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I just downloaded the game and have been playing for about half an hour. The game is so laggy it is barely playable - or at least what appears to be lag. i freeze suddenly and in the top left it says "EVA speed hack detected"

I don't have a speed hack. why is it doing this? :mad:


I'm no programmer and I haven't seen that message before, so I do not know if it applies to you or someone else.

What I came here to say is my hypothesis:

In a past game I've played, it was possible to speedhack due to the fact that the client made the server believe that the clients internet speed was slow(er) than the other players. The game compensated for this by allowing the slow client to speed up, but as the server was tricked, this speed up was added to the normal game speed, thus speedhacking.

The reason for me saying this is, maybe you had lag (and so did others) because someone else 'initiated' the lag for everyone else, for him to be 'faster' than others in that sense and thus speedhacking, resulting in your EVA message.

I think I'm wrong because I'm no programmer and internet speed issues are not resolved this way afaik.


If you are getting a lot of freezes, make sure your hardware is suitable to play Renegade-X, and check if you have the latest graphics drivers installed. If that doesn't help, your system may be overheating (do you play any other games where you get freezes?).

My guess would be that the freezes cause the false positive message. For example, if you are walking at a speed of 1 meter per second, and the game freezes for 5 seconds, then when the game continues, it will cause your character to "jump" 5 meters to catch up for the 5 seconds that it froze (in which your character couldn't move). This jump is then detected and the message appears. You can probably ignore the message; the issue is caused by something else.


I have a liquid cooled computer with the latest and greatest hardware with a solid state drive. I am also in the united states and have 1gb per second upload and download. i can run all the of crysis games maxed out and get 45 frames per second consistently.


I guess that shouldn't be the problem then. How long do the freezes take? How often do you get them? Is the FPS normal in between the freezes? If the freezes take long enough, try to press caps/num lock and see if the light toggles while it is frozen. Also, does the sound continue to play?


the freezes last about 2-3 seconds sometimes longer, its not like the actually screen freezes, it just kind of stutter when i move and wont let me move. bad if trying to avoid enemy fire or drive a vehicle. the actually screen doesn't freeze though. i have tried it on high quality and super low quality and that doesn't seem to have an effect on it. btw, how can i be a mod on this game? is there openings? i used to be a temp mod back in the day for C&C un-rules.


You might want to check your net status.

While the game is running (even in the main menu or playing on a server), press ~ (at the upper-left corner of keyboard usually) to open the Console. Press it again to close it. There, you can type in commands that can run. Such as:


That should show some info on what's going on with the internet communication with the server. You type that again to toggle it off. You can also try STAT FPS, in case it just might be game-specific.

Check for anything like "Dropped Packets" or "Broken Packets", and if your ping fluctuates a lot.

More stats here if you're interested:

http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/ConsoleC ... 20Commands

http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Con ... s_%28UT%29

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