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I wonder if it is possible and a good idea to add some team upgrades to purchase per game: :D

- level 1 attack upgrade: increase damage of all teamate by 10%

- level 2 attack upgrade: increase damage of all teamate by 20%

- level 3 attack upgrade: increase damage of all teamate by 30%

- level 1 defence upgrade: increase hit point of all teamate by 10%

- level 2 defence upgrade: increase hit point of all teamate by 20%

- level 3 defence upgrade: increase hit point of all teamate by 30%

- level 1 bot upgrade: spwan 2 gunners and 1 tank to push the main path, respwan after dead

- level 2 bot upgrade: spwan 4 gunners and 2 tanks to push the main path, respwan after dead

- level 3 bot upgrade: spwan 6 gunners and 3 tanks to push the main path, respwan after dead


It took forever for things like this to be in Renegade. Btw, I am up for this to eventually be a thing. Maybe one day servers with these would exist. Who knows though, we didn't know Crazy CTF would exist in Renegade until it did. (Big fan of that mode btw)


Meh, stuff like this would just break the balance, regardless of how its implemented.

Now, a sudden death match would be interesting. Everybody is automatically upgraded to a Rav/Syd with instant one hit kills, and buildings are one hit kills if you hit the MCT. Tanks would be worthless in this mode. I can see 10 Ravs rushing the DT with 9 of them dying on the way lol.


Would be interesting to enable/disable sudden death mode after time expiration. Instead of winning by points, once the timer goes up, everyone no longer respawns when they die. Therefore making one team's win inevitable. (would have to have a sudden death timer though since you might end up with a stalemate of 1vs1vsbase defenses)


Whats with all the big numbers? As a person with a statistics background, I can tell you 10% is already a lot. With all the people running around at the same time you will die so much quicker. I know a lot of games nowadays have (temporary) bonuses of sometimes up to 300%, but juggernauts running through Renegade is bad.

On the general idea, I'm against that. I'll not go into detail, but I too think that it would be unbalanced and unfair to joining teams (as I guess this is for subteams within a faction)

On the off-topic sudden death. I love it! You can do so much! I like the idea that the base defences don't work and the no respawn. You could also add other options like double damage to buildings or mct's (making repairs so much harder); no repairs to buildings (all damage is permanent); all buildings have half or a quarter health; All buildings act like mct (damage of tanks is just doubled, as this often does less damage to mct than just hitting the exterior)

Although some ideas and combinations are obviously not good in SD, it would be nice to have it. Maybe the SD can also change each time to a different good combination, to keep things fresh.

With so many options, you could make a time out really interesting. Instead of people just camping for points.



About upgrades. Ever consider them being perks you can buy in terminal? Some things like better damage vs players (possibly heavily balanced so it gives 10% total health damage to sniper shots so it isn't very influencial but 2x damage to standard autorifles so it is more influencial), better damage vs vehicles (same as above, make the "chip" stronger on autorifles while already effective weapons just get a slight tick more), tiberium reheal like Renegade Visceroids, an added plate of vehicle-like infantry armor where bullets only hurt you very little but autorifles peel it off steady while snipers require a few solid shots so like 10-20 vehicle health on top of your standard health.

I would like those upgrades. Could always turn them off too. Could always balance them. Could always attach their purchase to a new structure. Could even attach them to a tech structure. Could attach it to a faction.


I'm all for buying tactical supiority. A tank vs snipers is always a good choice. These supiorities still demand some skill and insight. Passive bonuses do not. They are just applied, making a lot of problems. How do you balance it? A sniper in the hallways with the best internet connection will just buy a machine gun vest, making him nearly invincible. You also give the good more while the bad can not get this until much later, increasing the gap between the two. It would also be an unknown factor. Are you fighting someone with a certain armor or not? Is the guy who just cleared the hallways too powerful with that new ammunition?

I think they should just stick to upgrades like extra weapons. It has a unique feel, is recognizable can be prepared for and cannot stack bonus upon bonus.


damage upgrades wouldn't work imo

Stuff like health upgrades/regen could work

some server probably would use some sort of vet system, that was used for a few servers in renegade.


I don't like "levelups" or anything that isn't very vanilla. Why in competitive is everything kept level? Because its fair.

I want my 1k sniper to be a 1k sniper and I don't want to be able to pick up a personal ion cannon. If I see an engineer I want to know he can't destroy the building on his own (not enough c4), I don't want the building to explode because he picked up the extra damage from a gun or another c4 from an upgrade or some other random element.

This means I could "leave" him in my base whilst I destroy his if I'm a hotwire and he's an eng, when characters become something that they aren't (gunner with repair gun) It starts to get dumb. Moreover if someone has level 10 on a server and joins and get's 2000 credits, just no. please. Or the !donate credit thing no thank you! I don't like when that tank shell thing came into renegade where the vehicle would explode and leave a repairable body - NO!

I can see myself being alone on this but hey I hope that someone will have a dedicated server and leave it totally vanilla because that's where I'll play.


yea, i think the team upgrades should be resided in a new rts-ish game mode. for the balance, I think it is a resolvable issue, cause many rts game have damage and defense upgrade concept, and player with applied upgrades should be displayed with some visual marker. for the stacked bonus problem, I think a team upgrade should be expensive and it will creates a reasonable economic advantage on the other team.

damage upgrades wouldn't work imo

Stuff like health upgrades/regen could work

some server probably would use some sort of vet system, that was used for a few servers in renegade.

They do intend on bringing this back. Possibly. Likely down the line. They said. I believe in an interview with TheGunRunn.

Idk, a small sheet of infantry tankarmor would be noticable when they dont take normal effect to bullets and start sparking when shot. Also a lot of units would break it in a shot or two anyway, lasers and explosive rounds.

Generally, there is a taletale sign to see all of those.

And to add those last two points together, with a veterancy system they could add a rank icon besides names. Then you'd know they are getting passive health regen or whatnot. If passive upgrades added, an icon can be added there as well. And balance is always possible to limit the affect and blow a person's credits on it. For instance, it could allow one at a time and another one simply replaces the first, to prevent stacking.

Anyway, this thread isn't my idea, but it was interesting from a farfetched standpoint.

I don't like "levelups" or anything that isn't very vanilla. Why in competitive is everything kept level? Because its fair.

I want my 1k sniper to be a 1k sniper and I don't want to be able to pick up a personal ion cannon. If I see an engineer I want to know he can't destroy the building on his own (not enough c4), I don't want the building to explode because he picked up the extra damage from a gun or another c4 from an upgrade or some other random element.

This means I could "leave" him in my base whilst I destroy his if I'm a hotwire and he's an eng, when characters become something that they aren't (gunner with repair gun) It starts to get dumb. Moreover if someone has level 10 on a server and joins and get's 2000 credits, just no. please. Or the !donate credit thing no thank you! I don't like when that tank shell thing came into renegade where the vehicle would explode and leave a repairable body - NO!

I can see myself being alone on this but hey I hope that someone will have a dedicated server and leave it totally vanilla because that's where I'll play.

This is basically my opinion, as well. As far as Im concerned, adding something to vanilla should only be done if it really improves the game in a way that isnt too arbitrary. In other words, I want to enjoy my tasty pasta meal without some lone cook thinking it would be a good idea to tape a Snickers bar to it.

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