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He has a channel dedicated to gaming, helping out Indie games by doing first impression/reviews and he happens to be the second most subscribed account in the UK with a total of 500.000 subscribers/followers.

He has done incredible work to help out indie games by doing so and he absolutely advices any Indie game developer to inform him of his/her game, look at this video for example if you don't have a clue about what i'm saying.

I have spoken with Halo2pac on the matter, however i feel like that an video response is rude and is purely nagging, i absolutely advice you to email about your game to him, you can find his email in his video description.


I suggest to use the email written on the descriptions of the *WTF is..* series, if he hasn't replied yet you should try it a few days before the release of black dawn to inform him, he's praying for old classic shooters with health packs and crosshairs etc.

We NEED him when we want people outside the renegade community...

don't get me wrong, but i think we can do it pretty good on our own too.

at the time i registered in november 2011, those days i only saw 5-20 guests on the forums.

and 3 months later i often see almost 30 guests on the forums, which is nearly the double we had before. but since then less then 30 others have decided to register to the forums.

and the maximum amount of people that were ever on the forums on the same time have more then quadrupled becuase of something i don't know about...

and to all those who haven't registered yet and are reading this, PLEASE DO IT, it just is such little effort, and if all of you would just comment to any thread just once in a week, we would get ourselves a much more active fanbase on the forums, and really would support the dev team by showing us our dedication to them, which has already done SUCH A GREAT JOB.

and i hope all of you understand this is not a joke, but really am trying to reach something with this.

signing off,

- xD_ERROR_xD.

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