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So this is the only forums I go to for Renegade X....I had to google some images of the screenshots u posted a while back on your facebook page that I thought that looked really cool and Fall season'ish to play in the Fall

http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/18708-new ... creenshot/

1. I noticed you guys posted some of these new map screenshots in the past and was wondering whats the update on these? Map X Mountain (really cool Fall'ish map looking), Complex and a few others. Or is that in the works for a future update

2. Also, is there any future servers that could have custom made maps (that other people made) for us to play??

  • Totem Arts Staff

well xmountain needs some love ... its been put on the back burner for a wile so i can get on with volcano and help out with the other maps .. but xmountain is not a lost cause :P

as for the other maps ... complex i took over some time back and is pritty much near done still needs some love from the other devs that know more then me about the ai and stuff

custom maps ... the only way people can make custom maps is if they join the team (experiance is needed ... it takes along time and knowledge base to make maps in UDK)


This whole "needs to join the team" just to get access to the editor is all that will prevent 99% of the custom maps to be made... I still don't understand why it has to be this way. Don't underestimate people.

  • Totem Arts Staff

the editor is always changing ... the way udk works is that you cant just add stuff like you can in ut3 it needs to be built with the game thus you need the most up to date editor (updated daily) ... in order to gain access to the editor you will need to access our svn so you would need to become apart of the team ... simple as .. its not a way to control custom content or just to be a jerk ... we cant just add stuff to the built game. so having the editor as is just wont work for you ... if you watched my making volcano vids you would of seen how many times buildings broke during the maps life time ... so stuff you make 2 weeks or 2 days ago just wont work when the game gets built and released

understand now ?

and im not underestermating people ... if your have been about since the ut3 mod .. you may realise that i was crap at making maps ...

Xmountain 0.1 ut3 mod http://www.mmobomb.com/file/2014/02/Renegade_X_1.jpg

and now im making maps like ...

Xmountain 2.5 udk http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/18708-new ... creenshot/

and volcano


Basically it is technically impossible to make custom maps work. Even if you had all the Editor and stuff. Custom Maps would need to be added to a build and even Epic told us that the option to add to a build (doing DLC) without rebuilding the whole thing is only possible with a full UE3 license. We dont have a full UE3 license and Epic does not want to give us one for free so there is literally nothing we can do about this. We would love to support custom maps but cause of these technical limitations it just doesent seem possible. We have done a lot of reasearch about this and talked to Epic and the conclusion is that its just not possible. Even if they tell us its impossible we will keep looking in making it possible somehow regardless but the chances for that are slim at this point.


Oh, I see.

I'm sorry then. I've worked (played around) with Unreal Engine before to an extent (the older ones), I didn't expect this sort of limitations here. Unreal was always about being so open. Its sad that a free project can't get this functionality.


Well...X Mountain map came out with beta 3 as a suprise. Nice! Wish they add flying vehicles to that somewhat big/narrow map


I worked on a map then moved on to an other map cuz the first one was just to ambitious for me as a newbie ...

I feel pretty good with that second map i made, but if you are limited to the basic assets of UDK you quick get to a point where it is impossible to finish at least the layout and the optics ... not to mention any scripting or stuff like that

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