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Walls: Flying


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some feedback for Walls: Flying map.

Players are able to "climb" the rocks on the sides of the map and shoot/snipe inside the base just passed and over the wall. I don't consider this a bug of a glitch, but it seems to me the way people are climbing that wall, wasn't intended.

Might need a design fix to prevent that.

When I am on the middle top, I find the amount of dust whirling up distracting a lot. It seems to me that the amount of sand being blown up by the wind is larger than the amount of sand actually present (it's not a sand dune but a rocky mountain).

Also, it can obscure the player vision a lot, making it harder to follow a target of even keep tabs on it as the sand can get so dense, it's impossible to see the target, espessially when that target is on a building, making out the head from the rest of the building is quite hard.

Near the walls, on either side of either Nod or GDI, it is possible to fall through a rock and get stuck in a rock, out of vision for every other player. Unable to get out of it other than suiciding. I haven't tried shooting anyone in that position to see if it can be abused that way.



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