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Again? Again? What do you mean by that? Well, the following:

Server: TmX

Map: Goldrush

Pretext: GDI succesfully rushed Nod Obelisk in the first 5 minutes

Complaint: Players abusing the vote option to switch/reset the map

What happened before?

Map: Islands

I just joined Nod, only the HoN allive while GDI only lost their WF. Timer left: 19 minutes.

What happened next? Vote to change maps.

DAMN that "stalemate" was fun while that lasted ... GDI trying with all their might to front-gate rush to ion the HoN (failed twice) with sniper/mobius cover.

What's my problem?

I do not like to change the map as soon as it's no longer equal or remaining the same a long while, hence I "always" vote F2: NO.

The thing is, for a vote to pass, more than 50% of the people need to vote YES for it, for obvious reasons the team ahead will not vote yes, but the handicapped team will most likely avert a loss by voting yes. Now, when people votespam (not only 1 person but multiple people) it's hard to keep up with the votes and "NO" pressing when you are actually focussed on the game and sneaky infiltrators, so occasionally a vote goes by without me knowing what it was for.

I believe more people have this when they are on the winning team and focussed on the game instead of votes. When you are ahead, you want to keep that advantage thus focussing on the sneaky bstards trying to pass/rush you; ignoring the votes.

What will happen?


I agree, votes are a good addition to the game, but it's becoming a burden, atleast on the time-limited games where it's actually not needed to vote to change a map, it will happen given the time.

Is there a way to "turn off" votes serverwise? If yes, is it also possible to disable a few types of votes (e.g. map change/reset) while other types of votes are still possible (like kicks and polls) ?

It's realy getting frustrating when people immediately want to change the map when they lose a building in the first 5 minutes due to a rush, or when they don't like a map, or when they think it's a stalemate.


I agree, or at least give the moderators a mute vote command or something of the sort or get rcon to output there is a vote in progress and have another rcon command to cancel the vote if needed.


You know whats funny - and I'm just throwing this out there - what I've enjoyed the most in FPS were stalemates, complex gametype that can keep changing but often have both teams struggle against each other, trying to find a way through.

That, which can last a while sometimes, is the most fun I have, and yet seems to be universally hated.

Renegade is Renegade precisely because sometimes, things are unchanging, and can become unfair. Its a shame that with so few players we still have so few that appreciate that side of the game.


Beta 3 speculates they will be able to limit players on votes each 60 seconds per player. If player A starts a vote, player A cannot start a vote until 60 seconds after (the end of?) the last vote.

So this is addressed luckily...

Beta 3 speculates they will be able to limit players on votes each 60 seconds per player. If player A starts a vote, player A cannot start a vote until 60 seconds after (the end of?) the last vote.

So this is addressed luckily...

Adressed but not quite as good as I hoped though. Because more often than not, people who voted yes to change the map, will often also initiate a mapchange when it failed, resulting in the same spamvote but distributed amongst the change-voters.

Yes SFJake, this aspect can both be loved and hated, but more often than not I love it! Especially with the Islands example above. GDI trying to finish Nod off and Nod succesfully putting down (just in time though!) the GDI rushers. GDI having ref and bar makes them able to constantly buy expensive stuff like ions and 1k chars while Nod has to defend with the free classes.

"No" should be the default answer if you abstain from voting unless you choose "Yes."

Also, you should need 2/3 of the players in the game to vote one way for it to pass, not 1/2.

I was about to slap you, but actually I want to hug you.

No being a default vote isn't so bad, but you do need to ADD abstain to an option.

"No" should be the default answer if you abstain from voting unless you choose "Yes."

Also, you should need 2/3 of the players in the game to vote one way for it to pass, not 1/2.

Well... there are always some players that don't vote at all. Making passing a vote harder, as you propose, would make this feature rather useless because they would almost always fail.

Beta 3 speculates they will be able to limit players on votes each 60 seconds per player. If player A starts a vote, player A cannot start a vote until 60 seconds after (the end of?) the last vote.

So this is addressed luckily...

I think that one minute is too few. That duration would be enough if votes were blocked globally. If it really has to be the limit per player then the block should last at least two minutes. There might be others that keep calling vote not only one person.

Both techniques can be also implemented but server admins would have to be given the option to choose one of them, if they want.


Oh, here is an idea. How about, if vote spam persists after a 1 minute player cooldown, make it a 1 minute global cooldown per vote type. That way, nobody in a game can vote end map, if a vote end map was purposed at all.

Then, if that doesn't work, increase it to 2 minutes globally. A lot of space between updates, but I think it's best not to overreact.


Best solution yet:

remove the ability to vote or remove the vote option to change/reset the map

Renegade X is Renegade X and maps should be played to the fullest. If people don't like the longer games, then leave or fight harder or come up with good tactics to end the map. Or, if you insist, be AFK (I don't like this but shit) so your team is in a disadvantage, however, this also means you won't be playing while getting online in a game usually is the goal, isn't it?

You want short fights? Play another game! Goodbye


So marathon fans want to gimp the super duper effective voting system.. figures. Like we saw with Anakin, if you turn to the Dark Side by an unusually grumpy stare, theres no stopping until you commit mass murder.

So whats the problem with not liking 50 minutes of perpetual snowballing and buttrape? Not everyones a wierdo you know. :P

  • 5 months later...
Best solution yet:

remove the ability to vote or remove the vote option to change/reset the map

Renegade X is Renegade X and maps should be played to the fullest. If people don't like the longer games, then leave or fight harder or come up with good tactics to end the map. Or, if you insist, be AFK (I don't like this but shit) so your team is in a disadvantage, however, this also means you won't be playing while getting online in a game usually is the goal, isn't it?

You want short fights? Play another game! Goodbye

IF ONLY people of Renegade X play like that.

I hate it when I am focusing on a bigger subject only for a map change.

I love fighting on longer periods, sometimes I do crazy stuff like remote rigging our last tank and give it to the enemy and destroy their last tanks when they park it near them xD.

But map change should be removed when 1 building is down, regarding what server. This way people whom done the damage or are playing for fun can play and cooperate or soloing around and doing their usual stuff.

But I do vote F1: Yes IF our or enemy building/s is destroyed by glitch ion/nuke, and F2: No if all the damage done to our base or enemy base is LEGIT.

People whom USUALLY vote map are those people raging about aimbot or don't know how to play properly and wants map that gives them GODLIKE due to SBH.


Although stalemates can be annoying. I had a match on islands where we both only had rax/hon, we cratecamped until we had an APC, loaded it up with engies and tried to rush hon, still unable to take it, and repeated at least 3 times. The point is that neither of us were making progress, and it was a marathon server so the map had no time limit. Nothing was happening at all, and most of us were getting sick of failed attempt after failed attempt.

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