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Hey RenX Devs & Coders alike.

Just wondering what the possibility is of spawning in the turrets that are on the walls on the map whiteout, I have little experience in Mutator coding but i have some ideas which could be interesting.

If possible, where can I find their object names?

Also, as for the AI Turrets, is it possible to spawn in the little guard towers which are AI Controlled?

I do not wish to have someone write the whole thing for me, i wish to learn, so a starting point would be grand.


Turret classes are all classes that extend from Rx_Defence or Rx_Defence_Emplacement (Emplacements are the mannable ones on Whiteout).

If you want players to spawn in them i would try using the ModifyPlayer() function that gets called in Mutators when a player respawned by GameInfo.RestartPlayer(). Then i would look into how DriverEnter() works in Rx_Vehicle. The Turrets basically are vehicles aswell (just stationary ones).

"Also, as for the AI Turrets, is it possible to spawn in the little guard towers which are AI Controlled?"

So yes, that would be possible. You would need to kick the AI out first and destroy it (DriverLeave()), then you could enter players as described above (calling DriverEnter() with your pawn on the turrets from within ModifyPlayer()).

  • 4 months later...

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