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I think most weapons should just have unlimited ammo, the acceptions being C4/grenades. (and possibly snipers)

Its just kind of annoying when you're on a roll but you have to run back to your base because you ran out of ammo. Vehicles don't have this problem.

I mean you can get healed all day long by a repair gun but the only way to get more ammo is to return to base and buy a refill.

They did this in A Path Beyond and it works out just fine.

Or just add a ammo drop system from killed enemies?


Original renegade had this (in multiplayer mode)

It was a server setting for infinite ammo.

I agree though, when I switched from Original to RenX, I had to get used to the reloading @PT too.

All primary weapons had infinite ammo.

All bombs (Remote/Timed C4, Proxy) were limited (grenades were not availible but should be limited too)

The drawback is, currently people get used to the frequent reloading at PTs especially snipers. When you have infinite ammo, you can take up position at a very secret and good covered location thats hard to reach. When you have to reload at a PT often, you'd not do the trouble of taking up such a position. So essentially it's game changing.

Furthermore, on the Field or Mesa maps, when you snipe into the enemy base, you can't do that indefinately now, with the infinite ammo perk, you could, as long as you are undetected or pro sniping.

I'd suggest not an ammo drop system but actually the ability to carry 2 primary weapons. The 2nd primary weapon dropped from the enemy you just killed e.g. In the solo mode you are able to carry and switch (G key) a 2nd main dropped weapon.

2 sniper rifles give you double the ammo. Or perhaps carry a laser chainrifle and a sniper, 1 for CQC other LRC. Gives also the possibility of grunt soldiers to carry snipers, it's no longer "save" to pick off soldiers when they can snipe back.


Things like snipers having to go back to base are a good thing. If anything, I wish vehicles had to run back to base every now and then. Of course regardless, its probably nice to have a few more ways to get ammo. Personally, I'm just for weapon drops, though -> that should be a source of ammo.

Otherwise there was also an item we saw in one of the beta video (in the menu, wasn't implemented), like Ammo Station or some such. Being able to buy something like this to deploy and refill yourself (and others) isn't a terrible idea either.

...Its just kind of annoying when you're on a roll but you have to run back to your base because you ran out of ammo.

I mean you can get healed all day long by a repair gun but the only way to get more ammo is to return to base and buy a refill.

This is the exact reason why there aren't weapons with unlimited ammo. It's to stop people from having that sort of streak. It forces you to return to base and therefore gives the enemy time to counter.

Vehicles have unlimited ammo because they aren't character classes. They are supplementary units that are an addition to your normal character. They also have limits as to how many can be in play at once and their size also dictates how many can actively be effective in an area (depending on the map). There is really nothing to draw from when trying to compare them to characters because they are something completely different entirely.

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