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Why you're not adding this to Greenlight or just straight up messaging VALVe and getting this on steam?

There are some completely Free to Play games ( no currency shit ) on steam, like unturned.

This game would totally get lit on greenlight in a speed of light.


Just saying, this game really could get greenlit anytime it wanted. However, it maybe should wait for the most stable version it can get. Also, maybe get volcano and such into the game first?


Yes, the game needs to stabilize before going for a Steam release, then I hope they can use it to boost this game's popularity. But we'd be just be wasting that if everybody went to this version. This means we need to get rid of crashes, but also the dreadful freeze issue.


If it's going to get put on steam, the devs need to get it together. The games been unstable for 6 months with still no actual date for a fix. I mean hell, we went 3 months without even knowing if it was being worked on.


The only real problem is they're all underground. Its just a work out of passion etc, they don't get paid etc, all fair and fine. Why do they have to hide everything, though? The community is ridiculously small and most people don't even care about the forums in the first place.

The handful of people that care enough to be here don't have to be kept out of the game's development. Heck, most of the time it just feels like the devs do not exist on this forum.

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