Jam Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 Hey what's up guys! [align=center] [/align]Welcome to episode number 12 of the Renegade X Community Q&A. This week (right, week ;-)) we're featuring a ton of questions! I think we have around 40 questions in total. So let's get straight to the questions! Will the st0rm-extreme co-op servers make a comeback in Renegade X? Especially the level 11 map was EPIC!!1 I think this totally relies on the people over at St0rm.net, Renegade X will be releasing an editor with the multiplayer standalone, so people have the tools to make custom maps and mods for Renegade X. The developers will not be remaking any single-player maps, but the community is more than welcome to. Will the volt auto-rifle be made more “static”, I mean it’s a VOLT auto-rifle, and I barely see someone using it in multiplayer, so if you hit an enemy, and there is another one just a few steps away from him, will he also receive a bit of damage? The volt-auto rifle will not have splash damage, it will however receive a new secondary fire the team has yet to announce. We have been told there may be a water element to the MP maps and as such will the APC become amphibious like in the original C&C RTS games? APCs will not be able to travel over water, but if the developers include naval in the first multiplayer release, there will be hovercrafts which are able to carry infantry and vehicles across the water. Will Rocket Launchers have the secondary fire that fires three rockets like renegade was going to have? The rocket launcher will be receiving a complete overhaul in the multiplayer version of Renegade X. The primary fire will be a directional rocket, and the secondary fire will lock onto vehicles. Each of the individual rockets will be more powerful than they originally were in Renegade X. In order to compensate for these new changes, players will need to reload in between each rocket, and will carry less ammo. What about grenade launchers? Grenade launchers have a primary explode-on-impact grenade, and a secondary grenade that bounces and rolls and then explodes after a certain amount of time. Are you planning to give flamethrowers a new secondary fire? The developers are still debating on what to do with the flamethrowers. So if you have a good suggestion leave a reply below this post with your ideas. What possibilities will renegade-X offer to spend your money in when the airstrip/war factory and the barracks/HON is destroyed? We know there will be some kind of "call in an airstrike", and the original nuke/ion cannon. But will there also be cheaper investments like buying a package of grenades that you can use? (lets count this as one question ) Players will be able to purchase free units, superweapon beacons and airstrike beacons. If your team has control over an armory – which is a tech building – they will have access to additional weapons and items, even if their Barracks or Hand of Nod is down. More information regarding this will be revealed later. Will we see in the future, some extreme tiberium weather effects, like big storms, of ion storms or things like that? Too soon to talk about. Will the NOD artillery have the same amount of damage as the MRLS, so the prices will keep the same? The artillery and MRLS are already balanced in Renegade X, especially with the rotatable turret on the MRLS. The MRLS does more damage per clip, but takes more time to reload and has slower projectiles. Will the SBH still cost 400, or will it be upgraded to a higher amount, or will they only be able to stealth for a period of time? Stealth Black Hands will remain the same as in C&C Renegade. Will tanks automatically be the color of the environment? or will we have the change to decide this for yourself, or will they only have one kind of skin? The vehicle colours in each specific map will be chosen by the creator of the map. There are different skins for both teams depending on the environment, in addition to the standard GDI and Nod skins. Players will not be able to choose skins theirselves, as we’d probably end up with winter tanks in desert maps. A lot of health is something we saw a lot in the time that renegade was made, will renegade soldiers keep holding this kind of game play? Or will we see some kind of a few hits is dead game play? Renegade X will keep its arcade feel, the developers will be introducing some elements that may make infantry play more realistically – for example the stress metre, weapon recoil and physics abilities – but players will not die as quickly as they do in some other games. The barracks, beds to sleep? Yes or no? The barracks will have beds, but for ambience only. Will we see rare buildings of renegade? And will we see them more often? For example the tiberium silo, and the repair pad? The developers would like to add the repair bay and silo to the multiplayer, as well as capturable tech buildings. If you give the tiberium silo and repair pad a comeback, would they also have some kind of weak points? Like the MCT of bigger buildings? Too soon to talk about. Will we see Urban environment in the future? Yes you will see urban environments, the developers want to make their urban environments much more believable and interactive than they were in the original game. This Urban environment, when it will be made, also allow units to enter buildings? Yes, you will be able to. Will snow have as side effect that tanks will slide a bit forward when they try to stop? Too soon to talk about. Will a crash against a tree with a humvee/buggy be deadly for a driver? The damage done to your vehicles when driving into a wall is very little, but the damage done to aircraft vehicles is much bigger. Will we see a rocket humvee? Don’t count on it. Could tanks crush trees? No, they will not be able to crush trees. How will you make the end of a map? Mountains? Invisible walls? Or damage over time when leaving the field? Or dead in X seconds? That depends on the map, some maps will have bodies of water as barriers, while others will have mountains or buildings for example. How will water function? As a blocker which nobody could enters? As a damage dealer? Or will it be able to swim over? Or will there no water? Players will be able to swim in some of the water in some maps. Swimming at the surface will not damage the player, but staying underwater for long enough will damage and kill you. Will there be multiple difficulties for the Black Dawn? (So the noobs kan play against an easy AI and the hardcore players kan play against harcore AIs? Yes, there will be multiple difficulties available for the player to choose from. How much time will it take to complete Black Dawn? It will take between one and two hours on average to complete the Black Dawn campaign. Quote
Jam Posted January 28, 2012 Author Posted January 28, 2012 For the multiplayer, we already have been told there'll be multiple game modes except the C&C mode. What kind of modes will be there as well? CTF, base-building, those kind of modes? Currently only C&C Mode and C&C Assault are planned. C&C Assault is a mixture of C&C Mode and Unreal Tournament’s Assault Mod. In addition to the traditional base element, an objective will be added to the level. For example, Nod would get the objective to break into a prison camp, in order to gain an advantage over GDI, while GDI must defend that prison camp. As much as I like C&C mode, for the sake of diversity will there be game modes in Renegade X that don't feature bases? Perhaps modes like infantry or vehicle death matches? If this is the case will there be dedicated maps for these game modes? The developers are still not sure wether there will be a deathmatch or capture the flag game mode. I remember hearing how it is planned to have game options to set how each server runs their games. Can you give some examples of some of the options that we will be able to adjust? Server hosts will be able to modify values like vehicles limits, mine limits and toggle certain features on or off. Since there will be the ability to capture some structures, do you have to use the repair guns in order to capture it? That’s true indeed, repair guns will be used to neutralize and capture tech buildings. Are we able to destroy these capturable structures? So you can't use it anymore. No, capturable structures are not able to be destroyed, so they can be captured and re-captured at any point in the game. Will there be any place-able defenses aside from the proximity mines? Small auto-turrets for example? Probably not. Are you guys thinking about in special releases for the game like especial maps on christmas and easter? Too soon to talk about. Are you thinking about balance the power of the weapons there were some overpowered guns in the game E.G. ramjet Yes, ramjets will be less effective against light vehicles, but will still damage them, though. How many weapons can we carry at the same time in the "inventory" (dont know what to call it) You’ll be able to carry a maximum of 2 primary weapons, for example an auto-rifle and sniper, and an unlimited amount of secondary items (C4, mines, and pistols.) Will building destruction be better in Renegade X? For example, will the weapons factory's roof break when it is destroyed? Because in the old Renegade, it sometimes was difficult to see if a building was destroyed. Certain parts of buildings will fall off and be destroyed, but the structure will remain standing in a way, because they provide spawn points, purchase terminals and hiding places. Will the game feature air vehiles like, orca and appache(Nod air vehicle)? Yes, the plan is to release all of the units in the first multiplayer release. You will also see them in Black Dawn, but you will not fly them. Will there be dedicated servers in the multiplayer? Yes, Renegade X will rely on dedicated servers. In multiplayer, can the player play as a commender(like in Nuclear Dawn) but only control the units and harversters? Commanders will not be featured in Renegade X, because it would probably hinder the gameplay more than it would help it. Will there be new classes like, support class and the medic class? There will be at least two new infantry classes in Renegade X, which the developers are unveiling soon, but there will not be a specific medic class. Engineers will be abe to heal infantry though. How long has development taken so far? I seem to have been following this for YEARS! Between 2007 and 2010 the developers have worked on the UT3 version of Renegade X, and released 5 betas in that time. Since then, they’ve been working on the standalone version. When multiplayer comes out, are you expecting all of the current Renegade players to some flocking to the new game? How big of a player base are you expecting? There will definitely be people who will stick with C&C Renegade, because some people prefer better performance in trade of outdated visuals. Next to that, Renegade X will not be the same as C&C Renegade, which may keep people stick with the original game. The developers are expecting a playerbase that is much larger than the UT3 playerbase though, as Renegade X is much more popular and it will be a free to download standalone game. Quote
Demigan Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 I have a question about recoil. Renegade was rather arcadey, the high amount of hits needed to kill one person are a result of that. A ramjet, however, still needs only two shots max to kill someone. A basic soldier had it hard enough vs a ramjet as it was, but if recoil would mean a much wider spread if you keep firing, I think it might become entirely impossible to kill a ramjet from any range but point blank. Same counts for characters like patch, SBH and laser chain gunner. Snipers already were the most used character of the game, with a recoil, I fear it will be so dominant that picking another character would be suicide. As for the flamethrower, here are some idea's for a secondary fire: A much thinner beam is fired, which reaches further then the ordinary beam. This at the cost of the rate of fire, less ammo is used each second. When pulling the secondary trigger, a large glob of un-ignited fuel is lobbed, which can then be set fire to as a weak AOE device, if ignited while still airborn, the glob will deal more damage. If the glob hits the ground first, the fuel will be more spread out but deal less damage. Handy for large groups and to hit people around a corner. Compared to the grenade launcher, who has a similar option to fire around corners, this would be my favourite. upon firing, it will spray un-ignited fuel on the area. The fuel will either ignite after several seconds, or when it is ignited by someone else. Spraying a lot on one spot so you can ignite it when a tank rolls over would be a good tactic if you know a rush is comming. Another idea, you will take some fuel out of the tank and into a small container, which will be placed on the ground, working as an incendary device. Although I would prefer the 'launch a glob method'. Yours sincerely, Demigan. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 i expected a video, but hey, nobody's perfect ^^ try counting how many questions cirex asked and then count what was the total amount of questions asked... Quote
Pyder02 Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 Will there be a Training/Skirmish mode? (or whatever you call a game against bots) Will there be LAN mode? Will Hotwire get a nerf? Because it can kill any bulding in 30 secs, is essential to repair buildings, vehicles and infantry, now is also essential to capture neutral buldings, does a lot of damage with the pistol if your aiming is good and costs only 350... What options will a server admin have? Will it be possible to play some old maps as they used to be or will features like tac-buildings non-optional? Quote
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