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Looking around for other mods of Renegade, I noticed one that changed the setting to that of Tiberium Sun (Reborn). I wonder if there might be a similar mod for Renegade X, and perhaps something similar for Red Alert 3. For the latter though, would it be too problematic to make three factions, especially if somehow making them swappable?


Renegade X will be putting out modding tools after its official release (not the beta release on the 26th) and I have little doubt somebody will eventually mod it for Tiberian Sun (like Reborn) and Red Alert (like A Path Beyond). Dont expect it any time soon, though.


Honestly, I hear the devs are in good standing with Blue Hell who I believe works on A Path Beyond the Red Alert themed Renegade.

I am sure down the line, A Path Beyond might be built on Renegade X framework.

If it is, I... I won't know what to say. The devs, they will hear a knock on their door, answer it wondering who I am, and I will break down in tears and give them a hug... "thank you man, thank you so much... I... I am just so happyyyy...."


Honestly, I hear the devs are in good standing with Blue Hell who I believe works on A Path Beyond the Red Alert themed Renegade.

I am sure down the line, A Path Beyond might be built on Renegade X framework.

If it is, I... I won't know what to say. The devs, they will hear a knock on their door, answer it wondering who I am, and I will break down in tears and give them a hug... "thank you man, thank you so much... I... I am just so happyyyy...."


I would send them a Klondike bar.

Honestly, I hear the devs are in good standing with Blue Hell who I believe works on A Path Beyond the Red Alert themed Renegade.

I am sure down the line, A Path Beyond might be built on Renegade X framework.

If it is, I... I won't know what to say. The devs, they will hear a knock on their door, answer it wondering who I am, and I will break down in tears and give them a hug... "thank you man, thank you so much... I... I am just so happyyyy...."


I would send them a Klondike bar.

I wonder if EA would sue them over the monetary value of a hug.

Best not risk it, I guess I can't even give them that lol.

Realistically though, what is the monetary value of a hug if argued in court? Can it have monetary value, and what's the price? Does it depend on the person, so it would be more if it were a celebrity or something?

EA lawsuits can get you wondering a lot of What-If's of legality.

Honestly, I hear the devs are in good standing with Blue Hell who I believe works on A Path Beyond the Red Alert themed Renegade.

I am sure down the line, A Path Beyond might be built on Renegade X framework.

If it is, I... I won't know what to say. The devs, they will hear a knock on their door, answer it wondering who I am, and I will break down in tears and give them a hug... "thank you man, thank you so much... I... I am just so happyyyy...."


I would send them a Klondike bar.

I wonder if EA would sue them over the monetary value of a hug.

Best not risk it, I guess I can't even give them that lol.

Realistically though, what is the monetary value of a hug if argued in court? Can it have monetary value, and what's the price? Does it depend on the person, so it would be more if it were a celebrity or something?

EA lawsuits can get you wondering a lot of What-If's of legality.

There is no doubt in my mind that the terms agreed upon by Totem Arts is extremely specific about what is define as "income". They probably had to sign a 20 page contract listing them all.

Honestly, I hear the devs are in good standing with Blue Hell who I believe works on A Path Beyond the Red Alert themed Renegade.

I am sure down the line, A Path Beyond might be built on Renegade X framework.

If it is, I... I won't know what to say. The devs, they will hear a knock on their door, answer it wondering who I am, and I will break down in tears and give them a hug... "thank you man, thank you so much... I... I am just so happyyyy...."


I would send them a Klondike bar.

I wonder if EA would sue them over the monetary value of a hug.

Best not risk it, I guess I can't even give them that lol.

Realistically though, what is the monetary value of a hug if argued in court? Can it have monetary value, and what's the price? Does it depend on the person, so it would be more if it were a celebrity or something?

EA lawsuits can get you wondering a lot of What-If's of legality.

A psychiatric approach would be taken most likely. They would compare the amount of happiness that one receives from a hug of that caliber and compare it to how happy an individual feels when they receive certain sum of money.

It's always fun to ponder over What-If's!


With how akward the hug is, I should really be paying them for the hug I am giving them, much like how creepy it is to pay someone to allow you to hug them (which is a thing sadly).

So, they would be selling their body charitably, which besides other legal quandaries, is perfectly legal as far as monetization for this game.

This really IS getting creepy lol.


I guess to sorta bring this back on track... In a RA3 mod, would hoping for all three factions to be playable on the same map (two at a time, but random which two) be a bit too much?

Also, how would the Empire's infantry katanas work in an FPS environment? And what would their endgame beacons be with the absence of nukes? I could imagine maybe the Allies's beacon could be some chrono-distortion bomb or something, but what about the others?

I guess to sorta bring this back on track... In a RA3 mod, would hoping for all three factions to be playable on the same map (two at a time, but random which two) be a bit too much?

Also, how would the Empire's infantry katanas work in an FPS environment? And what would their endgame beacons be with the absence of nukes? I could imagine maybe the Allies's beacon could be some chrono-distortion bomb or something, but what about the others?

Same as Super Monday Night Combat, Team Fortress 2, and Fall of Cybertron.

I guess to sorta bring this back on track... In a RA3 mod, would hoping for all three factions to be playable on the same map (two at a time, but random which two) be a bit too much?

Also, how would the Empire's infantry katanas work in an FPS environment? And what would their endgame beacons be with the absence of nukes? I could imagine maybe the Allies's beacon could be some chrono-distortion bomb or something, but what about the others?

Same as Super Monday Night Combat, Team Fortress 2, and Fall of Cybertron.

I assume that's to the question about katanas? If so; while mechanically that is almost obvious, the extremely wide open areas would make it ridiculous to attempt half the time. Unlike most shooters, outside the base buildings Renegade seems to have a lot of open ground, even simply between said buildings.


First of all, RA3 was terrible. So thats out.

Second, any new conversion mods for RenX would be similar to changes made to the original Renegade in conversion mods like Reborn or A Path Beyond (eg not much change to gameplay). I would definitely recommend looking at some of the videos people made for those two mods and compare them to Renegade to see what a RenX conversion mod would be like. Youll notice they are virtually identical with different looking buildings, but essentially the same game.


Was RA3 really that bad? It seems a bit campy, but not awful.

As for Reborn and A Path Beyond, I have seen videos of those two. I even mentioned Reborn in the first post. (Also was why I brought up the katana, the only way to make it practical without something special would be by making the maps much smaller, infantry only size... Or replace the shotgun trooper with it?). I also have just earlier today played on APB (alone, wasn't expecting something standing alone to need help getting to the servers).

Perhaps a question? Aside from Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 1/2, what would you all like to see conversion mods for?

Was RA3 really that bad? It seems a bit campy, but not awful.

As for Reborn and A Path Beyond, I have seen videos of those two. I even mentioned Reborn in the first post. (Also was why I brought up the katana, the only way to make it practical without something special would be by making the maps much smaller, infantry only size... Or replace the shotgun trooper with it?). I also have just earlier today played on APB (alone, wasn't expecting something standing alone to need help getting to the servers).

Perhaps a question? Aside from Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 1/2, what would you all like to see conversion mods for?

You are a jerk to eye-sight. lol

Anywho, yes RA3 was terrible. That may sound like a biased opinion coming from an oldschool C&C fan...because it is. But, I rather doubt that opinion is alone on here.

If I really had my way, Id say a Dune conversion mod. Dune II came even before C&C and Warcraft and its recreation in Dune 2000 and Emperor Battle for Dune (less so in the latter) made me elated. Though thinking about it more, Im not so sure a FPS based entirely on a desert planet would be as...stimulating of a conversion. So I suppose a Warcraft or Starcraft conversion would make me cream just as much. Thatll never happen, though, since Activision-Blizzard would need to be roped in, too.

Was RA3 really that bad? It seems a bit campy, but not awful.

As for Reborn and A Path Beyond, I have seen videos of those two. I even mentioned Reborn in the first post. (Also was why I brought up the katana, the only way to make it practical without something special would be by making the maps much smaller, infantry only size... Or replace the shotgun trooper with it?). I also have just earlier today played on APB (alone, wasn't expecting something standing alone to need help getting to the servers).

Perhaps a question? Aside from Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 1/2, what would you all like to see conversion mods for?

Planetary Annihilation or a Total Annihilation and it's successor's crossover.

Hehe, really that could actually be done more tasteful too. Instead of being a clone of Renegade, one could make it actually incorporate basebuilding and ai-controlled-units following you and you can hop amongst those ai to take control. Make it "macro" for a fps (not too macro), involve unit massing per player and basebuilding. Anyone ever play Dungeon Defenders? (I believe one of these totem arts devs worked on it if I recall vaguely) Well, basebuilding could work in limited capacity.


I always wondered why base building was never incorporated into Renegade.

I mean, sure...there were obvious reasons, but I could always think of ways around them. And having seen games like Natural Selection 2, Nuclear Dawn and Half Life 2 Empires, I genuinely think that should have been the direction for a FPS based on a RTS game to take.

Though I certainly wouldnt want it ending up like the phenomenally terrible RTS mini-game in Space Rangers 2, which kinda tried and failed with that formula.


At this point, any "alternate timelines" as in, doing TS or RA, is not on our plate.

With RenX and with the mod tools, if/when those comes with Renx, then it will/can be up to other modders/community.

In theory, modding RenX to make a RA/TS version should be along the same lines as ease as making Ren into RenAlert or Reborn. Granted, personally and currently, I would see the underground aspect a challenge as with Reborn.

In the end, C&C mode is setup, PTs features are there, base mechanics are there, it would just be a crap ton of model swapping...on the most basic level.

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