Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Trev-MUN said: Just sayin'. Yes, we know you were "just saying". You said something. There's absolutely no reason to tell us that you said something after you said something, unless you think we're incapable of reading. In which case, we wouldn't know that you said something to say that you said something in the first place, rendering your "just saying" moot. /The more you know
disorder Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 If you want to complain about the boink sound, why not make the engineer play the medic 'waah' chime every time it heals an infantry unit. Also why aren't there medics anyway? Blah another topic
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Probably because there weren't any medics in any C&C game outside of Red Alert/Tiberian Sun that I'm aware of, and RenX is very loosely based on Tiberian Dawn - which had no medics. Engineers somehow fulfill that role in Renegade/X.
TP|himselfXD Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 goztow said: It was confirmed that there will be an option to change the sound in a future release. WHY?! It's a fucking sound people need to get over their first world problems sometimes. Pandering to these fools is going to ruin the game next thing you know infantry could possibly get killed easily like in cod just because it's not like new games.
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Aircraftkiller said: Yes, we know you were "just saying". You said something. There's absolutely no reason to tell us that you said something after you said something, unless you think we're incapable of reading. In which case, we wouldn't know that you said something to say that you said something in the first place, rendering your "just saying" moot. Actually, it's not moot. You see, the idiom "just sayin'" is a method of signifying to other people that a statement made was not intended to offend, annoy, or provoke or further fuel an ongoing quarrel, but instead was merely observations or personal opinions in which one has no interest fighting over in an argument. Usage of this phrase dates back as early as the mid-19th century. /The more you know TP|himselfXD said: goztow said: It was confirmed that there will be an option to change the sound in a future release. WHY?! It's a fucking sound people need to get over their first world problems sometimes. Pandering to these fools is going to ruin the game next thing you know infantry could possibly get killed easily like in cod just because it's not like new games. Slippery slope fallacy, much? We are talking about something from the original Renegade that Westwood didn't even intend to put in, not a crucial element of gameplay.
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 That doesn't make it any less obnoxious to read: ... just-sayin Lots of stupid things are said and done because that's what we've always done. If you're going to make an articulate point, you make yourself sound like an idiot at the end by disregarding the entire reply with "just sayin'". Say what you mean. If you mean to say "I'm just telling you that I said something",then continue saying "just sayin'". If you mean to say that your writing isn't meant to provoke, then say so explicitly. Otherwise, you're hiding behind weasel words - and that's not nice at all.
iran Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 The boink sound is really out of place in the game, IMO. I'm afraid it might drive away newcomers.
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 lol, Iran, your troll posts are legendary.
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Aircraftkiller said: That doesn't make it any less obnoxious to read: ... just-sayinLots of stupid things are said and done because that's what we've always done. If you're going to make an articulate point, you make yourself sound like an idiot at the end by disregarding the entire reply with "just sayin'". Say what you mean. If you mean to say "I'm just telling you that I said something",then continue saying "just sayin'". If you mean to say that your writing isn't meant to provoke, then say so explicitly. Otherwise, you're hiding behind weasel words - and that's not nice at all. Frankly, it wasn't obnoxious at all compared to DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr's post. There's no weasel wording involved in calling attention to the fact that Kil had taken care of someone else who crossed the line and removed all references and responses to his post. But, I wasn't interested in making a huge post about it or to go into detail (again) how the behavior of you vets can prevent Renegade X from really gaining any traction in modern gaming, since if the mods come by to clean house again, it would be moot to put a lot of effort into saying so. Though, I will say that it's interesting that after Kil made the admonishment to not judge the community based on one person, a number of you continued to indulge in the same poor behavior.
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 DH's post was annoying, but in a different way than yours. His is just "I'm being a dick" trolling whereas yours is "I'm using cliched catchphrases without realizing what I'm actually saying when I say them!" I find both posts obnoxious in different ways, not at all equal to one another. Your concern trolling is noted, however.
SFJake Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 lukeman3000 said: SFJake said: And here comes another moronic boink defense topic with the intelligence level of all other stupid internet memes. Are you ok? I'm going to assume (I know, I'm taking quite a liberty here) that you didn't mean to say that I was "defending" the boink sound, because that would mean that I like it. Furthermore, did you even read my post? I'm making the simple point that (in my opinion), it doesn't fit in with the otherwise serious nature of the game. That's all I'm saying. After reading through the replies I get that it's a nostalgia thing and I think it's cool that the devs of RX are doing some fan service in that regard, but as a newcomer it seems silly to me and completely out of place. Oh, and while I'm at it: I never noticed this post. Didn't expect a picture with custom text just for me, made me laugh. You took my post the wrong way, though. I'm on your side. I was just saying that the topics like this pretty much always devolved into "no! boink is awesome! Nobody will have anything else!" kind of topic and everyone shouts non-sense about the boink, and nobody can even want a different sound. It makes me mad. I'm an angry internet person. I need some air.
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 (edited) Aircraftkiller said: DH's post was annoying, but in a different way than yours. His is just "I'm being a dick" trolling whereas yours is "I'm using cliched catchphrases without realizing what I'm actually saying when I say them!" I find both posts obnoxious in different ways, not at all equal to one another.Your concern trolling is noted, however. You're quite mistaken. There is no concern trolling on my part. I'm not attempting to silence disagreement over the boink by pointing out that action has been taken previously. There's a difference between disagreeing that "boink" is misplaced or that it's an essential part of the Renegade experience, and being openly aggressive, hostile, or mocking to anyone who doesn't share your opinion. This goes for both sides of the aisle: lukeman3000's post that SFJake just quoted wasn't very high brow, either. It's quite possible to have this discussion without being a dick about it: just look at the exchange between iovandrake and me. Edited March 17, 2014 by Guest
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Welcome to the Internet, where people are different from you and are not always going to say things in a way that you'd like them to. If you think that people being rude to you here are going to turn away other potential RX players, you've apparently played no other online game in the history of the Internet. I mean, you must've played something else or participated in other forums, right? You obviously know that being a dick is just the the way some people communicate, and the amount of people who lose interest in a game over it are minimal. Boink is probably not going anywhere. It's part of the Renegade experience. From what I've read so far, they're potentially going to allow you to adjust your kill sound - so wait it out and toughen up. You'll live through it, I promise!
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Aircraftkiller said: Welcome to the Internet, where people are different from you and are not always going to say things in a way that you'd like them to. If you think that people being rude to you here are going to turn away other potential RX players, you've apparently played no other online game in the history of the Internet. Well, since you're doing this, I might as well just point out what I had said prior to Kil's cleaning up the topic: As far as I understand, the goals the developers had for Renegade X included showing that titles like Renegade still have a place in modern gaming. They wanted to bring more people into the community by providing an updated remake of the original game. However, if new players try to get involved in this community and find that the vets from the original Renegade are highly insular and hostile, it's going to drive them away. This is a very real concern for developers, and not just something people (such as you) can laugh off as "internet being internet." League of Legends is notorious for having a highly toxic community, and even though Riot Games could have easily brushed off the reputation given LoL's popularity, they took it very seriously. Don't believe me? Watch this video from the GDC: "The Science Behind Shaping Player Behavior in Online Games" Aircraftkiller said: Boink is probably not going anywhere. It's part of the Renegade experience. From what I've read so far, they're potentially going to allow you to adjust your kill sound - so wait it out and toughen up. You'll live through it, I promise! This condescending remark proves that you haven't even been paying attention to the previous posts in this discussion. As I pointed out to iovandrake, I never stated whether or not I liked the boink, only that I supported the idea to give options for the kill confirm sound. In fact, here's the very post where I gave my opinion. It's rather interesting you've chosen to talk down to me in this way, without even knowing how I felt about the boink.
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Quote However, if new players try to get involved in this community and find that the vets from the original Renegade are highly insular and hostile, it's going to drive them away. That's nothing but speculation on your part. There's plenty of hostile forums everywhere you go, and hostile gamers attached to the game those forums are dedicated to. This isn't something new and it's never going to change unless there's Internet censorship in the future. You're always going to have teenagers that abuse people on forums and shout racial slurs in-game, but none of that ever hurt CoD's sales or community participation. So yes, we're fully aware of the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory - but most people just ignore things like that and move on. Hate: We're arguing for argument's sake!
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Aircraftkiller said: Quote However, if new players try to get involved in this community and find that the vets from the original Renegade are highly insular and hostile, it's going to drive them away. That's nothing but speculation on your part. Apparently you didn't read the part of my post where Riot Games, a developer of a popular video game, took toxic behavior seriously enough to invest quite a bit of time and effort to try and correct said behavior. It's not speculation at all. There are people who won't touch certain games because their community is full of toxic players. Developers have every reason to be concerned about this and not take your nonchalant attitude about it. For ones like Riot, that's potential income they're missing out on. For ones like Totem Arts, it undermines their goals of making an older title relevant to contemporary gaming.
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 fetchystick said: XD_ERROR_XD said: My new boink sound: You, sir, have good taste in games. fetchystick said: Also, even as a diehard ren fan of 5 years, would it really hurt to let people change the boink? We all can keep it, but others can turn it off. I'd rather have someone play without the boink than to compltely lose interest in RenX altogether and go back to COD over something like this. Listen to this dude, for funks' sake. What the hell is the problem of being able to choose? Unless there are too many of them, which in this case is not true. I've spent countless hours playing at the Sla.Ro Mutant Co-op server, providing you over 10 boinks to choose from. They were all fun to use, and i found some even better then the boink, but they got annoying after a while. The only boink sound that kept entertaining me and never got annoying over the years still was the 'boink' sound. A couple of others i used was a soldier in the intro mission shouting 'Great shot sir!', a mutant saying 'insignificant creatures' , a loud shout that said 'Yea!', or even the commando from the Tiberian Dawn laughing or saying 'You got it!'. There's nothing wrong with being able to change the boink sound. What went wrong here is people turning a normal subject in classic Renegade drama although no-one here would even mind having an option. Others can't hear you get a boink! It's purely for yourself! Right...?
Aircraftkiller Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Disney takes toxic behavior seriously in Club Penguin, too. If someone writes nasty stuff to my daughter, they get banned automatically. That doesn't make the community better. There's still potential for passive-aggressive behavior even if the aggressiveness isn't overt hostility signified by random racial slurs and swearing. Granted, it's just a kid's game. However, there are people who revel in trying to corrupt little kids and get their parents to keep them from playing. You can stop concern trolling at this point - you don't like being attacked personally. I get that. I don't think anyone does. Short of calling in the Internet gestapo, it's never going to change and you may as well get used to it.
zipdyad Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 aha the boink has always been a nostalgic sound for vets... i love it!
Stitchmist Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Serious question here - was the scout's "Boink!" in TF2 a reference to C&C Renegade? It's all I can think about since RenX was released. Like maybe it's a homage, because he says it when he kills people.
Kil Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 So getting rather petty and derailed in here again. Locked. Boink will remain as the default kill sound for the foreseeable future. We extremely doubt something this trivial (but high in nostalgic value to old players) will scare new players away from the game - I'd be more concerned about the person themself if it did. In the future there may be the possibility of supporting a custom sound (on a per-client basis), but still being beta, it isn't a high priority.
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