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>>I'm new to these forums, so I don't know if this issue has been adressed recently or not (if yes, then please delete this).<<

Now the overmining problem IS real. 1-2 overminers are enough to lose the game for the whole team (we know a lot of pros like hottie/tech sneaking). Almost 4/5 games overmining happens, luckily sometimes there are experienced guys who keep remining (to an extent). So this NEEDS to be adressed.

- I have heard a lot of suggestions including more complex ones: higher moderator activity, allowed areas, blacklists, whitelists; and more simple ones: nametags and DEFUSABLE MINES (you can defuse teammate's mines).

- All I ask of the devs is to do implement a solution SOON.

Now you could say 'It will be patched in Beta4'. When will Beta4 come out? Later. With a lot of awesome stuff we got in Beta3 I don't think Beta4 will come out anytime soon. I'd really love if this OVERMINING could be 'mended' before then.

If not, I can certainly see myself (and some others possibly?) quitting this game in a few months time because the amount of enjoyment overmining sucks out of it.

Disclosure: I know this is a free game, and I have been (and will forever be) very thankful to you for making this game. Consider this post as a feedback and nothing else; and sorry for the caps, just had a game where 40minutes of hardwork was ruined by overmining..


Wonder if RypeL would make another addon so we can log who places mines server side.

Log when:

  • Someone places a mine
  • log/alert when someone places a mine over the limit (also auto pm user ingame something like you are overmining bla bla this could be construed as team hampering)
  • also alert when remotes / timed / proxies go off so we can keep an eye on those people that think its funny to plant 30-40 remotes then blow them & people that like to make flaming apcs

Then again i assume most of this is already in the works as i did make a post in the server owners section with this in.


Someone from TMX made a mutator that logs when someone places mines but it's quite a spam in the beginning of a map when everyone starts mining.

[DEBUG] lMUTATOR: [sunX] GDI,21246,novass placed proxyC4 MC: 28 Loc: Refinery XYZ: 12003.89,13133.47,-258.48

  • 2 months later...

Yes we have one as well now

[12] <&RX> [XOther] mlimit_inc GDI,5734,Blutaar Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 74 80

[12] <&RX> [C4] Mephistos placed a Proximity C4

[12] <&RX> [XOther] mlimit_inc Nod,5745,Mephistos Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 53 80

[12] <&RX> [C4] Blutaar placed a Proximity C4

[12] <&RX> [XOther] mlimit_inc GDI,5734,Blutaar Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 74 80

[12] <&RX> [C4] Mephistos placed a Proximity C4

[12] <&RX> [XOther] mlimit_inc Nod,5745,Mephistos Rx_Weapon_DeployedProxyC4 54 80

But overmining should be less of an issue with b4.


I can think of issues with logging who places mines and how many. When I have played on teams that actually coordinate one or two people would be designated base defenders who would have the sole responsibility of mining the base to prevent mines from being depopulated in other areas when the mine limit was hit.

This would mean one or two people would have vastly more mine placements logged than anyone else even though they are fulfilling a vital and planned role for their team. This type of team play would make it impossible for mine placements to be limited by player especially when mine concentrations are being shifted to prepare for an incoming rush. If someone was later reviewing logs, if they are saved, it would look like one or two players were constantly C4 spamming for entire matches and may be subject to restrictions.

Also, that report wouldn't be public would it Goku or does it only show for the team placing mines? Sorry if I'm nitpicking but I like to try to root out any potential issues in games before they can be an actual issue later.


Na its in the admin channel on our IRC. We usually wait for someone to go OH MY GURD OVERMMINING

n see who it is. But when i get time will also make the bot auto pm the user to say sup dude your over mining. i like tmx thou how they pm the team so the public can deal with their teammate.


I did see a chat notice when I was playing on one server. A team chat message declared that such and such player was overmining at the barracks. So long as it isn't anything automated that might kick people for doing what they're supposed to for base defense or such I have no issues with reporting.

It was annoying for them to do that. I laid down mines to protect common beacon placement points like between the refinery and its silo. Not long after they were gone.

  Tarvin said:
I did see a chat notice when I was playing on one server. A team chat message declared that such and such player was overmining at the barracks. So long as it isn't anything automated that might kick people for doing what they're supposed to for base defense or such I have no issues with reporting.

It was annoying for them to do that. I laid down mines to protect common beacon placement points like between the refinery and its silo. Not long after they were gone.

If you were playing in TmX and mined the locations you mined, I would consider that unwarranted mining. On TmX you mine doors, on EKT you can mine doors and whatever else your heart desires.

  Tarvin said:
I did see a chat notice when I was playing on one server. A team chat message declared that such and such player was overmining at the barracks. So long as it isn't anything automated that might kick people for doing what they're supposed to for base defense or such I have no issues with reporting.

It was annoying for them to do that. I laid down mines to protect common beacon placement points like between the refinery and its silo. Not long after they were gone.

Like theclash150 wrote, It is generally assumed that mining any other places than doorways and/or roof acces ramps, is considered unwarranted mining. In my book it's called teamhampering.

Watch the mine limit, on TmX server the limit is often very low compared to EKT server. This is due to the timelimit server setting being 40 minutes (for TmX) per map or marathon (for EKT).

I know it's hard, but restricting mines to doorways only, ensures countering SBH or tech/hotty infiltration for bringing down a building using timed-C4's. As it's far more stealthier to do that than placing a beacon (you get an announcement and a beeping sound!) it's far more important to counter C4 infiltrations.

If you are talking about the islands map and I have been the culprit of overmining announcement (someone else was abusing remote C4's causing me to hit over the limit) on TmX server. 25 mines to cover 5 doorways is very few. Mining at ref, to cover the tower is just ... meh ...


The liklihood of multiple SBH's moving in is low so I only put a total of 4 mines out at a time when Nod was going beacon crazy. It seemed like there was one being placed every two minutes or so in the same spots each time.

  Tarvin said:
The liklihood of multiple SBH's moving in is low so I only put a total of 4 mines out at a time when Nod was going beacon crazy. It seemed like there was one being placed every two minutes or so in the same spots each time.

SBH C4 Rush happens way more than you'd think. It's actually one of EKT's main tactics.

  Tarvin said:
Hm. I'll consider that but the team we were against thought only of beacon placements. It's a shame some of those were in walls.

Try hopping on either EKT or TmX teamspeak sometime and you'll be surprised the level of coordination that happens at times. :D

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