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Marathon server option


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I'm here to post about yet another vote-spam to force a map-change.

The original renegade had jelly servers with various server settings, as voting was not in the game, this wasn't an issue but here in Renegade X it is.

I feel that it should be possible to 'turn off' voting or atleast 'turn off' the vote option to force a mapchange, especially when the server is running the marathon settings. Essentially, there is no map change unless you destroy the enemy base or when your own base gets owned.

This is realy getting lame to the point that it's no longer fun to play with certain people of whom you KNOW they will initiate votes as soon as they can, to change a map when they are in a disadvantage.

YES, you might get the occasional team that downs a single building and then turle in for a tight defense, or just camp outside the base (as is the case with field and GDI WF is down). GDI is pinned down and Nod can't realy finish the job. It's all up to the right tactics realy. And this sort of a 'stalemate' is what is making a MARATHON FUN! If you don't like this game mode, then join a server which has a timelimit, preferably a 30-minute one! Yes ... You might not find a server that has 0 others playing in, but then YOU must be the first! There is bound to be many others who do not enjoy marathon but do enjoy the shorter/faster games, they will follow and the server will get more populated. You just have to be that 1st lamb that crosses the dam.

Don't force your type of gameplay upon others the way you do. You are breaking the community as you are breaking the fun

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I dont have a problem with map votes i just think there should be a option to say x minutes of the map should pass before you can vote map change (Note:the first 3mins should allow this vote incase you choose the wrong map or something).

Hopefully beta 3 will reduce vote spam with the cool down.

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Crate hunting ftw. Love marathon matches when all thats left is one building on both teams. Then it gets changed because "its not going anywhere!". Its called strategy for a reason, long term planning. If you don't like building up a force and coming up with a tactic then don't join.

Maybe lose the change map vote altogether and replace it with a surrender option. If the whole team doesn't like it anymore then give them a way out. Could give each player on the winning team some extra points for forcing a surrender. Just a thought.

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Oeh surrendering! Might be an option if e.g. you have Hon/bar+pp vs ref+strip/wf

One team can save up a load of cash to buy a rush, thus having an upper hand, but the 1k-chars present on the other team decimates that rush easily, leaving a stalemate.

But, the team with ref, would be able to rush again in 10 minutes, while the other team cannot.

The ref team has the upper hand and could force this surrender!

However, for a team to surrender, I still thing voting would be abuse sensitive much like the mapchange. If it is to replace mapchange votes, then perhaps 75% or more of the team willing to surrender is enough. 50% is too easily reached.

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Maybe only let the top 3 of each side initiate a surrender ? Top 3 should mean that they are doing fairly well but if they still vote for a surrender it should be more justified then when someone from the bottom who is just bored initiates it.

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Maybe only let the top 3 of each side initiate a surrender ? Top 3 should mean that they are doing fairly well but if they still vote for a surrender it should be more justified then when someone from the bottom who is just bored initiates it.

Indeed. Top 3 should initiate and accept surrender for it to be able to succeed. But it would still need a majority though. Top3 + totalling 51%.

ORRR to make it more complicated:

Total team score (based on present players as midgame people might leave but teamscore is unaffected) for a vote to pass, 51% of that total score must accept the surrender.

(lets say 20v20, total score of 40.000, majority would be 20.400+ score needed to accept the surrender. Sometimes it needs the top 3, sometimes the top 5 or 2 top5 players and the remaining 10 bottom players, to reach the 51%+)

I'm in favor of this because sometimes I'm in that top3 :P So, it's also a bit beneficial to me personally :P

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