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It's too easy for GDI to defend. Was playing as GDI and disarmed 20 Nuke Beacons on a Walls Flying game.



It is one of the few very distracting or one hit kills in the game. If it lands, it's a kill. If it bugs inside of a place you cant reach, which some players do intentionally, it's a kill. If tanks come rolling in while you search for one, then it and/or the tanks are a kill.

Good players can in fact diffuse 20 in one game. Bad players can place them inside the pegs by the base of the Ref's Silo, and then nobody can diffuse it. So there is your issue.


Just mine there and it's fine. Proximity mines do way too much damage (and you can't hug the wall to take substantially less damage), making it easy to camp.


I start reading the thread title and see "SBH and nukes..." and I figure it's yet another one of "those" threads.

But than I read "...need to be buffed" and I am like:


To be honest though,I agree that deffending is generally WAAAY to easy in this game,I am all for making the game more agressive and harder on the deffense.

Posted (edited)
Bring grenades instead of C4.

Also bring Tiberium Auto rifle if you can for the splash damage engi harassing.

Both of those are quite ineffective against Remote C4 or a Humm-vee.

Place mines at all the common nuke spots and stairs leading to the roof of the building. Make sure you don't mine the building itself so the SBHs is forced to nuke inside. If they nuke inside the nuke is already disarmed. Do not run around the base trying to find SBHs, instead check the MCTs of all buildings. On marathon servers it would be wise to place a few mines at the entrance of two buildings so there's less buildings to check.

If you actually lose one or two buildings you'll already have a 4000 point pointslead from disarming all the nuke beacons. Your team will start camping and you've already won by then. Especially considering Nod has no decent vehicles and you can use the quick scope PIC tactic.

Edited by Guest

To be honest though,I agree that deffending is generally WAAAY to easy in this game,I am all for making the game more agressive and harder on the deffense.

Uh... I'm not.

Nukes get by (in Walls more than any map) way too easily. Roof nukes shouldn't even be allowed if it were up to me.


Try placing mines on the stairs leading up to the roof. :D

And make sure you have 1-2 Havocs to shoot down aircrafts.


Again some confused sould thinks this is a solo game, try TEAMPLAY, get in 3 sbh set 3 nukes.

It is not supposed to be a one man super game where you are awesome or special.

Imo if you go in 1 man, then you are supposed to fail.


This also goes for GDI defending. When you spawn with your GDI Soldier sprint to the field and check how many Nod players you see. If you don't see many it probably means Nod has a lot of SBHs. You should then buy a Hotwire and defend. Do this in groups and it is hard for nuke beacons to go off.

Bring grenades instead of C4.

Also bring Tiberium Auto rifle if you can for the splash damage engi harassing.

Both of those are quite ineffective against Remote C4 or a Humm-vee.

I don't know what you're talking about but it's certainly not what I'm talking about.

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