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It appears the Unreal 3 editor is installed directly in dedicated server (which I am installing now) and most likely will be in the PC version. No waiting for it.

Let the next phase of moding begin! laugh.gif


I can confirm sources have stated UT3 ed is with the game.

If you guys plan to host. Lemme warn you now. UT 3 is more of a pig than ut2004 server wise. You will want a 5140 Xeon or third gen Opteron to do 2 UT3 Renegades, irc and Ts.


I'll personally confirm it.

I'll also say: Anyone planning on doing any editing with UT3, GET THE COLLECTORS EDITION! You WANT the videos that come with it! I know screen shots of the new editor looks very similar to the editor for ut2004, but DON'T BE FOOLED, it's almost a completely different beast!

Kicks ass though.


I think i'll buy it from Direct2Drive.com. To lazy to run to the store. Before I buy it, is there anything wrong getting it from Direct2Drive.com, do I miss out on any "special" goodies that usually comes with it in a box order from the store?


meh Game don't have it in stock till the 23rd here ohmy.gif ill have to wait, wonder if my ghraphics card can cope with ut3 (geforce nivida 5500 series) :o ops: :o ops:


Bah, I hate having more crap laying around. I rather just have a digital copy. Easy to make backups and everything else. I'm going to research it, if it comes with everything as an original box copy comes with, i'm going to roll with it. I think it's about a 8gb download.


I'm not positive of this, but if that is full unreal 3 editor in dedicated server those who don't have the money and want the editor might be able to just download the dedicated server.

Originally posted by JeepRubi

What about all the art assets? Won't they be missing?

I dunno. For free, you have to do your own research. All it takes is a download.


My copy of the standard edition has been ordered and will hopefully be with me later today or tomorrow. Whoot!



ok I downloaded the dedicated server and installed it. However where is the editor? There is nothing in the start menu and it is installed to c:/program files/Unreal Tournament 3 (Dedicated Server) directory.


hm..£1 an hour sleep.gif who could ever be bothered to watch 10 HOURS!!!! of video, i could probably find out how to use the ediotr myself allot quicker.

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