greatmole Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 this topic is really for the renegade team but other people may wish to post there views. will we be seeing renegade x on a console as i think it would do better on the console than computer? if not... could you? if yes then when would if be released. if people would like to see renegade x on a console please post this quote " i would like to see renegade x on a console" Quote
LaserOfFury Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 Hahaha... You're a funny guy!!! But to point out your answer. Quote
omega79 Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 If iremember correct Microsoft wants the Dev's to pay money for beeing able to put a game on the Xbox ... Quote
RoundShades Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 I would like the game on a console. The game would feel right at home. I honestly do wish somebody would ask to be able to do that for the game, and do it themselves with the blessings of the devs and do it out of pocket and with no monetization from it (somehow) It probably won't happen. Alas, I might find a way to hack it onto the Ouya or something, because my nephew loves games like this but he is only into controllers and not mouse and keyboard because he is so young. Probably wouldn't run well on Ouya... Still, this game would be the best thing on a console ever, bar none. If consoles really were as convinent as they preach, this would be allowed in some way shape or form, even if done by some single person who volunteered to make it for console. This NOT being allowed would be that one reason I give every console gamer why their system is inferior to PC. Consoles are great, their strict policy is not. We can make bootleg Nintendo Cartridges in this day and age, they should let us do the same with the indie game console marketplace. Quote
Daedhart Posted February 3, 2014 Posted February 3, 2014 Just wait for the Steambox controller. Quote
Ban4life Posted February 5, 2014 Posted February 5, 2014 I know there will not be a console version, but this discussion is itching me. I nearly never play on consoles. The consoles are for only some type of games, like super smash brothers. These would be nearly impossible for the mouse and keyboard, but perfect for controllers. FPS, in any form, is mouse and keyboard material. You don't really have a maximum turn circle and I nearly never lose track of where I'm looking. If I do, I can just as easily regain that track. If I get surprised from a ledge somewhere behind me, I swivel near instantly to return fire. Try that on a console and he might already be gone. I've only played a FPS on a console a few times. All were horrible in comparison to the PC. Halo and Modern Warfare for example. Especially for the last one. We lost track easily when going up or down a slope and aimed too high/low. We both played death-match for the first time, but it happened a few times that we just shot a random under-barrel grenade in the general direction of the other and it flew over 3/4 of the map to land on the others head. For a 1 vs 1 with two newbies this should not happen once, let alone over 5 times! The auto tracking of targets too. You just have to move a little with the target and it will follow it automatically! Granted, if that is off, consoles are suddenly much harder to hit each other, but I don't want any program to grab the controls from me and start winning for me. It just doesn't feel right. But like I said, even without the auto-aim things, it is just horrible to operate. Give me a mouse and a keyboard, and I can easily enter/exit a vehicle, grab the right guns, change squads, teamspeak to the right group/person, crouch, lie down and stand up again, run and walk, lock camera's to turrets or the chassis, change views, type into chat, request data, change keyboard lay-out, change turning speed of the mouse (nice if you share the computer with another person and they change the settings all the time), adjust programs (for taping your matches for example), check objectives and maps, quickly put down markers on that map or adjust the maps and hold down many buttons at once and not lose aiming capabilities. Try one of that on the console within one or two clicks of a button away. The only think I can think of right now that consoles are better in is starting up time (which can easily be trumped by an expensive PC) and flying planes. All aerial vehicles are hard to learn on a keyboard for me but are more natural on a controller. But to pay an extra membership besides my internet to play is too much for that one advantage. I know that I'm older than google and might be biased (even though the pistol for the old nes was so much cooler than any wii mote or other controller today), but the consoles just don't cut it for FPS for me. Mouse and keyboard is how pro's play in my opinion. "Get on the pc you d*mned kids!" Quote
RoundShades Posted February 11, 2014 Posted February 11, 2014 I never minded console FPS to be honest. Here is my arguement about it. With a console, it is a not entirely difficult to use second-tier equipment you use to input, but everyone is limited to that, as well as the console running it. On a pc, you spend 3k if you want to play competitively, otherwise you settle for dying sheerly because of the device and not you. You need a game that can run smooth 60fps, you need a gaming mouse, you need an anti-ghosting hand-shaped micro-key device like a Nostro, and you need a high refresh low latency monitor. I play not-overly-skilled fps on pc, but I would never play latest call of duty and battlefield on it. Those are designed for console, that is literally where they are built and then crummily ported. I would settle for a fun yet crummy port for Renegade to Console. Console players shouldn't be barred from playing fun games just because "they are hated by pc players who take what device runs a game too seriously like a cult or something". Which is another thing that irks me. Why wouldn't any game company capable of doing it release any game to any platform they can? Rockstar limiting GTA5 just pisses fanboys off while stroking other fanboys ego, the console wars destroyed the game industry fifteen years ago and it will happen again, and everyone is still acting like it's cool to downtalk other people's computing devices of choice. It WON'T happen, but I wish consoles would let actual indie developers release actual indie games to consoles, no string attached. Then maybe we would see RenegadeX and such... Quote
cncforever Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 this topic is really for the renegade team but other people may wish to post there views.will we be seeing renegade x on a console as i think it would do better on the console than computer? if not... could you? if yes then when would if be released. if people would like to see renegade x on a console please post this quote " i would like to see renegade x on a console" Why would you want it on a console? What are the benefits? Why do you think it would do better on a console? Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 The question on my mind is, would EA tolerate Renegade X getting ported to a console? Quote
mjolnir Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 I never minded console FPS to be honest. Here is my arguement about it.With a console, it is a not entirely difficult to use second-tier equipment you use to input, but everyone is limited to that, as well as the console running it. On a pc, you spend 3k if you want to play competitively, otherwise you settle for dying sheerly because of the device and not you. You need a game that can run smooth 60fps, you need a gaming mouse, you need an anti-ghosting hand-shaped micro-key device like a Nostro, and you need a high refresh low latency monitor. I play not-overly-skilled fps on pc, but I would never play latest call of duty and battlefield on it. Those are designed for console, that is literally where they are built and then crummily ported. I would settle for a fun yet crummy port for Renegade to Console. Console players shouldn't be barred from playing fun games just because "they are hated by pc players who take what device runs a game too seriously like a cult or something". Which is another thing that irks me. Why wouldn't any game company capable of doing it release any game to any platform they can? Rockstar limiting GTA5 just pisses fanboys off while stroking other fanboys ego, the console wars destroyed the game industry fifteen years ago and it will happen again, and everyone is still acting like it's cool to downtalk other people's computing devices of choice. It WON'T happen, but I wish consoles would let actual indie developers release actual indie games to consoles, no string attached. Then maybe we would see RenegadeX and such... you can buy a xim mouse translator and have an easier time aiming than a controller user Quote
RoundShades Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 The question on my mind is, would EA tolerate Renegade X getting ported to a console? As long as it's free. The question is, which console will let Renegade X be downloadable for free with no strings attached. Since console gamers are even more cheap most the time, this game would be a huge hit and would basically be demanded to come preinstalled on consoles because it is so solid a free to access game. I don't know if that would cut into other game's sales, or if microsoft/sony would care or not. However, generally they don't have any free games at all. Generally. Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 18, 2014 Posted March 18, 2014 If that's the case, I am really surprised at EA's leniency. Given their reputation I would have expected them to bring the hammer down hard on fan remakes/etc. using their IP. Quote
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