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As someone who loved the original Renegade I would like to suggest some stuff, some of them have been discussed already but I prefer to gather all in one thread and have the community's views on them and discuss together.

1)Matchmaking, both classic and ranked, simple but effective button that would make us join the most suitable server/game would make things easier. And ranked games would bring some competition and gather players with similiar skills.

2)Loading Screens, Menu, I think some simple concept arts would do a better job. Especially removing that running Havoc figure would be nice in my opinion.

3)Some Graphical Polish, I am not talking about big things. I think the game's graphics are nice enough but could really use some polishing especially textures. Some of them looks 'ok' while others look well enough.

4)A Proper Client, While it is easy to download and play the game whole system feels a bit amateurish, I think having a RenegadeX patcher (launcher integrated) like mmo games and letting it download itself would be better.

5)Steam, I know it has been discussed but once again I hope that we see the game on Steam, since multiplayer games are always fun with more people. And the there is no better platform than Steam to gather masses and advertise. Only some of C&C fans seem to know about the game, which is sad. We need more popularity. Being on Origin would help as well.

6)Variety, More maps, classes and vehicles is always a good thing. The game have the potential to be more than 'Renegade on 2014 engine'

Last but not least, I know the game in on open beta and we are not playing the final version. And I would like to thank to devs and to community for all their hardwork so far and making this happen.


+1 for matchmaking(especially ranked),but honestly for now I would settle for a semi working server browser and most importantly A SERVER SETTINGS FILTER!

A proper client and steam would be nice too,but I figure there are more important things to focus on right now.

I would love a mod in which there is some sort of mechanic which prevents boring 1 hour long spam fests,that consist of noting more than holding mouse 1 in the general direction of the enemy base/terminal to spam it/repair it.

An example for a mechanic like that would be to make it so that if a vehicle or building takes dmg,you cant repair it for the next 5-10 seconds.

And before the swarm of angry vets comes at me,I am just suggesting this AS A MOD not a change to the core mode we already have,think of it like hardcore/softcore or fastvehicle respawn/normal mode in other games.


Keep in mind this is the first release of a beta, so bugs and a general lack of polish are to be expected! I fully believe that more maps will come in time (although I'm not sure on how many new classes will be added without screwing up the balance). Things will be interesting once mod tools are released for the game!


1)Matchmaking, both classic and ranked, simple but effective button that would make us join the most suitable server/game would make things easier. And ranked games would bring some competition and gather players with similiar skills.

Matchmaking wouldn't work in a game like this because you pick what server you want to play on. All matchmaking would do is throw a random group of people into a match making one of them act as the server. Some of the server that are setup for the game have trouble running some of the matches, are you sure you would want some random person in the match acting as the server?


1)Matchmaking, both classic and ranked, simple but effective button that would make us join the most suitable server/game would make things easier. And ranked games would bring some competition and gather players with similiar skills.

Matchmaking wouldn't work in a game like this because you pick what server you want to play on. All matchmaking would do is throw a random group of people into a match making one of them act as the server. Some of the server that are setup for the game have trouble running some of the matches, are you sure you would want some random person in the match acting as the server?

Lots of games do matchmaking with dedicated servers. Problem with matchmaking in RenX is that there's nothing to match players with. There's no way for the game to determine who is and isn't on the same skill level.


Well that's for the game's autobalance to decide.

Matchmaking could find players who live in a somewhat similar area and then place them into a server that has enough slots. The server itself would handle the autobalance. So one team winning would move players around until a good balance is found.

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