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I used to be really excited about C&C Reborn and it was fun when it first came out but I didn't like the toxic rude developers of it and only liked one or two of the maps. The lag was also terrible. I played a lot of Renegade when it came out but it's a pretty simple game. Yeah theres a lot of ways to approach the game and strategies to do but it was overall pretty boring to me. I am going to play this first chance I get simply to see how it feels and looks in person but I have doubts I'll stick around long. I do hope a lot of people play it but I have doubts. I kind of see it on the same level as Tribes Ascend and from what I can tell even though that game went viral theres only a few 100 people on each of their regional servers. Kind of sad. Was this mostly for a resume builder or just love for Renegade? The graphics are amazing I just have doubts that the gameplay is going to be worth sticking around for.


Renegade is a 12 year old game that still regularly has 75-150 people online at any time. The graphics and netcode was and is also very poor, both now and even for its time. The gameplay is what keeps people playing because it is unique, competitive, and downright entertaining. If you missed or overlooked that, I am truly sorry that you failed to see it and I hope that you do recognize it in Renegade X.


As for Reborn ...

the team who finished it was ... well ... not liked those guys :P

they are friendly with a certain person who does not like aircrafts, says all i think

when it started there was a different team, that was kinda nice ...

The second team was nice also ... tested for them :)

For the other part ...

i believe it is worth it ... if it keeps the original Renegade feeling without the bugs and glitches it will be awesome

and i believe so


RenX was worth making as well as Zero-K.

It is the work to bring a great and highly beloved old game that is starting to die in terms of functionality and operationality, into a new era of game engine and graphics and gameplay and mechanics.

Zero-K basically does the same thing. Takes the ancient game everyone loves, brings it to a new engine that functions with the best features and graphics of this era, and keeps the old and new players alike on it and the spark alive.

With that being said, I would give them resume merit on the objective more than the follow-through. They did amazing work on the development, but the concept itself is something that proves their work ethnic better, and with their work ethnic I think EA would pass them up and they would probably not shoot for EA employment anyway but other indie devs as well as more passionate producers would accept them all the better.

Ask for the game, there are perks to depth and metagame and progression, like Planetside 2, and there are flaws as well. If you were to go play Planetside 2 for the first time today, it would be incredibly intimidating, everyone else has everything and you are so limited for at least a month worth of playtime to get any reasonable equipment in-game. This game, you have access to all gameplay features from the first spawn. Easy to get started, no matter when you pick it up, no obligation to stay dedicated, you can play it every other weekend on rotation with another game with your clanmates. That is the reason my clan told me they would participate in this game, because it is absolutely free and requires no "grinding" to truely start playing it so they won't have to put any work into earning things.

BTW, OP thanks for sounding supportive though, it is a honest question and while they will have 300k starting players they may only keep the niche crowd but at least it is probably the most accessible free to play. ALSO, GUY ABOVE, did you say that aircraftkiller worked on reborn? I didn't know that. I kind of watched reborn on and off, unfortunately I didn't stick with it, kind of the same with APB, if I noticed them release anything i'd play but that was on and off and very few builds. Feel bad not being more involved, but it was so wierd all their additions compared to even the most wierd server rules in regular Renegade.


As far as I know the team who did APB, and "he" worked on APB if I remember correct, took over Reborn as the third or fourth team to finish it.

Seems like "he" is not part of the team anymore, according to his forumstatus there.

When I heared that it kinda shocked me :S

but it is long time ago that i was connected to the renegadecommunity close ... memmories can fail ... just how I remember it ...



compareing it to PS2 might be the best possible in this case ...

but to be honest, there is no other FREE game like RenegadeX

I have a feeling that there will be a decent playerbase for quiet a while ...

and didnt fobby say something about getting the game on steam?

(Interesting what EA will say)


and didnt fobby say something about getting the game on steam?

(Interesting what EA will say)

As much as I know, Steam don't accept any games without some kind of a paying model. At least I've never seen or heard about any free game available on Steam. Valve has nothing to profit from that (and I'm sure do not blame them for not sharing their platform for free).


There not much, but there are ...

I know those:

Peggle Extreme

America´s Army 3

Trackmania Nations Forever

I think, IF RenegadeX manages to have a larger playerbase and the Devs can maybe proof some concept of anything new of value (like a new game that actually can be sold) ... it could work

RenegadeX indirectly promote other games by TA

but you are right ... steam is picky and capricious


Play it and if you like it, you like it; if you dont, you dont. Deep down, I dont think I can expect others to appreciate this game as much as I do, since I have the nostalgia factor (as does pretty much everybody else on here). I do expect them to try it, though, and to give it a genuine chance.

Was it worth it? That can be asked of pretty much anything you do. Is it worth it for me to sit on my bum playing video games and watching movies all day?

...hell yeah!


If the developers do decide to attempt to get the game on Steam, it will most likely not be until the actual release of the Gold master version (which is just the technical term for final version of the game). February 26th is the open beta release. Note that this means that minor bugs will very likely still exist, but most to all major bugs should be fixed by this time. Hopefully, there will be an in-game patch system in place by then as well. Based on how the game is developing now, I would personally estimate that the Gold master release will likely be several months after the February 26th release (best personal guess would be 2-4 months - again, purely my own speculation).

I'm sure negotiations could definitely be made for Renegade X to be released on Steam, eventually.


Look at the list of awards these developers have received. Every major gaming publication writes about their updates. Some of us on the forums have been following the game for 7 years. I think it was worth their time.


I guess the best part for us, is getting to play the beta and enjoying map release after map release until the official release, as it makes the game feel more dynamic.

Really, it is lucky for us that the devs thought this could be worth their time. In that way, I really hope it was in fact worth their time in some beneficial way to them.

As for Reborn ...

the team who finished it was ... well ... not liked those guys :P

they are friendly with a certain person who does not like aircrafts, says all i think

when it started there was a different team, that was kinda nice ...

The second team was nice also ... tested for them :)

I don't know what the Reborn team did in the past to drive you away, but the team that handles the updates now over at Bluehell Productions aren't a bad group of guys to be fair. Aircraftkiller left APB around 2005-ish and hasn't been part of the development staff for some years now. He certainly isn't on the Reborn team either.

The community is pretty small, but there's updates still going out every now and again. :)

As for Reborn ...

the team who finished it was ... well ... not liked those guys :P

they are friendly with a certain person who does not like aircrafts, says all i think

when it started there was a different team, that was kinda nice ...

The second team was nice also ... tested for them :)

I don't know what the Reborn team did in the past to drive you away, but the team that handles the updates now over at Bluehell Productions aren't a bad group of guys to be fair. Aircraftkiller left APB around 2005-ish and hasn't been part of the development staff for some years now. He certainly isn't on the Reborn team either.

The community is pretty small, but there's updates still going out every now and again. :)

There's one or two guys on current reborn team who have severe personality disorders and treat the servers and the game itself and community as their own personal toys. Typical Renegade community though. Oh you got in my vehicle? 2 day ban. Oh you insulted me 1000 day ban, etc. This is ignoring their hue hue hue hue spam before going completely nuts. I'm mainly a Tiberian Sun fan but I may like Renegade X more since Reborn lags and a lot of times its gay.

There's one or two guys on current reborn team who have severe personality disorders and treat the servers and the game itself and community as their own personal toys. Typical Renegade community though. Oh you got in my vehicle? 2 day ban. Oh you insulted me 1000 day ban, etc. This is ignoring their hue hue hue hue spam before going completely nuts. I'm mainly a Tiberian Sun fan but I may like Renegade X more since Reborn lags and a lot of times its gay.

I'm not sure who you're referring to, but I don't think that there's anyone on the Reborn team currently that fits that description. Who are you referring to?

The moderating team got shaken up lately, so the people you're talking about may have been removed from power.

Reborn can only get better with constructive criticism and support, since at the end of the day it's better to have one Tiberian Sun FPS, than none at all. ;)


Well for one the Australian guy who owns the server and website ip banned me from accessing either simply because i pissed him off by what i type so i dont really care about that game anymore lol. youd think i would have had to hack the server or something to get that banned but no just by talking he got so pissed he banned me off everything just to show me who was boss.


I would love to see ACK get up in here. Certainly increase the drama and entertainment value...

You have to admit...nobody else has affected C&C FPS more than him...

Posted (edited)
I would love to see ACK get up in here. Certainly increase the drama and entertainment value...

You have to admit...nobody else has affected C&C FPS more than him...


Edited by Guest
Well for one the Australian guy who owns the server and website ip banned me from accessing either simply because i pissed him off by what i type so i dont really care about that game anymore lol. youd think i would have had to hack the server or something to get that banned but no just by talking he got so pissed he banned me off everything just to show me who was boss.

There are other servers for Reborn that are run by other communities y'know.

Well for one the Australian guy who owns the server and website ip banned me from accessing either simply because i pissed him off by what i type so i dont really care about that game anymore lol. youd think i would have had to hack the server or something to get that banned but no just by talking he got so pissed he banned me off everything just to show me who was boss.

There are other servers for Reborn that are run by other communities y'know.

Where do i download and play reborn on other servers? I thought I had to go through his updating server browser program which im ipbanned from as well. I have no access to reborn website or game distributed on their site.

we should stop talking about "him" ;)

this name causes problems even if he is not here in person

I am a fan of his work, not him.

Also, with this great game synergizing, I was hoping maybe Red Alert and Tiberian Sun crossovers would follow into the Unreal Engine.

Well for one the Australian guy who owns the server and website ip banned me from accessing either simply because i pissed him off by what i type so i dont really care about that game anymore lol. youd think i would have had to hack the server or something to get that banned but no just by talking he got so pissed he banned me off everything just to show me who was boss.

There are other servers for Reborn that are run by other communities y'know.

Where do i download and play reborn on other servers? I thought I had to go through his updating server browser program which im ipbanned from as well. I have no access to reborn website or game distributed on their site.

If you PM me your forum nickname, I can look into it for you.


If you PM me your forum nickname, I can look into it for you.

i dont see the pm option. this is my ip:

i doubt he will do it hes a super douche and seemed to enjoy escalating it to that point. every time i told him to unban me form something he banned me from something else.

If you want to see ack's opinion on renegade x, check ren forums.

Youre cruel. Since you said that, I went to check out the RenX thread on ren forums and now Im sad. He seems to be even worse than in the old days. I take back my previous statement, I dont want him here...


He is just a horrible person ...

I had some arguments with him, I always did stay polite and reasonable

then he dissapeared for a while and I was wondering ...

later I heared his girlfriend just passed ... since this is something I wish nobody to experience,

I seriously did condole to him but he acted like a prick in response... simply ignored him from this point on

His work is nice and he sure got talent, but his personality is horrible


If you PM me your forum nickname, I can look into it for you.

i dont see the pm option. this is my ip:

i doubt he will do it hes a super douche and seemed to enjoy escalating it to that point. every time i told him to unban me form something he banned me from something else.

If you look on this post under my name, there should be a large button that says "PM". :)

Well for one the Australian guy who owns the server and website ip banned me from accessing either simply because i pissed him off by what i type so i dont really care about that game anymore lol. youd think i would have had to hack the server or something to get that banned but no just by talking he got so pissed he banned me off everything just to show me who was boss.

Yeah that aussie kid who runs everything is such a LOSER

Where do i download and play reborn on other servers? I thought I had to go through his updating server browser program which im ipbanned from as well. I have no access to reborn website or game distributed on their site.

You can't, holy shit i didn't know that worked. it was experimental.

what did you type to him

i enjoy pissing catalyst off


If you PM me your forum nickname, I can look into it for you.

i dont see the pm option. this is my ip:

i doubt he will do it hes a super douche and seemed to enjoy escalating it to that point. every time i told him to unban me form something he banned me from something else.


As for Reborn ...

the team who finished it was ... well ... not liked those guys :P

they are friendly with a certain person who does not like aircrafts, says all i think

when it started there was a different team, that was kinda nice ...

The second team was nice also ... tested for them :)

I don't know what the Reborn team did in the past to drive you away, but the team that handles the updates now over at Bluehell Productions aren't a bad group of guys to be fair. Aircraftkiller left APB around 2005-ish and hasn't been part of the development staff for some years now. He certainly isn't on the Reborn team either.

The community is pretty small, but there's updates still going out every now and again. :)

There's one or two guys on current reborn team who have severe personality disorders and treat the servers and the game itself and community as their own personal toys. Typical Renegade community though. Oh you got in my vehicle? 2 day ban. Oh you insulted me 1000 day ban, etc. This is ignoring their hue hue hue hue spam before going completely nuts. I'm mainly a Tiberian Sun fan but I may like Renegade X more since Reborn lags and a lot of times its gay.

Yeah the new team is a bunch of losers.
  • Totem Arts Staff

From what I've seen so far, any toxicity is brought about by the past and from other ren communities. I haven't been in one of those but I've heard some of the stories. The team leads at Ren-X have done everything in their power to involve said communities and afaik we're not spewing vitriol in their or any direction. We wish every other C&C related project all the best.

Christopher brings up an interesting point and asks the hard questions.

For the core team who are big fans of C&C (ren) there's no doubt about it that this is something they wanted to do.

There's more projects to build your resume with and maybe better ones out there involving possible payments from which we're completely excluded so I'd say for a big part of the team it was done for a love for the C&C universe.

Whether this game will be played a lot or die out quickly like Tribes, time will tell... but at least we're committed to bring back the renegade experience and supporting it as long as we can.


Whether this game will be played a lot or die out quickly like Tribes, time will tell... but at least we're committed to bring back the renegade experience and supporting it as long as we can.

Tribes died out? There are still a lot of people playing Tribes Ascend, including me. Its a great shooter, just because the game is going it's own way with some fresh gameplay ideas. Maybe thats the reason why I expect so much from renX. It's just different.( and free, tbh :D )


Tribes has hit a dead end. They stopped developing for it last I herd. Only reason to do that is if they see profits dwindling and yeah I went on it a little while ago. Not many people on their servers. It's not empty but its mediocre for a company trying to make large amounts of cash off of it especially considering how viral it went a while back. And as far as I'm concerned it's only half finished. It feels pretty trashy playing it.

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