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Laser weapon recoil.


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  • Totem Arts Staff
No weapons in this game should have recoil.

...they barely do. There's less recoil added here than COD, and that's hard to do. It's just enough to make them 'feel' and not really fuck with your aim, especially after the last beta update.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Not sure how it hinders automatics anymore than random spread, which is how OldRen did it. If anything at least it makes sense that you missed, as opposed to missing because of a dice roll. 'Sides, automatics aren't that bad beside single shot weapons (ignoring n00bjet vs. free infantry), the mass of complaints about the Carbine is proof enough to that. Maybe at long range...but then again none of the automatics are built to do long range super effectively.

Also, since they went ahead and added ADS that basically gives you 100% accuracy, at least they were smart enough to add some form of counterweight so that all weapons couldn't be used to full effectiveness as moderately long range sniper rifles. OldRen just did that by not having any way to affect your accuracy.

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In Renegade, they were useful for as long range as the shots could go. The fact that bullets take a while to travel with some weapons is what made them weaker. They don't recoil and they don't need spread.

The old Renegade didn't have noticeable spread. Renegade X actually has more spread over time, though I think they reduced it.

I don't even know why you mention ADS. Outside of snipers I've never clicked that button and never will.

Renegade weapons all felt perfectly accurate and thats what I loved.

I've tested noticed now that the ADS are actually important to use. Thats some joke. The carbine's accuracy is piss poor but you right click and its perfectly accurate. What the hell is this? God, I did not need modern stains on this game. ADS should be a purely aesthetic choice. This is even worse design than all the rest.

BTW, the carbine gets whined about because its 100% hitscan, powerful and usable by classes who shouldn't have that kind of firepower.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

You rant as though using ADS helps you that much. All it's really good for is firing at a distance. Your accuracy when firing at the hip is still so far beyond adequate that using ADS is a joke for most situations. Try using it in a tunnel fight and watch your health drop.

Again, they added ADS and recoil, but they also check and balanced themselves to make sure you can basically still play RenX just like OldRen. I can still switch between both games and feel virtually the same in terms of infantry fights, minus the sudden jerking motions in OldRen.

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Actually, most Carbine arguements stem from ADS. However, that is the only gun that if it touches the head it drops a half a healthbar but it has such a short quick clip that it doesn't work without tracking the head ads and trying to do it form the hip can result in headshots but not as massively.

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