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Hello there! I'm slightly concerned about something: It has been some 3+ months since the last big update, so is there any chance we're going to hear some big news any time soon? Perhaps some sort of "Summer News"?

It might very likely just be me being impatient though :P

Also, is the main site ever going to get up again?

  • Former Developers

Worry not, the public sphere has been pretty quiet, but that is because most of our updates were pretty traditional in the sense that we make a new model or something of that sorts, and that is the update. We're pretty much done that phase and are knee deep in beta testing and refinement state. So though the public sphere is dead quiet for the moment, internally we are just as productive as ever if not more so then before just because of how much feedback we're able to get on our progress from the phase 2 testers.

We have been meaning to make an update, but we honestly don't really know what it could have at the moment. It is hard to make a news update when most of our work has been focused on performance / network enhancements, and gameplay balancing. We're focusing more on making the game fun and not frustrating in any way. Hopefully when release time comes it will show how much work we are putting into it on a daily basis.

As per the website, we currently do not have anyone who is able to bring it back up or is willing to make a new one. If there is anyone out there willing to help us out with that we would appreciate it very much so.

As per the website, we currently do not have anyone who is able to bring it back up or is willing to make a new one. If there is anyone out there willing to help us out with that we would appreciate it very much so.

I may be able to help. I've never seen the original site so i'd need to know what needs to be done.

  • Former Developers

EvoDube, do you have any thing that you can show that can ensure us that you are indeed able to help out?

As per the website, we currently do not have anyone who is able to bring it back up or is willing to make a new one. If there is anyone out there willing to help us out with that we would appreciate it very much so.

I may be able to help. I've never seen the original site so i'd need to know what needs to be done.

http://web.archive.org/web/201302160058 ... .com/site/

Archive.org runs a bit slow, but that's what the website used to look like in its most recent iteration.


I was a tad bit worried, but I knew you were keeping up the awesome work and love the way you are not rushing it.

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