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Played a few rounds and am finding it very har to tell enemies apart from friendlies, find myself constanty shooting friendlies and ignoring enemies. The problem is that the red hash marks that appear around targets are very hard to see much of the time and the health bar and everything is still in green so you think it's a friendly.

Can't say I'll be playing the game much till this is resolved, it's just too frustrating.


Totally the same here, just registered to say something about this actually. I think its due to the difference in colouring of the player names, which show up when you are close by and the green selection marker which shows up when you aim at something. It gets really confusing fast and I often have to stop to examine who I am shooting at, which means I am getting killed before I get a chance to react.

I propose a new system.

1. Keep the colouring (orange/red) of players on the leaderboard. Don't put them on the players in game.

2. Change the selection square to a coloured cross hair, so that pointing at a friendly makes your crosshair green and pointing at an enemy makes it red.

3. Make it so you identify camo pattern and silhouette to start

4. Finally allow selection and identification when you use the SPOT(Q) command.


2. Change the selection square to a coloured cross hair, so that pointing at a friendly makes your crosshair green and pointing at an enemy makes it red.

Keep the green crosshair for teammates, the crosshair needs to stay gray when pointed at enemies until you are in range. Without rangefinding, a lot of people would be completely hopeless.


The most confusing thing to start with for me was how the reticule and player names are completely different colours most of the time, seeing a friendly nod is the worst since they have a green reticule (generally seen as 'FRIEND') and a red name (generally seen as 'FOE'.)

Matching the two colours up would help an awful lot, and give players the opportunity to customise the colours for people that have colour blindness issues.


Tbh, the crosshair already works as suggested. Point it at a friendly and it is green, point it at an enemy and its red. It turns yellow when you're reloading.

However, nametags need to stay. At least in servers with spy crates. The only way to activly distinguish an enemy spy is by the color of their nametag. This is because their character, target market and character name will all be green, to fool you into thinking they are an enemy. Their name plate, however, will be the color of their home team though.

It's also for this reason that nameplate colors cannot be changed. Otherwise you would be unable to distinguish spies out of friendlies.

You just need to remember: Nod's primary color is red - so red names. GDI's primary color is gold - so gold names. The target boxes are the ones you need to look for. A green target box is a friendly (unless a spy) and a red target box is always an enemy.


I think it would be good to remove green completely

at least from names and icons ...

make NOD have an icon and all text in red

make GDI have an icon and all text in yellow

Tbh, the crosshair already works as suggested. Point it at a friendly and it is green, point it at an enemy and its red. It turns yellow when you're reloading.

However, nametags need to stay. At least in servers with spy crates. The only way to activly distinguish an enemy spy is by the color of their nametag. This is because their character, target market and character name will all be green, to fool you into thinking they are an enemy. Their name plate, however, will be the color of their home team though.

It's also for this reason that nameplate colors cannot be changed. Otherwise you would be unable to distinguish spies out of friendlies.

You just need to remember: Nod's primary color is red - so red names. GDI's primary color is gold - so gold names. The target boxes are the ones you need to look for. A green target box is a friendly (unless a spy) and a red target box is always an enemy.

If a nametag reveals a supposedly hidden enemy it makes that feature rather pointless don't you think? The suggestion I'm putting forward mostly removes the confusion from the colour of the nametag which is actually very tonally similar (dark orange vs red at night looks the same on some monitors). The name tag should only show up when you have Spotted an enemy. It really shouldnt be halfway up the char model in the waist but more above the head or preferably combined with the charname like so "Disorder [Havoc]" or "(Havoc) Disorder" whatever.

To stop all confusion, the following should be user customisable.

Full selection squares over model - toggle on/off

Nameplates over model - toggle on/off

Nameplate position

Friendly team colours - pick from list of regular ones, red/green/blue + light and dark variants

Enemy team colours

Also with these above options, it should allow for colour blind people as well.

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