I am working on promotional art to be used in campaigns. Today I have made this A4 flyer containing screenshots from the #JustDoItUp vid and the awards won over time from various websites.



(Need to fine-tune either the printing or the image itself in GIMP..)

Source file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/9a64ih (GIMP .XCF format)

Comments, alterations and criticism are welcome. Let's get this going! :D


This looks unappealing and says nothing about the gameplay.

If I had to make a poster I would put an uncloaked SBH somewhere on a hill with a GDI base in the background and throw a text saying something about infiltrating it (or just destroying) as a catchphrase.

Looks nice, good job! What are you going to do with it?

Maybe put some here and there in my city. The true question is what -others- are going to do with it. :)

This looks unappealing and says nothing about the gameplay.

If I had to make a poster I would put an uncloaked SBH somewhere on a hill with a GDI base in the background and throw a text saying something about infiltrating it (or just destroying) as a catchphrase.

You'd be suprised how hard it is to get good, 'explaining' screencap material. I'll take your scenario into consideration, but I'd need to stage it myself.

This looks unappealing and says nothing about the gameplay.

If I had to make a poster I would put an uncloaked SBH somewhere on a hill with a GDI base in the background and throw a text saying something about infiltrating it (or just destroying) as a catchphrase.

You'd be suprised how hard it is to get good, 'explaining' screencap material. I'll take your scenario into consideration, but I'd need to stage it myself.

Of course it's hard. That's why companies hire many people to do that. There's much more to it than just slapping four images together and calling it a promo.

If you want to do it good, you have to put some effort.

Also if you need people just ask.

This looks unappealing and says nothing about the gameplay.

If I had to make a poster I would put an uncloaked SBH somewhere on a hill with a GDI base in the background and throw a text saying something about infiltrating it (or just destroying) as a catchphrase.

You'd be suprised how hard it is to get good, 'explaining' screencap material. I'll take your scenario into consideration, but I'd need to stage it myself.

Of course it's hard. That's why companies hire many people to do that. There's much more to it than just slapping four images together and calling it a promo.

If you want to do it good, you have to put some effort.

Also if you need people just ask.


Source file: https://www.sendspace.com/file/9a64ih (GIMP .XCF format)

Comments, alterations and criticism are welcome. Let's get this going! :D

And seeing as the 'company' behind this game has their own problems to deal with, we as the community should step in and lend a hand. :)


Include "free" in whatever promo-text you may make, that will make any gamer stopping for a glance at least decide to check it out.


While I question the effectiveness of physical media to promote a free computer game, I see no issue with the images. The Stank rush itself explains a lot, You can recognize GDI and Nod, the presence of structures and defense, teamplay vehicle combat... Infantry is a side option that is VERY BAD to give the impression infiltration is the sole means of victory...

But, if anyone is at a college campus or the like, absolutely anywhere in the world right now, please for the love of bacon feel free to download and post it somewhere in the open. That is honestly just about the demographic that would remember C&C Renegade or be interested in indie tactical shooters.

I might feel like printing like 5 copies, and sending at least 1 with my roommate to his Everest College branch, small college but still a fair attempt.

Posted (edited)
While I question the effectiveness of physical media to promote a free computer game, I see no issue with the images. The Stank rush itself explains a lot, You can recognize GDI and Nod, the presence of structures and defense, teamplay vehicle combat... Infantry is a side option that is VERY BAD to give the impression infiltration is the sole means of victory...

But, if anyone is at a college campus or the like, absolutely anywhere in the world right now, please for the love of bacon feel free to download and post it somewhere in the open. That is honestly just about the demographic that would remember C&C Renegade or be interested in indie tactical shooters.

I might feel like printing like 5 copies, and sending at least 1 with my roommate to his Everest College branch, small college but still a fair attempt.

Awesome! Thanks for your effort! :D

I still think depicting a SBH infiltrating would look cool, and I'll post a variant based on that (and possibly other infantry like engineers, snipers etc) once I figure out how to manipulate either the camera or the Pawns themself.

Edited by Guest
This looks unappealing and says nothing about the gameplay.

If I had to make a poster I would put an uncloaked SBH somewhere on a hill with a GDI base in the background and throw a text saying something about infiltrating it (or just destroying) as a catchphrase.

You'd be suprised how hard it is to get good, 'explaining' screencap material. I'll take your scenario into consideration, but I'd need to stage it myself.

Of course it's hard. That's why companies hire many people to do that. There's much more to it than just slapping four images together and calling it a promo.

If you want to do it good, you have to put some effort.

Also if you need people just ask.

Have you ever taken a marketing class...?


You know what kind of picture i would love to see on a poster showing off Renegade X?

A Nod officer, standing on a rock near the silo looking through his binoculars towards the GDI base in Lakeside (we could re-create that by making him call in an airstrike), with several occupied Stealth Tanks behind him, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

The second picture you could take right below that would be a picture of the officer looking through his 'binoculars', only to found out Havoc was standing on the roof of the War Factory, pointing his ramjet rifle towards him, ready to shoot! Or... we take a picture of Havoc using his scope, spotting the Nod officer, ready to fire.

If only i could make that for myself... I don't have enough manpower to do it though :(


So like a 4 frame? Here is a similar idea...

Top Left: Nod Officer, Binoculars, in front of 3 stealth tanks cloaked and 2 artillery, within view of the Hand of Nod somewhere in the background, perhaps on Walls

Top Right: Binoculars view, of a Havoc patrolling on top of the wall, perhaps with some queue on top that air support was on standby...

Bottom Left: Havoc aiming unscoped at Nod Officer, with a Gunner and Patch and Sydney crouched behind the walls, and a variety of different vehicles right outside against the plateau, such as a mammoth tank, 2 meds, and a MRLS. Seen in the background, the Weapons Factory.

Bottom Right: Scoped view of Nod Officer as an artillery pulls behind him and starts to fire.

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