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Hello, members and players :D

So, today I installed Renegade X and jumped right in what left a good overall impression on me.

To be honest, though, I had no idea what to do xD Was running around around here and there - some announcer spamming my headphones all the time - shooting at team mates (because their indicators are red what means hostile in any other game) - frames per second at 20 most of the time - etc etc etc

Uhm, my questions are: Is there any guide for newbies on these forums? Aaand, is this game known to have terrible graphics performance? I have every graphics setting at low but it won't exceed 30fps for some reason.

Also, pardon if this is the wrong section for such a thread ^^ I will explore these forums a bit to get used to it.

thanks a lot



What's your system specs? I have noticed a few people trying to play this game with outdated hardware and laptops. My rig is nothing special but I easily get around 60FPS with everything on high.



My graphics performance has been fine.

What are your computer specifications?

If you're not sure, you can run a free tool like Speccy to find out.

  Noodlesocks said:
What's your system specs? I have noticed a few people trying to play this game with outdated hardware and laptops. My rig is nothing special but I easily get around 60FPS with everything on high.

Only ones that are complaining about it here (including myself) have AMD cards, which are not out-dated, nor are on laptops. Apparently game isn't very AMD friendly.

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