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Hi there. :)

If I want to be in the leaderboard, do I only have to be logged in to STEAM ?

Is it really that simple? :D Or do I have to start the game with STEAM somehow?




add the game to the steam library so it can launch it.

"Games" menu then "Add non a steam game to my library", load of icons of stuff u got installed appears, pick renegade-x and your set....

at least thats how i understand it.

a search function for the leaderboard would be handy to see if its worked or not, i also assume it all goes horribly wrong if some1 else uses the same name as you?

a search function for the leaderboard would be handy to see if its worked or not

That would be great. :)

i also assume it all goes horribly wrong if some1 else uses the same name as you?

Well... Maybe the stats stack then. :cool:




You only have to have Steam running while playing the game. The magic happens in the background.

Statistics are saved per Steam account, so there can be multiple people with the same screenname.

You only have to have Steam running while playing the game. The magic happens in the background.

Statistics are saved per Steam account, so there can be multiple people with the same screenname.

ah v tidy, cheers for the info.

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