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Hey what's up everyone! Please watch the following video:


If you have any questions for the developers, post in this thread, or as a YouTube comment.

See you soon!


4 Questions:

Will there be more content added to the game after the beta?

And if so, would you guys be willing to work with the community on a community made content update?

What gamemodes does the dev team have in mind to add on to the game besides CnC mode and possible alternate versions of that mode?

And finally, to what degree will the game be moddable when it comes out?


Will Renegade X be using the 2/3 credits per second ticks, or stick to the 2 credits per second?

How are one of the "Tech buildings" to be captured, and what is the amount of bonus that it will add?

Will there at least be the default 100 credits/refill crate implemented by the beta release?

What is the current price for an air strike, and how much damage will it do to a tank with a direct hit?

Will the Air strike prices be doubled when a power plant is destroyed, or still remain the same?


How will beta testing work after the release of the open beta? Will there still be closed beta's, will those be available to developers only, phase I, II, (III) testers or just to everyone? Or will the latest version be out as a public version?

Posted (edited)
  KwisatzHaderach said:
Will there be boing?!

To prevent lots of questions that are already asked, check viewtopic.php?f=13&t=70520

Boink will be there =D

  You said:
how can we donate

You cant. They have rights to use the licenced material (all vehicles etc.), but are not to profit.

The servers however is a different story, as money is needed to keep them up. Check the servers when the game is released for more information. I dont know much about that (or maybe it can be in the Q&A?)

Edited by Guest
  Ban4life said:
The servers however is a different story, as money is needed to keep them up. Check the servers when the game is released for more information. I dont know much about that (or maybe it can be in the Q&A?)

Server owners are allowed to ask for donations in order to keep their servers up and running. I'll get to this in the Q&A video.

Posted (edited)

In Renegade, every single character is right handed. This effects aiming and shooting quite a bit, especially with free-aim. Will any characters in Renegade X be left handed? I think it'd be cool to have that addition.

Will "X" (180 spin) be in Renegade X?

Edited by Guest
  • 3 weeks later...

On maps that are not flying, for example islands, will the server have an option to enable flying vehicles?

Will there be any new characters, vehicles ect. that wasn't in the original renegade?

Can we create our own gamemodes?


Will Renegade X be in Steam? Considered pitching it as Greenlight? I hate steam and I use it but won't for this, but this game can be put on steam and seriously pull in a metric ton of players.

What engine does it use, UE3 still or a library like Renegade did? Just wondering, either is highly moddable but different tools obv. The game already has content made by others so obviously it has modding.

Does it have any plans for anti-cheat? Anything serverside to hand down important damage values to the client, or anything to check damage values being done to autokick inconsistent numbers? Renegade eventually had a server tool that checked all damage values done and if a player did something that didn't match the numbers in the book then it autokicked.

Will there be classic "clans" from Renegade, and any features for this, or instead a ladder system? Or will that be enforced by players tracking their own games and stats if they want to?

What kind of an account system will we see? It was simple enough to begin with in Renegade... to begin with... as time progressed signing into Renegade became not a given. Will accounts be non-tracking and you just type a name, or will there be a database simply tracking an account and password upon creation, or will the account be linked to a forum account or website account or email?

  BroTranquilty said:
What engine does it use, UE3 still or a library like Renegade did? Just wondering, either is highly moddable but different tools obv. The game already has content made by others so obviously it has modding.

RenX is run on the UDK engine.

  BroTranquilty said:
Does it have any plans for anti-cheat? Anything serverside to hand down important damage values to the client, or anything to check damage values being done to autokick inconsistent numbers? Renegade eventually had a server tool that checked all damage values done and if a player did something that didn't match the numbers in the book then it autokicked.

to put it simple, yes :)

  BroTranquilty said:
What kind of an account system will we see? It was simple enough to begin with in Renegade... to begin with... as time progressed signing into Renegade became not a given. Will accounts be non-tracking and you just type a name, or will there be a database simply tracking an account and password upon creation, or will the account be linked to a forum account or website account or email?

so far, i actually have no idea. that could be a good question. :P

  XD_ERROR_XD said:
  BroTranquilty said:
What engine does it use, UE3 still or a library like Renegade did? Just wondering, either is highly moddable but different tools obv. The game already has content made by others so obviously it has modding.

RenX is run on the UDK engine.

  BroTranquilty said:
Does it have any plans for anti-cheat? Anything serverside to hand down important damage values to the client, or anything to check damage values being done to autokick inconsistent numbers? Renegade eventually had a server tool that checked all damage values done and if a player did something that didn't match the numbers in the book then it autokicked.

to put it simple, yes :)

  BroTranquilty said:
What kind of an account system will we see? It was simple enough to begin with in Renegade... to begin with... as time progressed signing into Renegade became not a given. Will accounts be non-tracking and you just type a name, or will there be a database simply tracking an account and password upon creation, or will the account be linked to a forum account or website account or email?

so far, i actually have no idea. that could be a good question. :P

No Steam answer?

Also, that last one was kind of answered elsewhere I read. They will not be tracking ladder, too intensive on resources to do, from what I read. That leaves how accounts are handled pretty open, but it could be just type in options what in-game name shows up without any ties, or it could be tied to email or something.

No Steam answer?

Your Steam question was answered in this episode.

We would love to have Renegade X available on a distribution platform such as Steam or Origin, and we will definitely take a look at the options after the 26th of February release.

Also, that last one was kind of answered elsewhere I read. They will not be tracking ladder, too intensive on resources to do, from what I read. That leaves how accounts are handled pretty open, but it could be just type in options what in-game name shows up without any ties, or it could be tied to email or something.

Actually we will keep track of player statistics, we will release more information regarding this in the future.


Dang! Thanks!

Hey, if Steam doesn't work out, greenlite or otherwise, let it known why because you wouldn't be the first with some monetary system disagreement with them, and that being the case at least you tried.

And I could have swore I read a recent post with people asking about the "old feature in Renegade where you played a game and got +126 points or -89 after a game" and how players were remembering how they struggled collecting those points so much those early years so long ago. Then someone said it would be labor intensive to keep player statistics. It is detailed enough to hear that "player account will be persistent and track stats", it at least rules out player name being open ended like just an option field, without specifying details yet to be ironed out like interaction with website or email.

Those answers were great and I appreciate every bit of what is shared.

  BroTranquilty said:
No Steam answer?

Also, that last one was kind of answered elsewhere I read. They will not be tracking ladder, too intensive on resources to do, from what I read. That leaves how accounts are handled pretty open, but it could be just type in options what in-game name shows up without any ties, or it could be tied to email or something.

i don't like answering questions i'm not 100% sure about, because i don't want to give away faulty information.

and if i don't know the answer to the question at all... well you've seen how i answered to that =Þ


The first release will only have CnC mode but if the game is blessed with a long live im sure there will be different gametypes created either by the comminity or by the dev team.


I asked this on Youtube, but Ill ask it here, too:

Are there plans to implement a Construction Yard on new maps for auto-repairing damaged buildings or restoring destroyed ones? Also, any plans on implementing mutants spawning from tiberium death?

EDIT: Ok, one more question. Jam, why does clicking on your name take me to peanutbutterlovers.com? Peanut Butter is awesome, Ill admit...just wasnt quite what I was expecting.


How will you organize the first day(s) of Renegade-X? Do we (clans/sites/etc.) already need to buy a server or is there a courtesy server for the first time?

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