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What sort of things do you see essential in an excellent Bot

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I'm talking IRC bot people. BrenBot style. If you want one, what are the essentials to you?

Commands to list players, to list game information, to kick people, etc?

Reports about kills, wins, etc?

Tell me!


!pl (player list per team)

!bi (building info - includes health % of all buildings)

!gi (game info - map, time, player counts per team)

!pi (player info - list a player's kills, deaths, ping, score, and time in-game)

!msg (obviously)


Kill logs with weapon information (player X killed player Y with X gun)

All of the essential moderator commands (!kick, !qkick, !ban, !kban, !gameover NOW, etc. with modlist and mod-level privileges)

!ping player

Those are most of the essentials that BR gave. There are more, of course, but those were the most used afair.

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