NoSoldier Posted October 29, 2013 Posted October 29, 2013 A pretty known Command & Conquer community called "United-Forum" or CnC-Inside just reported that the development of Command & Conquer has been halted and that Victory Games was closed. There will be more information about that later that day. For those who might understand a bit of german or that are fond of the use of things like the Google translator, here is the link: ... ncelt-1463 What do you all say about that? (Please move this to the community forum^^) Quote
R315r4z0r Posted October 29, 2013 Posted October 29, 2013 ... nd-conquer Apparently they got so much negative feedback from the closed alpha that it was decided that things weren't to people's liking. Quote
NoSoldier Posted October 30, 2013 Author Posted October 30, 2013 Well, I've posted it even before Eric did, thus I didn't have this link^^ Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted October 30, 2013 Posted October 30, 2013 somehow, im not suprised at all. even a company as big as EA can't fool the community forever, you know Quote
Goober Trooper Posted October 30, 2013 Posted October 30, 2013 I've never been too involved in C&C news, but when I hear some I'm instantly all the interested. Last I heard there was an alleged Generals 2 in the works. Was this cancelled game Generals 2 or something else entirely? Quote
cirex Posted October 30, 2013 Posted October 30, 2013 I don't think the opinion of the players was the mainreason to shutdown the project. EA-Games hasn't cared about the C&C community ever. So why should they now? They still want to make games for the big public (that's why they made CNC4), these oldschool gamers like us do not sound interesting for them anyway. Lets be honest we have a community that always has been split up, a part of us does like Tiberium, another part does like red alert and another part does enjoy Generals a bit more. Unfortunately they could make the same and getting complaints about being not unique enough, or making something different and get complains about being to much non-CNC. After all these cancelled games they made for CNC, there is still not one great remake of some good titles like Renegade/Red alert/Tib sun/CNC1/Generals in 10 years time. While with this new engine and the Renegade style merged they could have gotten a great success. Also Generals should have worked, just 2/3 of the community did not like Generals and F2P and RTS hasn't been done that awesome since ever. The good news is that Renegade-X could give the cnc community a new home as being the main/most important and supported and updated game of CNC. Community will take CNC back to themself, it are the modders of CNC that made the best stuff anyway. Quote
NoSoldier Posted November 1, 2013 Author Posted November 1, 2013 Just dropping these two here ... eal-story/ ... s-goodbye/ Quote
Gingie Posted November 1, 2013 Posted November 1, 2013 I was in the closed alpha as a tester. The new game was a free to play multiplayer focused economy based online only game. Who thought that would be a good idea I am not certain but they tied to make it work. ... nd-conquer This is the letter posted by the community manager from Victory studios before EA dissolved the studio. Its clear they wanted to continue development of a C&C title but EA has different plans. If I had to guess I would say the people in charge no longer saw a good return on their investment and decided to relocate their resources elsewhere. After all, they don't need new revenue now that Battlefield 4 is out and Titanfall are on their way. Whats next for C&C? No idea if EA still has an interest in the franchise but the guys at Victory did. Quote
[NE]Firestorm Posted November 2, 2013 Posted November 2, 2013 it would be cool if they start working on renegade 2 but i doubt it red alert 4 would sound good too maybe but again i doubt they would continue that storyline Quote
fraggoth Posted November 3, 2013 Posted November 3, 2013 >sigh...< I dunno. This whole thing... the second I heard that EA was even CONSIDERING making Generals 2 F2P, I got very concerned indeed and started bracing myself for the worst. Now that the worst is here, the pain isn't any less despite that precaution. Ultimately, it means I need to start looking elsewhere for solid RTS titles. I mean, sure, there's SC2, but I felt really... apathetic about that one. Starcraft is great and all, but... it ain't no C&C. Hell, the best RTS I've played in recent memory is Sins of a Solar Empire (really really good, but not if you don't like space RTS's). There's others out there, but nothing that captures the raw scale of combat in a proper C&C title. Well, here's to hoping that Petroglyph (the Westwood remnants) get to work on something interesting and new now that that game they were recently working on fell through. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 3, 2013 Posted November 3, 2013 Petroglyph's crew has grown a lot since it was made. I guess they don't even care about westwood's or EA's C&C titles anymore. Or at least, so i've heard. Quote
NodCommander Posted November 4, 2013 Posted November 4, 2013 I cheered when I heard these news the same day it went public. The payment model was rubbish. The name was an insult to Tiberian Dawn. Origin is DRM that should just go and die. Always-on like Sim City 5 was almost certain. No, I am glad all this was thrown out of the window. The community is outdoing EA with negative budgets and teams 50 times smaller than EAs staff. Just look at Renegade X. Quote
Graxion Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Another great title left to the fans to maintain because EA doesn't know what they're doing... *Sigh* Quote
Ban4life Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 Firestorm":3hak2xnc]it would be cool if they start working on renegade 2 but i doubt it I like the community where it is. At Renegade or Renegade-X. Tiberium looked like a downgraded Renegade with higher graphics. It was more like the other fps and did little for that special feel. I'm not such a fan of EA with all the franchise destruction and their nearly sole focus on money. I'm guessing(!) they don't want to invest in something that will last. From a company perspective, it is bad to have a game running a long time. You want them to play it and discard it as soon as the next instalment comes out. If you wait with another instalment because the fans will get weary, you want them to pick up something else in the same genre. That being said, I think they would press a Renegade 2 team to "success". Which means just doing what works right now. BF, Halo and COD are all examples they will take to. This is bad because the marked is too crowded and we simply don't want another one. Firestorm":3hak2xnc]red alert 4 would sound good too maybe but again i doubt they would continue that storyline Or redo Tiberium Twillight with a real story, basebuilding and large fights. Bring the epic scale back! @Atlas Tasume: You said it! A team with patience for a good game is what we need. You see this only with a few titles now. They introduce either a new concept (the last of us, uncharted) or an old concept and renew it, possibly on an epic scale (GTA, although the last instalment was done pretty quickly). Also the focus on PC is a great advantage. Who wants a console for a FPS? I never understood that. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted November 6, 2013 Posted November 6, 2013 I never really liked C&C3's story, because it was to grimmish for my taste. Changing C&C4 wouldn't help on that part. I will never forgive EA for screwing over Maxis, Looking Glass Studios, Westwood, and even Origin... Quote
NodCommander Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 @Atlas Tasume: You said it! A team with patience for a good game is what we need. You see this only with a few titles now. They introduce either a new concept (the last of us, uncharted) or an old concept and renew it, possibly on an epic scale (GTA, although the last instalment was done pretty quickly).Also the focus on PC is a great advantage. Who wants a console for a FPS? I never understood that. What I would say we really could need is a customisable and free to use engine that supports RTS games. Whats managed with Renegade X is awesome, all thanks to the UE3 and its UDK. Something simillar to that but for RTS would really get things going. Sadly at the present time, we are kind of stuck to either using a limited engine such as the one from C&C3, or 'borrow' another game engine and be locked to having to buy said game (Im thinking of Starcraft, which has a powerful map and mod editor, but no mod support outside custom maps) or use something such as OpenRA, which might be awesome for what it is, but it really cant compete with modern 3D RTS games. Quote
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