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  • Totem Arts Staff

Hey guys.

A couple days prior to the Unreal Tournament 3 release next month, the Renegade 2007 team will be hosting our very-first podcast. The podcast will feature in-depth information about the Renegade 2007 mod, and the people behind the project. The podcast requires public involvement, so we need your help!

This is how it will work: the public will post their questions about our project or the team in this thread. We will then pick the best questions and answer them in full depth in the podcast. The thread will then be locked before the podcast is aired, and the team will post what questions we will answer.

More information, such as the date of this podcast and who from the team will be involved, will be announced soon.

So get cracking! Make that list of inquiries and post them right here. We will not be putting up a disappointing show 8)


will the mod be divided in phases?

will you remake the original maps from renegade?

will you let the renegade and APB team use your mod as a platform to launch a second version of theirs?

what is the predicted time of launch of this mod?

what vehicles will be in the game (hover mrl or reckon bike... etc)? what infantry units will be in the game?

are the weapons being adjusted and balanced?

i think thats about it.... i will edit if i remember any more questions.


-When I play Renegade, and drive around in faster vehicles.. I notice that there isn't really any "realistic gravety" You guys going to make it make it better in the mod, or keep it how it was in Ren?

-Can we expect to see any modifications or addons (even small ones) to any remake maps? Like new areas, ect.

-Are there going to be player controlled harvesters? Or only the AI one like in Ren's default maps.

-I know your trying to make this mod as close to Renegade as possible, but what can we see in hopes of any positive changes. I.E Bug fixes, balance between units, unfair team placement (B2B, for example)

...thats all I got for now.


For most people who have never heard of it before:

Why have you made a renegade mod for UT3?

What are the goals of this mod?

Do you see a future in game design/creation?


1# Will this mod be a exact modification of Renegade, Or will new content be added, And some stuff axed?

2# Will you be re-making C&C_Glacier and C&C_Glacier_flying?

3# Will you guys possibly port the Single Player campaign over? Or will this be Multi player only?

Originally posted by Alex

3# Will you guys possibly port the Single Player campaign over? Or will this be Multi player only?

if not, will you let other people use your mod as a base and to remake the single player campaign?

  • Totem Arts Staff

We'll be closing the thread on November 10th, which is in about 13 days. If you haven't posted any questions, or if you would like to ask more, do it before it's too late.


1)Will you recive 999 ammo for all inf only weapons like in APB, or will this mod be more relistic?

2)Will a vechile CTF mode be put in place, similiar to both the standard UT3 mode, and adding in Renegade elements?

3)Will a DM mode be implemented, and if so, how will you guys balance it fairly?


Are you planning for this mod to fit inside the PS3s RAM?

My PC isn't nearly good enough to run UT3 and Epic is allowing any mod that fits in the RAM to be available for download on the PS3.

  • Totem Arts Staff
Originally posted by Jointn00b

Will the obelisk still have all the glitches it had? (like when doing obi walk it misses)

I know this one's for the podcast, but it's kind of obvious: We're not using the W3D engine, so therefore we won't have any W3D engine bugs. Not very logical to ask about Renegade bugs because we're not even using the Renegade engine tongue.gif

This is just a heads up for any other similar questions people may ask, we won't be answering any questions about W3D bugs.


Will, you be releasing updated versions regularly?

Will the initial version work with PS3?

Will the game speed be same as UT, or will it be as fast as C&C Renegade(which means slower)?

Does the idea of initially releasing barebones version of the mod that will have the most basic things and textures, and will initially use most of the textures and assets from UT, that will be replaced with the proper things through regular updates appeal to you?

  • Totem Arts Staff

Most of these questions are great, just a reminder that there is under a week (6 days) until the question period is over, so if you have some last-minute questions, post before it's too late 8)


Was this asked already? Not sure:

Are you going to get the game controls (or defaults anyway) the exact same as they where in Renegade?

And on that note, are you going to include the radio commands CTRL, ALT, and CTLR+ALT 1-0 ?

If yes, you are including them, are you going to remake the radio sounds ("Building Needs Repairs!") or are you going to rip them from Renegade and put them in the mod?

Originally posted by R315r4z0r

Was this asked already? Not sure:

Are you going to get the game controls (or defaults anyway) the exact same as they where in Renegade?

And on that note, are you going to include the radio commands CTRL, ALT, and CTLR+ALT 1-0 ?

If yes, you are including them, are you going to remake the radio sounds ("Building Needs Repairs!") or are you going to rip them from Renegade and put them in the mod?

on that: will you make the radio commands list apear faster? will you be using UTs voip system for communication? considering that UT 2007 will have a converter that converts voice into commands (i remember them saying that you could say commands for the bots), will you use that?

will you incorporate bots?


Will the point system be the same?

Will the scoreboard be like the one in renegade with the ability to switch what is shown?

How about the screens that showed which buildings are still alive for both teams? I think it was K or J key

  • Totem Arts Staff

Today's the last day to post your questions, I will be locking this thread tonight after posting the final list of questions which will be answered in the podcast. Some of the questions will be reworded by the management due to grammatic errors.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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