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1)When ORCA spawns from GDI war factory - i must enter into it fast, otherwise it will start to shake as if it is hitting something - when I enter it in that state - the shaking resumes during the flight (which makes it more difficult)

2)Weapon from care - i got some sort of a railgun thingie - when i reverted to my class weapon and then switched back to the one from the crate - animation was without weapons - only hands were placed as if they are holding a gun (can't rememer whether the firing animation worked or it failed too)

3)Performance. My rig is albeit old (9600GT 1Gb VRAM, E8400 Intel Core2Duo and 4Gb or RAM) - but i was hoping I could play at least on medium high, and I have to play on the lowest settings

Either way, excellent work, hope it will pay you up in the future (that you'll get hired and payed good by some game company or similar). Best of luck.


1. Is this on all maps or one in particular?

2. Did the invisible gun still function? Were you able to shoot? Did it re-appear if you cycled through again?


1)Happend on just one map/skirmish (Lakeside)

2)Yup, it did - it functioned, but I can't rememer was I able to see the ray coming from it, or was that invisible too (gun did not reappear after cycling through.

ETA: 3) About performance - i have textures only on ultra, detailes, mesh LOD, effects LOD on very high - everything else is cranked down/turned off

ETA: 3) About performance - i have textures only on ultra, detailes, mesh LOD, effects LOD on very high - everything else is cranked down/turned off

That is a 6 year old graphics card (2008) and you have turned the most performance draining parts onto ultra or high - you're going to have issues. Particularly as you only have 1GB of VRAM, you want to turn textures down a bit from ultra.


Yeah... probably i had my hopes to high (i ran fine some older UT3 games...). BTW devs, ORCA issue didn't reoccure at all in the mean time... However - 'new bug' - pressing e e/entering and exiting purchase terminal switches you to engineer class automatically

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